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In this meeting, goals include resolving issues, establishing a mission statement, membership/voting, engagement, and proposing a TAG. It will cover TAG definition, structure, voting, and coordination with ExCom.
IEEE 802 Wireless Coexistence Study GroupThursday Meeting Jim Lansford Chair, IEEE 802 Coexistence Study Group Jim.Lansford@mobilian.com (405) 377-6170 Tim Blaney Secretary/Editor Timb@mobilian.com (530) 478-5606 Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
Goals for this week • Resolve outstanding issues • Mission statement • Membership/voting • Engagement • Ratification of results • Does the SG propose a TAG or something else • Rules review • Determine if rules change will be needed • Present to ExCom on Friday • Meetings scheduled for this week: • Tuesday 8-10AM (Columbia) • Thursday 6:30-9:30PM (Salon A) • Extension of SG will be needed to resolve outstanding issues • Plan: Close on a proposal and ask for TAG formation at Nov plenary Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
Agenda for Thursday PM Meeting • TAG Definition • Statement of Purpose • Functional Charter • Impact to Existing Efforts • TAG Output • TAG Structure • Membership & Voting • Coordination with ExCom • Next steps Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
What is a TAG? • Rules: Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
Statement of Purpose • Goal is to have a group that can review and make coexistence recommendations to ExCom on current or proposed PARs within the established wireless WGs of the IEEE802 standards body • Similar in concept to the FCC OET, which makes recommendations to the commissioners about policy • The functional charter of this new group is to address the wireless coexistence issues across all wireless WGs Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
Functional Charter Discussion • This group is responsible for reviewing all unlicensed band proposed PARs • The group generates a “guidance” report to ExCom relative to coexistence with published wireless standards and those in the development process • This “guidance” report shall be used by ExCom as a technical expert opinion for evaluating the proposed PAR • This group is responsible for generating a final review report of the Draft Standard prior to Sponsor Ballot • This report will be presented to the sponsoring WG and ExCom and a copy will be sent to the Chair of all other wireless WGs within IEEE802 Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
Impact to Existing Efforts • The activities of 802.15.2 remain unchanged. They can continue working on their specific tasks at hand. • The 802.11 5GSG remains unchanged. They can continue working on their specific tasks at hand. • The 802.16.2 Coexistence activity for Licensed bands remains unchanged. Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
TAG Output • The output of the TAG is a written set of guidelines that should be adopted by the appropriate WG for inclusion in its relevant TG handling the coexistence issues. • In the case of coexistence issues between 802.11 and 802.15, the guidelines could be a recommendation for 802.15.2 to write a recommended practice based on the TAGs findings • In the case of coexistence issues within 802.16, the guidelines would be similar to 802.15.2 • For all other cases, where there is no active TG to undertake the writing of the recommended practice, the guidelines would recommend to ExCom that the appropriate WG create a TG to address the work as outlined in the TAG’s guidelines Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
802 COEX TAG Structure Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
802 COEX TAG Procedures • Membership & Voting • Attendance at the 802 COEX Tag meetings is open to registered member of 802.11, 802.15 or 802.16 • Voting at the 802 COEX Tag meetings is limited to voting members of 802.11, 802.15 or 802.16 • Attendance at 802 COEX TAG meetings will count towards attendance at the individual’s primary WG • Ratification of guidelines • A guideline requires a 75% approval vote by the members of the 802 COEX TAG as outlined above • The guideline is then presented to ExCom and the appropriate wireless WG(s) Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
Regulatory & Coexistence Complementary Charters • Regulatory TAG • Harmonize the IEEE 802 activities with the worldwide regulatory bodies • Coexistence TAG • Harmonize the IEEE 802 activities with the internal wireless WGs relative to unlicensed bands Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation
Next Steps • Need to determine if a rule change is required for establishing voting rights • The TAG would like attendance at its meeting to count towards attendance in the individual’s primary WG • Coordinate activity with the Regulatory TAG to create a consistent message with ExCom • The Regulatory TAG is an outwardly focused activity targeted at influencing decisions of the worldwide regulatory agencies relative to IEEE 802 desired directions • The Coexistence TAG is an inwardly focused activity targeted at coordinating coexistence issues within and between the various wireless WGs in IEEE 802 Jim Lansford, Tim Blaney, Mobilian Corporation