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Joint IEEE-SA and ITU Workshop on Ethernet. Welcome. Stephen J. Trowbridge, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 15. ITU Structure and organization. ITU-T Membership. Member States Governments and regulatory bodies Sector Members Private sector and regional/international organizations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Joint IEEE-SA and ITU Workshop on Ethernet Welcome Stephen J. Trowbridge, Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 15

  2. ITU Structure and organization

  3. ITU-T Membership Member StatesGovernments and regulatory bodies Sector MembersPrivate sector and regional/international organizations AssociatesPrivate sector (focus on one study group) AcademiaUniversities and research establishments

  4. Major ITU-T Groups World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA) Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) SG2 - Operational aspects SG12 - Performance, QoS and QoE SG3 - Economic and policy issues SG13 - Future networks including cloud computing, mobile and next-generation networks SG5 - Environment and climate change SG16 - Multimedia SG9 - Broadband cable and TV SG11 - Protocols and test specifications SG17 - Security SG15 - Networks, Technologies and Infrastructures forTransport, Access and Home

  5. ITU-T Study Group 15 Networks, Technologies and Infrastructures forTransport, Access and Home Optical transport network, access network, home network, and power utility network infrastructures, systems, equipment, optical fibres and cables, and their related installation, maintenance, management, test, instrumentation and measurement techniques, and control plane technologies to enable the evolution toward intelligent transport networks, including the support of Smart Grid applications.

  6. ITU-T Study Group 15Networks, Technologies and Infrastructure for Transport, Access and Home Working Party 1/15 - Transport aspects of access, home and smart grid networks Q1/15 - Coordination of access and Home Network Transport standards Q2/15 - Optical systems for fibre access networks Q4/15 - Broadband access over metallic conductors Q15/15 - Communications for Smart Grid Q18/15 - Broadband in-premises networking Working Party 2/15 - Optical technologies and physical infrastructures Q5/15 - Characteristics and test methods of optical fibres and cables Q6/15 - Characteristics of optical systems for terrestrial transport networks Q7/15 - Characteristics of optical components and subsystems Q8/15 - Characteristics of optical fibre submarine cable systems Q16/15 - Outside plant and related indoor installation Q17/15 - Maintenance and operation of optical fibre cable networks Working Party 3/15 - Transport network characteristics  Q3/15 - General characteristics of transport networks Q9/15 - Transport network protection/restoration Q10/15 - Interfaces, Interworking, OAM and Equipment specifications for Packet based Transport Networks Q11/15 - Signal structures, interfaces, equipment functions, and interworking for transport networks Q12/15 - Transport network architectures Q13/15 - Network synchronization and time distribution performance Q14/15 - Management and control of transport systems and equipment

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