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Making every day count: Strategies to improve student attendance

Discover effective strategies and case studies to boost student attendance, create a positive school culture, and provide intervention support. Learn how to make every day count in the classroom and ignite students' imaginations. Explore common terminology, reasonable excuses, and intervention tactics. Implement supportive leadership and consistent strategies to enhance school attendance. Tailor these methods to your school community and foster a welcoming environment where every student is encouraged to attend. For more details, visit our website.

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Making every day count: Strategies to improve student attendance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Making every day count:Strategies to improve student attendance

  2. A model to making every day count

  3. Develop common terminology What is a ‘reasonable excuse’ to be absent from school? What will happen when a student has an ‘unexplained absence’?

  4. Develop a comprehensive approach Develop a positive school culture Communicate high expectations Record and follow up on student absences Monitor non-attendance Provide intervention and support

  5. Make every day in the classroom count Strive to make each classroom a place where students want to be. Make classrooms places where students’ imaginations are ignited and their thirst for knowledge is satisfied.

  6. Putting it into practice - case studies UQ case studies provide information about strategies which can improve attendance. Some strategies are very school and context specific. To be effective, strategies require supportive leadership teams, staff commitment and consistent implementation.

  7. ‘You walk in the gate and everyone is smiling, saying, ‘Good morning’. They take the time and say, ‘You can stay if you want. You can spend time this afternoon.’ (Parent) In a school community facing multiple issues, there’s a need to help some children to ‘re-set’. ‘Tomorrow is a fresh day.’ (Principal) ‘There's a big park in the centre of the community. At 8 o'clock she starts there; she blows the whistle; kids come running. As she's walking along the street, she blows the whistle and the kids come out and join the walking bus to school.’ (HEART) ‘I sit on assembly and hear the Vice Principal and Principal just reiterating to the kids ‘every day counts.’ I have seen it as a really positive message; that they are telling the children how important coming to school is.’ (Parent) ‘Just come to school’ … if you don't have shoes, that's fine; we can help you with that. Or you wear whatever you need to wear and that's fine. Like, who cares what you look like; just come to school and we can help you.’ (Community representative) ‘I have had the support of teachers when all my kids went to school. The teachers supported my children and supported me. With that support, my kids all went through Grade 12.’ (Indigenous Community Representative) “At the end of each day I say, ‘This is what we are going to be celebrating tomorrow; this is what we are going to be learning about; and this is how we are going to be doing it. So don’t miss it!” (Teacher)

  8. Tailor the following slides to your school context.

  9. Attendance at our school

  10. What can we improve on?

  11. What next?

  12. For more information Every Day Counts website http://education.qld.gov.au/everydaycounts/

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