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Revision and Study Skills

Revision and Study Skills. The conversation………. Why should you revise? Where should you revise? When should you revise? How should you revise? How often should you revise?. What the students say:. Keep your nose out ‘coz it’s so annoying Stop nagging

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Revision and Study Skills

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Revision and Study Skills

  2. The conversation……… • Why should you revise? • Where should you revise? • When should you revise? • How should you revise? • How often should you revise?

  3. What the students say: • Keep your nose out ‘coz it’s so annoying • Stop nagging • Leave us alone – if s/he left me alone I might actually do some revision • Keep the house quiet and siblings under control • Don’t force us to make a revision timetable • Money/biscuits to revise please!

  4. The most effective revision time • The concentration span in minutes of a person is their age, plus or minus one. This means that the concentration span of a 16 year old is 15 to 17 minutes – bitesize chunks • Take a break, “All work and no play…” • Begin revising as early as possible, the more they do the easier it becomes. Optimum is 6-8 weeks

  5. What you can do to help... • Plan around your child e.g. family activities • Cut back on some extra-curricular activities • If financially possible, suspend part-time jobs GET THE BALANCE RIGHT!

  6. What you can do to help... • Treats e.g. food, TV at lunch • Motivation – goals and ambitions • Short term/long term treats • Rewards for revision and not results • Be involved!!!

  7. Revision Techniques and Tricks

  8. Study Plan Either on paper orelectronicallyMake this achievable

  9. What is GCSEPod? TABLET LAPTOP PHONE Our philosophy: Use the resources students already have (and love!) to help them achieve their potential.

  10. What is GCSEPod? • One website, an Apple and Android app, over 4,500 audio-visual “Pods” (videos) • Content produced specifically for any device (desktop or mobile) and covers 21 GCSE subjects • Squeezes exactly the right knowledge your students need into short, easily watched chunks • GCSEPod is proven to raise attainment

  11. Personalised Learning Checklist

  12. Flash cards

  13. Mind Maps

  14. Graphical organisers

  15. Flow chart

  16. Venn Diagram

  17. Comparison Alley

  18. Comparison Junction

  19. Double-Bubble Map

  20. Circle Map

  21. Multi-Flow Map

  22. Revision notes • Memory joggers • Brief • Diagrams and text • Colour • Visual tools

  23. Post-its • Vocabulary, key equations, quotes, formulae • Can be stuck around the house

  24. Mnemonics • Putting something memorable in your head. • Information to be recalled • Short, memorable and fun! • E.g. OIL RIG – Oxidation is loss, reduction is gain

  25. 50 Nifty US Songs (States) Pvt Tim Hall (Amino Acids) MVEMJSUNP (Planets) Recall/Interpretation/Application/Analysis, Synthesis/Evaluation (Bloom) 30 days…(Days in the month) Quizzes (Answers on reverse) (BAT that is limp!) Receive? Chief? Achieve? (ib4e) SongNameExpressionModelOde/RhymeNote CardsImageSpelling

  26. MP3/podcasts/video • For those who learn best by listening. • Revision can be taken out and about. • Podcasts are already available for some subjects. • Audio/video recordings can be easily made on smart phones/MP3 players which can be personalised.

  27. On Exam Day

  28. On the exam days • The night before, make sure they have put everything they need in their school bag : like extra BLACK pens, pencils, transparent pencil-case, calculator and maths equipment. • If they have a mobile phone, remind them that anyone with any electronic device on or off found during an examination will be considered to have cheated • Make sure the alarm is set so they’re not rushing and have time to eat breakfast. • Say: “Don’t panic, don’t worry - just do your best.” Tell them to say it to themselves during an exam. • Arrive at least 10 mins early • Illness and late arrival

  29. Exams • Why do people fail exams? • Not taking responsibility for their own learning • Failure to read instructions • Failure to read questions properly • “Analyse the style and tone of the discussion and what can be inferred about the relationship between these two people” • Lack of preparation • Inappropriate preparation • Question choice • Not being familiar with the format of the paper/style of the questions • Not following the marking scheme • Hard work!

  30. Why do people fail exams? • Not managing time/running out of time • Getting stuck on one question • Lack of planning • Waffle • Poor academic style • Wrong/lack of equipment • Last minute preparation • Panic • Lack of effort - physical and mental • SOMETIMES JUST BAD LUCK!

  31. Any questions?

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