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how to keep baby healthy this winter

It is very easy to get come in contact with diseases during winter. Specially children get easily affected from winter and become ill. But this year protect your child from winter and beat diseases

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how to keep baby healthy this winter

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  1. How to keep your baby healthy this winter

  2. It is very easy to get come in contact with diseases during winter. Specially children get easily affected from winter and become ill. But this year protect your child from winter and beat diseases. But the question raises how to keep our child healthy this winter. The answer is here

  3. Wash the hands of your child: Washing the hands is the best and the simplest precaution to get rid off from cold and flu, because of washing the hands, germs don not spread in your body and you can get protected from cold and flu. So, you parent will make sure that their kids must wash their hands after and before every meal, after using toilet, after coming from school, after playing etc.

  4. Take your children into the sunlight: Sunlight is very good for health and a direct source of vitamin D to our body which is very important for our immune system. So, take your child into the sunlight during winters which provides them vitamin D and heat up the body of your child which helps your child to get rid off from cold and cough and helps your child to keep healthy during winters.

  5. Proper rest for your child: Make sure that your child takes proper rest during winters so that he/she can be keep healthy during winters because if your kids take proper then they feel better and fresh which helps them to stay protected against cold, fever and flu during winters.

  6. Force them to drink up: Body loose fluids during winters and specially when if you are suffering from cold and diarrhea. Child always try to avoid drink during winters and this will leads to lack of fluid in their body, so try to force them to take plenty of fluids water, juice, soup or milk specially in winter. So that they keep healthy.

  7. Extra care when they feel low: If you see that your child feels low then start giving extra care to them because feeling low is the symptom that your child can become ill. So, start giving them soup regularly, constantly check their temperature, feed them with healthy food etc.

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