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Nuclear physics studies in CEA DAM DIF (Formerly known as CEA Bruyères-le-châtel) E. Bauge CEA DAM DIF. Nuclear physics in CEA DAM DIF in numbers. Theoretical and experimental expertise interacting in one place. Two missions :
Nuclear physics studies in CEA DAM DIF(Formerly known as CEA Bruyères-le-châtel)E. BaugeCEA DAM DIF
Nuclear physics in CEA DAM DIF in numbers Theoretical and experimental expertise interacting in one place • Two missions : • Support the DAM Simulation program for all nuclear physics problems. • Be at the forefront of low energy nuclear physics. Four big exp. projects: SPIRAL-2 radioactive beam facility in GANIL (2015) NFS neutron source at SPIRAL-2 (2012) SOFIA at GSI (2012), FELISe at FAIR (2017+) Laser Mega Joule (2014) • Five broad interacting research themes being developed: • Fission • Nuclear many-body theory • Nuclear isomers and nuclear physics with lasers & plasmas • Nuclear data • Experimental installations 44 physicists & technicians (+ graduate students, post-docs, visitors, …) 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals in 2010 Formal collaborationagreements with: CEA-DSM, CEA-DEN, NNSA, IRMM Geel. Active participation in several FP 5, 6, 7 EU programs (ANDES, ERINDA FP7) Web site: http://www-phynu.cea.fr
Interacting reseach programs at CEA DAM DIF Many- body Theory Isomers Plasmas Nuclear Data Fission Exp. Installations Experiment
Theoretical Nuclear Structure 226Th scission configuration Ab initio calculations based on the highly successful Gognyeffective interactions, coupled with mean-field and beyond the mean-field treatment of the many body problem Methods: Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (Quasi-particle) Random Phase Approximation Multi-particle multi-hole configuration mixing Generator Coordinate Method Time-dependent dynamical approaches QRPA 238U 3- Fields of Application: Nuclear structure properties: - spectroscopy of exotic nuclei - systematic calculations Microscopic fission studies Structure ingredients for reaction models Calculated ground state deformations
Nuclear reaction theory & evaluation Vast array of nuclear reaction models for: - direct-interaction (optical models, CDCC ) - pre-equilibrium, - compound nucleus decay, - fission & prompt neutron spectra, - high energy intra-nuclear cascade, - covariances, used to integrate theoretical and experimental knowledge into validated evaluated nuclear data. Increasing role of microscopic models (previous slide) One code platform : TALYS (http://www.talys.eu) in collaboration with NRG Petten Evaluated 232Th(n,f) cross sections Fields of application: Evaluated nuclear data for the DAM Simulation Program Evaluated nuclear data for the European JEFF file Theoretical support for experimentalists (surrogate methods,…) 89Y(n,2n) covariance matrix
Experimental nuclear data Detectors: Very high efficiency CARMEN neutron counter Multi-layers fission chambers 3He neutron counter Lead Slowing Down Spectrometer (in LANL) SOFIA (2012)-> FELISE (2017+) (GSI Darmstadt) n(238U,f)n CARMEN neutron counter Prompt fission neutron mean energy as a function of incident neutron energy measured at LANSCE. Fields of application: Fission measurements (cross sections, a ratio, neutron spectra, fragment yields) (n,xn) & pre-equilibrium experimental studies Experimental support for the DAM simulation program
Nuclear isomers andNuclear physics with lasers & plasmas Predicted lifetime of 201Hgm as a function of T g- factor measurement of 61Fem Fields of application : Experimental spectroscopy of excited states in exotic nuclei & fission fragments Mechanisms for populating/depopulating isomers Atomic/nuclear physics coupling in plasmas Nuclear physics with lasers
On-site facility : 4 MV Van de Graaff accelerator 1H, 2H,3He, 4He & heavy ions beams Continuous intensity ~ 300 mA Pulsed operation for TOF measurements 10 ns resolution (1ns with compression) Neutron production targets (D, T, 7Li) +ELSA electron Linac (photofission) + Project of revival of the old 7 MeV TANDEM in CEA DIF Fields of application : Cross sections measurements (n,p,d,t,3He,a,…) Detector development and testing before deployment in off-site facilities Characterization of thin deposits with microprobe
Off site installations LANSCE WNR SPIRAL2, Phase 1 : NFS (2012) Laser Mega Joule (2014) SOFIA Exp. at GSI SuperFRS (2012) then FELISE (2017+) GANIL, SPIRAL2 (2014) with CHYMENE + CERN +RIKEN +Orsay Tandem +CACAO,…
QRPA 238U 3- On site facilities:TERA-100, GENCI and PRACE Supercomputers • TERA-100 : N6 in Nov 2010 TOP 500 HPC list • 130000 cores, 1.05 Peta flops • Reserved for DAM • GENCI/CCRT : • To be upgraded to TERA-100 level • Open for proposals from the French community • PRACE/Curie (European) : • To be 1.5 x TERA-100 • Open for proposals (first call 01/2011) • Ready before end of 2011 Make very ambitious theoretical calculations possible
Questions ? Many- body Theory Isomers Plasmas Nuclear Data Fission Exp. Installations Experiment