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WORKFORCE ONE (WF1) and PERFORMANCE. Dislocated Worker Performance and WF1 Data Entry Related to TAA Participation. What's in this Data Entry & Performance Guide?. How to search for participants eligible for TAA WF1 Rules for DW when working with TAA
WORKFORCE ONE (WF1)andPERFORMANCE Dislocated Worker Performance andWF1 Data Entry Related to TAA Participation
What's in this Data Entry & Performance Guide? • How to search for participants eligible for TAA • WF1 Rules for DW when working with TAA • What activities are in the Measurable Skill Gains Denominator • How to Capture Measurable Skill Gains in WF1 • What activities are in the Credential Attainment Denominator • How to Captured Credentials in WF1 • How are TAA Follow-up Services different from DW Follow-up Services • Exclusionary Exit Reasons • Why participants with “positive” WF1 Exit Reasons might be negative in official performance • Common WF1 Data Entry Errors
SEARCHING WF1 FOR TAA ELIGIBILITY“TAA Worker Search” • Hover over the “Search” tab in the top panel • Click on “TAA Worker”
SEARCHING WF1 FOR TAA ELIGIBILITY“TAA Worker Search” • Enter as much information as you know so results are filtered efficiently • If the participant is not or has not accessed TAA benefits yet, do not enter the WF1 ID **TAA records are not connected to the DW side of WF1 until benefits are accessed** • Click “Run Search”
SEARCHING WF1 FOR TAA ELIGIBILITY“TAA Worker Search” • Clicking on the person’s name will allow you limited access to the TAA side of WF1 • If the status is “Notified” the person has not accessed TAA benefits yet • The TAA petition number is the number assigned to that specific employer’s layoff event and is the easiest way to determine what TAA Law they are under
SEARCHING WF1 FOR TAA ELIGIBILITY“TAA Petition Search” • Hover over the “Manage Program” tab in the top panel • Click on “TAA Petition”
SEARCHING WF1 FOR TAA ELIGIBILITY“TAA Petition Search” • Enter either the company name the person was laid off from or the TAA petition number for the layoff event • Click on “Run Search”
SEARCHING WF1 FOR TAA ELIGIBILITY“TAA Petition Search” • Click on the petition number to see information related to the actual petition • Click on “Worker List” to view the entire list of names already determined eligible for this petition
REPORTING RULES • WF1 RULES FOR THE DISLOCATED WORKER PROGRAM RELATED TO TAA ACTIVITIES: • Occupational Skills Training, OJT, and TAA Apprenticeship • The IEP must be captured in the “Plan” tab within the WF1 case record with a Plan Status of “Active” and a Start Date and a Confirmation Date at least 1 day prior to the training activity’s start date. • ATAA/RTAA • DW eligibility basis is “Separated from Employment” • DW Labor Force Status is “Employed, Rec Term Notice/Military Separation” • DW enrollment date must be 1 day earlier than the first RTAA payment Warrant Date (check cut date)
WF1 ACTIVITY STATUS DEFINITIONS • TRAINING ACTIVITIES NEEDING MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS:These activities are non-credential training that require measurable skill gains captured in WF1 at least once every program year (July 1 – June 30). • NON-CREDENTIALED TRAINING • Customized Training • OJT - Public or Private • Apprenticeship • TAA Apprenticeship • OJT (TAA) • PRE-REQUISITE TRAINING (TAA) • REMEDIAL TRAINING (TAA)
Dislocated Worker Counselorsare the ONLY WF1 UsersWho can captureMEASURABLE SKILL GAINS
Where are MSGs entered in WF1? “Reporting Collection” The ONLY place to capture MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS
Reporting Collection 2. Click here 1. Click here
1. Choose the correct one 2. Enter the attainment date 3. Click OK
(The most recently MSG is listed on the bottom) Don’t forget to click “Save”!
Dislocated Worker Counselorsare the ONLY WF1 UsersWho can captureCREDENTIALS
CREDENTIAL SUMMARY SCREEN The ONLY spot to capture a credential in WF1 • Immediately after opening a credentialed training activity, a “Credential Pending” status is triggered on the case. • Nothing needs to be completed on this screen until the DW Counselor receives a copy of the completed credential. • (Must be received and captured in WF1 within 4 quarters after exiting)
CAPTURING THE CREDENTIAL – Part 1 Click on “Edit” • After a copy of the credential is received, click on “Credential” in the side panel • Once in the “Credential Summary Screen” click on “Edit” and the following will automatically populate in the “Edit Credential” fields • * “Credential Type” is the credential status • * “Estimated Attainment Date” you entered in the activity • * “Associated Activity” the activity is related to
CAPTURING THE CREDENTIAL – Part 2 Click on “Credential Pending” Click on the “Credential Pending” field and select the type of credential your participant completed from the drop-down list
CAPTURING THE CREDENTIAL – Part 3 (1) Enter “Attainment Date” (2) Click on “Save” • Enter the “Actual Attainment Date” by completing one of the two methods below • * Manually enter the 2-digit month/day and the 4-digit year • * Click on the calendar symbol then select the month, day, and year • Click “Save”
THE CREDENTIAL IS CAPTURED! REMINDER The DW Counselor needs to complete this task any time during the participant’s enrollment or within 4 full quarters after the participant’s exit date for all DW and TAA training activities!
FOLLOW-UP SERVICES • TAA LAW FOLLOW-UP SERVICES: Requirements during TAA-funding training: • Course schedules • Training Progress Reports (at least every 60 calendar days) • Grades • Credential • DW LAW FOLLOW-UP SERVICES: Occur after exiting to employment for 12 months by DW Provider Staff • Provide counseling regarding the workplace • Provide or refer to Peer Support Groups • Referral to support services in the community • Provision of performance and program costs on providers of training • Provision of information on opportunities for job advancement
What does Exited with Exclusion Mean? If the participant is exited with any of these exit reasons that participant will not be counted in performance outcomes for DW or TAA
REMINDERS Workforce One is not a Performance tracking system it is a Case Management Tracking System Workforce One is simply the starting point to performance indicators related to employment Every case exited out of Workforce One with a Positive or Negative exit reason will be verified through Wage Detail • If wages are found the case is a positive exit • If wages are not found the case is a negative exit
Why participants with “positive” WF1 exit reasons might not be positive in official performance * A pseudo Social Security Number was used on the case * Wages were not found in wage detail reports * Supplemental wage information was not entered into WF1’s Follow-Up tab * DOL considers the original exit reason and/or the secondary exit reason exclusionary
COMMON WF1 DATA ERRORS The only time a participant exits the program is when they haven’t received a service in 90 days REMINDER DO NOT EXIT A PARTICIPANT WHEN GRANTS EXPIRE UNLESS THEY ARE TRULY NO LONGER A PARTICIPANT Close activities accessing the expired funding stream with the date that grant ended. • Open new activities and select the new funding stream within them. The activity start date is the date the new funding source began funding that activity. • (TAA staff do not need to be alerted when DW grants end)
COMMON WF1 DATA ERRORS (Continued) If a participant exits to Employment and their employer is required to submit wage detail DO NOT ENTER SUPPLEMENTAL WAGE INFORMATION INTO THE PARTICIPANTS FOLLOW-UP DETAIL • If supplemental wage information IS found it will be added to the wages found in wage detail • This will artificially inflate wage information reported to DOL
COMMON WF1 DATA ERRORS (Continued) If a participant was scheduled to begin training but before any training costs were applied the participant decided not to attend training DO NOT SIMPLY CLOSE THE TRAINING ACTIVITY, DELETE IT! • If there is a training activity on record, reports will look for a captured credential • If there is not a credential captured, it will result in a a negative in the Credential Attainment Rate
LAST REMINDER • If the DW Counselor does not capture • Measurable Skill Gains and/or • Credential information • within the allowed timeframe • IT WILL HAVE A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON THE • MEASURABLE SKILL GAINS AND CREDENTIAL MEASURES • FOR BOTH PROGRAMS
Performance Questions? Amy Carlson DW/WIOA AD/TAA Performance and Data Coordinator amy.carlson@state.mn.us