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Achieve breakthrough classroom engagement. When you arrive please write your answers on the charts in the room. Katrina Kennedy. 20 Questions, Minus A Few. What is your name? What job do your perform? As a learner, what do you need from training? How often do you facilitate training?
Achieve breakthrough classroom engagement When you arrive please write your answers on the charts in the room. Katrina Kennedy
20 Questions, Minus A Few • What is your name? • What job do your perform? • As a learner, what do you need from training? • How often do you facilitate training? • Are you an Explorer, Vacationer, or Prisoner? • My favorite thing about work is… • My least favorite thing about work is… • My most important objective for this class is… • My biggest challenge at work is… • Write a question for the class to answer
Are You Ready To Learn? Autonomy Readiness Experience Action • A • R • E • A
How Do Adults Learn? • The average adult can “listen with understanding” for approximately _________ minutes. • The average adult can “listen retention” for approximately _________ minutes. 90 20
5 9 • Research suggests that ______ to _______ chunks of information can be accommodated at a time by our short term memory. (Harold D. Stolovitch, Telling Ain'tTraining)
During a lesson, the pace should be changed every _________ minutes. • During a lesson, students should be involved with the lesson content every _________ minutes. 8 8
If a student is exposed to an idea one time, at the end of 30 days that student will retain less than _________ percent. • Inserting a _________ into the learning sequence increases the likelihood of retention. 10 quiz
“Frame” Games Activities with a structure that can be used for different topics. They act as game shells.
Envelope Exercise • Write a small symbol for their team on the back of each 3x5 card. • Your team has 3 minutes to write your answer on the index card, placing it in the envelope when time is called. • At the end of 3 minutes, your envelope will rotate to the next table…and repeat the above step!
Scoring The Envelopes! • Score the responses in the envelopes distributing 100 points between the cards. • Write the score on each index card. • Pick someone in your group to read the winning card. • Return each index card to their original table group. • Groups add up their total points. • PRIZES!
How do you waste time at work? As a team, brainstorm the TOP 5 ways YOU (or people you know) waste time at work.
Top 5 Ways We Waste Time @Work • Talking with coworkers • Web surfing • Texting • Social media • Personal calls From Salary.com
What are the best ways to transfer learning from the training room to the workplace?
Transfer Learning To The Workplace • Write your short and specific answer on a 3x5 card. • Walk around the room exchanging cards with others without looking at the responses. • Find a partner. • Compare responses on the cards. • Distribute 7 points between the two cards to reflect the value of the responses. • Repeat steps 3-5. Thirty-fiveThiagi.com
“Learner centered.Performance based.” Harold Stolovitch