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What is Green IT?

What is Green IT?. Part 3. Autumn/Winter 2011. 03. Introduction – What is Green IT?. Definitions.

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What is Green IT?

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  1. What is Green IT? Part 3 Autumn/Winter 2011

  2. 03 Introduction – What is Green IT? BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  3. Definitions • By Information and Communications Technology (ICT) we mean, the Equipment, systems, services, technologies and methods (voice, data, visual, digital) used for communicating, processing, managing, using, storing and destroying information. • By Green ICT we mean, the tools, techniques and approaches that reduce the material impact of ICT on the environment across its lifecycle, ranging from the resources and materials used in the manufacture/development of ICT, the conditions under which ICT is manufactured or developed, the delivery of ICT to customers and users, the energy consumed in using ICT, and, the disposal of ICT at the end of its life •  Ref: HMG GDU (Green Delivery Unit) •  However, ICT not only has the capacity to reduce its own energy use and carbon emissions but also across the entire supply chain in virtually all other commercial, public and educational activities. BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  4. Introduction – What is Green IT? Virtualisation Thin Clients PC Energy Monitoring Low Energy PC’s Printing Carbon Counting Cloud Services SaaS PaaS IaaS Data Centre Infrastructure Management IT Governance Answer: All of the above! BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  5. What is Green IT? • The Four Themes • Manufacturing • IT in use • IT Disposal • Governance & Process BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  6. Green IT Governance & Process Definition: IT Governance is a subset discipline of Corporate Governance focused on information technology (IT) systems and their performance and risk management Green IT Governance is the embedding of Green principles throughout the IT Governance framework. (Green IT Policy) Should align with AND support C.S.R Example http://www.opengreenitpolicy.org/ http://www.fivee.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Green-IT-Policy-0910.pdf BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  7. Green IT Governance & Process http://www.opengreenitpolicy.org/ 7 Elements: Framework Office Environment Data Centre & Infrastructure Procurement & Lifecycle Processes & Governance Metrics & Reporting IT as Enabler BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  8. Manufacturing ICT is interesting. For PC’s 240kgs on fossil fuels 21lbs of chemicals 1500 Litres of Water 1000 Different materials FOR ONE PC. In 2009, 367.8 million PC’s were manufactured. And that in 2008, the number of PC’s on the planet exceeded... 1 billion units. Totals • Fossil Fuel 240 Billion Kgs • Chemicals 22 Billion Kgs • Water 1500 Billion Litres BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  9. Manufacturing ICT is interesting. For Servers (x3) 27,282,000 in use 2009 • Fossil Fuels 625.5 x 27,282,000 = 17,064,891,000 Kgs • Chemicals 64.53 x 27,282,000 = 1,760,507,460 Kgs • Water 3,150 x 27,282,000 = 85,938,300,000 Kgs/Litres Total Fossil Fuels used in Computing to date = 241,323,304,572.50Kgs or 24.1 Billion Tonnes (estimated) Total amount of fossil fuels to produce the 1Billion Desktops and 27 Million Servers to date would run Drax for... 2400 Years. BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  10. Manufacturing ICT is... Energy Intensive Resource Hungry (rare earths, and conflict materials) Hard to dispose of. All in all, seriously bad for the environment. Mining Resources & fossil fuels Toxic Disposal in 3rd World, e Waste Mountains Energy Consumption N Carolina Data Centre Belt (Coal Fired) Yahoo, Facebook, Google BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  11. Manufacturing ICT is... Not directly our responsibility... Yes, it is. Procurement & Standards will make manufacturers THINK! And is already doing so... BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  12. Manufacturing - Epeat Based on IEEE 1680.1 standards (in revision) Bronze – Meets Standard Silver – Meets Standard + at least 50% of optional criteria Gold – Meets Standard + at least 75% of optional criteria Standard Includes: • Reduction/elimination of environmentally sensitive materials • Material selection • Design for end of life • Product longevity/life extension • Energy conservation • End-of-life management • Corporate performance • Packaging Further information can be found at www.epeat.net ENERGY STAR BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  13. Manufacturing – Energy Star - Desktops Computers - An ENERGY STAR qualified computer delivers substantial savings over a conventional computer. Desktop, integrated desktop, and notebook (laptop) computers, workstations, small-scale servers, and thin clients are all eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR, and those that do are now more efficient than ever. Ref:http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=computers.pr_crit_computers http://www.energystar.gov/ia/partners/product_specs/program_reqs/Computers_Program_Requirements.pdf This is Version 5.2, Version 6 is in development BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  14. Manufacturing – Energy Star - Monitors Displays -ENERGY STAR qualified displays include computer monitors, digital picture frames and professional signagewhich meet stringent energy efficiency requirements in On, Sleep, and Off Modes. http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=find_a_product.ShowProductGroup&pgw_code=MO http://www.energystar.gov/ia/partners/product_specs/program_reqs/Displays_Program_Requirements.pdf This is Version 5.1, Version 6 is in development BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  15. Manufacturing – Energy Star - Servers Servers - Computer servers that earn the ENERGY STAR will, on average, be 30 percent more energy efficient than standard servers. If all servers sold in the United States meet this new specification, energy cost savings would approach $800 million per year and prevent greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to those from over one million vehicles. Ref: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=ent_servers.enterprise_servers http://www.energystar.gov/ia/partners/product_specs/program_reqs/Computer_Servers_Program_Requirements.pdf This is Version 1.2, Version 2 is in Development BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  16. Manufacturing – Energy Star - Printers Printers - ENERGY STAR qualified imaging equipment includes copiers and fax machines; digital duplicators; printers, scanners and all-in-one devices; and, mailing machines. Models that meet the most recent ENERGY STAR requirements are 40% more energy efficient, and feature efficient designs that help equipment run cooler and last longer. Ref: http://www.energystar.gov/ia/partners/product_specs/program_reqs/Imaging_Equipment_Program_Requirements.pdf http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=find_a_product.ShowProductGroup&pgw_code=IEQ This is Version 1.2 BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  17. In use – Office Environment First, create IT Energy baseline, 37 PC Power management products available Review yearly (minimum) recommend quarterly. Good products will allow variable policies to be applied. When circumstances permit, procure EPEAT Gold /Energy Star products. Consider Thin Clients and Low Energy Computers. Do not over specify user equipment! BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  18. In use – Data Centre(s) First, create IT Energy baseline, 37 PC Power management products available Review yearly (minimum) recommend quarterly. Good products will allow variable policies to be applied. Beware, not all products are suitable for Servers. Data Centre Infrastructure Management (DCIM) Dashboards, Utilisation, Energy Consumption, Cooling, Resilience When circumstances permit, procure EPEAT Gold /Energy Star products. Consider Virtualisation & Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). Do not over specify Server equipment! BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  19. In use – Data Centre(s) Think about it? Consider your peers and the industry. Design 5 x 9’s ? 24/7/365 Availability? DR? Data Management/Policy? Refer to Green Grid Maturity Model EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency) (BCS) Certified Energy Efficient Datacentre Award (CEEDA) BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  20. In use – Data Centre(s) Weblinks: Green Grid Maturity Model http://www.thegreengrid.org/en/Global/Content/white-papers/DataCenterMaturityModel EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres (Energy Efficiency) (BCS) http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/energyefficiency/html/standby_initiative_data_centers.htm Certified Energy Efficient Datacentre Award (CEEDA) http://www.ceeda-award.org/ BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  21. Data Centre Energy Efficiency (Tips) BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  22. Data Centre Energy Efficiency (Tips) BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  23. Data Centre Energy Efficiency (Tips) Cooling Chillers/Humidity Control/CRAC’s – Account for 45% of Power Use (33%/3%/9%) Hot Aisle/Cold Aisle Air Flow Management (CFD) Blanking Plates (Install to all open spaces) Plenum Access Tiles (In the right place?) Temperature? Humidity? BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  24. Data Centre Energy Efficiency (Tips) IT Equipment (30% of Power use) Servers (Power Capping/Energy Management Features) Networking (Port Management) Storage (Hot/Warm/Cold/Frozen) OZZO (Green IT Consortium Amsterdam) Virtualisation PDU’s/UPS (23% of Power use) Upgrade to newer UPS’s when prudent to do so (retrofit) Most energy efficient (in new builds) Managed PDU’s DCIM is a must in New Builds, consider retrofit! BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  25. Data Centre Energy Efficiency Tips Consider the Future: Cloud Definition “Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network (typically the Internet).” Ref: Wikipedia, Accessed 23rd August 2011 Cloud Services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS) Software as a Service – Google Docs/Hotmail/Salesforce etc Platform as a Service - Hosted Email/CRM/ERP/SAP etc Infrastructure as a Service – Outsourcing/Managed Services Device Independence BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  26. One Problem with the Cloud Cloud Definition “Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network (typically the Internet).” Ref: Wikipedia, Accessed 23rd August 2011 Someone, somewhere has to design, procure, maintain and dispose of IT equipment. In order to meet conventional computer thinking: Provide services that are 24/7/365 99.999% Uptime Which means: Resilient Power/Network/Storage/Cooling at 2 x, perhaps 4 times actual needs. IT is NOT and can NEVER be a UTILITY, its NOT regulated (Ofgem/Ofwat) and assets are not fixed like electricity/water/gas and transport and are not long term fixed cost. BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  27. Data Centre Energy Efficiency (Tips) The Cloud. BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  28. Data Centre Energy Efficiency (Tips) The Cloud. BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  29. Data Centre Energy Efficiency (Tips) The Cloud. BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  30. Data Centre Energy Efficiency (Tips) The Cloud. BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  31. Data Centre Energy Efficiency (Tips) Is the Cloud Green? Maybe! Its open season for Cloud SP’s to promote Green claims! And on the face of it, it may be true, but..... No independent verification of Pre & Post Cloud energy consumption. Lots of assumptions are being made. BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  32. Disposal (Not much!) Sweat Assets Go beyond warranty 3-7 years Consider low priority uses (monitoring/internet access etc) Convert Fat to Thin (go on a diet!) If you must dispose of kit then.. Donate to charity (be careful, use approved schemes) Use Recyclers (Again use approved schemes) BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  33. Conclusion – What is Green IT? Green IT Governance Change in Manufacturing? New Procurement Standards/Better R&D/Recycling Manufacturing Green IT by default? In use – User Devices Right Kit for the Job?/Thin Clients/Low Energy PC’s/PC Power Management In use – Data Centres Energy Efficiency Measures/DCIM/EU CoC/CEEDA/GGMM Disposal Reuse/Recycle BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  34. The Elephant! & Q&A’s Session BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

  35. Q&A’s point to consider! Some Q’s already raised: “Why all the fuss?” (Parts 1 & 2) “What is the Energy Gap?” (Clue: The Elephants!) “Isn’t all IT Green?” “Does it Cost? “Is the Cloud evitable?” “What does the future hold for IT support?” “Where are the elephants?” “What are the BCS doing?” “Where can I get some guidance on Green IT?” Plus whatever you come up with! BCS GreenIT & Data Centres SG 2011/12 J Booth

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