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BREAKTHROUGH THINKING. Brand competition Design Competition Price Competition Concept Competition Technology Competition Innovation Competition. The Do–Nothing Approach. Conservative Thinking in family business Change is considered risky, not required God' Will. The Chance Approach.

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  2. Brand competition • Design Competition • Price Competition • Concept Competition • Technology Competition • Innovation Competition

  3. The Do–Nothing Approach • Conservative Thinking in family business • Change is considered risky, not required • God' Will

  4. The Chance Approach • Finding without seeking • Research & Development? • Ideas are copycat

  5. The Affective Approach • Involves emotions, feelings, intuitions and hunches – the characteristics of human nature

  6. Reductionism • Solve the small problems, and supposedly the larger problem is also solved • The approach is characterized by the extensive compilation and analysis of information and the division of the problem into smaller units

  7. The Cult of the Expert • The cult of the expert leads to limited perspective on problems, functional fixedness, defensiveness on the part of those to whom an expert’s solutions are addressed, and a host of other difficulties

  8. The Uniqueness Principle • No two problems are alike. Each problem is unique • Difference of situation could be of time, place, people involved, related surroundings conditions, and purpose of solution

  9. The Purposes Principle • Purposes challenge the assumptions and thinking restrictions to problems • The purpose principle brings guideline to expanded thinking, which open doors to many possible solutions

  10. Solution After Next Principle • The solution after next principle helps you develop alternative solutions that take into consideration future needs

  11. Betterment Timeline Principle • Prepare a schedule for change and improvement of a solution when you are implementing it

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