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Psychology Unit 2 The Brain

Psychology Unit 2 The Brain. Chapter 3 Nervous System The Brain Heredity. The Nervous System. Nerve cells communicate and send messages throughout body 100 BILLION Neurotransmitters – chemicals Acetylcholine – Muscle contractions/control Endorphins – pain control and pleasure

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Psychology Unit 2 The Brain

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  1. Psychology Unit 2 The Brain Chapter 3 Nervous System The Brain Heredity

  2. The Nervous System • Nerve cells communicate and send messages throughout body • 100 BILLION • Neurotransmitters – chemicals • Acetylcholine – Muscle contractions/control • Endorphins – pain control and pleasure • Dopamine – motor controls and reward pleasure

  3. Central Nervous System • Spinal cord and the brain • Peripheral Nervous System transmits messages btwn CNS and body • Sympathetic System prepares the body for action • Flight or Fight response • Parasympathetic System restores the body AFTER action • Rest and Digest

  4. The Brain • Hind Brain – Heart Rate, Respiration and breathing • Medulla • Pons • Cerebellum • Mid Brain – Vision and hearing • Reticular Activating System • Fore Brain – Thought and emotion • Thalamus • Hypothalamus • Lymbic System • Cerebrum Phineas Gage

  5. Language and the Brain • MOST people have language function in the LEFT hemisphere • Brocas Area – controls area of the face responsible for speech • Wernicke’s Area – Understanding speech and forming speech • Aphasia – damage to Broca’s or Wernicke’s; impairs language skills • Genie? Others?

  6. Left vs Right Brain DEBUNKED??? You decide… Left Brain/RIGHT HANDED?? Right Brain/LEFT HANDED?? Best at expressive and creative tasks. The “right-brain” person is often described as being better at: Recognizing faces Expressing emotions Music Reading emotions Color Images Intuition Creativity Adept at tasks that involve logic, language and analytical thinking. The “left-brain” person is often described as being better at: • Language • Logic • Critical thinking • Numbers • Reasoning

  7. Heredity - Nature vs Nurture Heredity is the transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring. Nature Nurture Environment determines a person’s development and personality • Biology determines a person’s development and personality • Kinship Studies: common way to study the debate • Twin Studies • Twins Reared Apart • Adoptee Studies • YOU and your family?! (shudder) Similarities and (hopefully) differences?

  8. Nature vs Nurture Research Assignment • Find at least TWO studies focused on the debate • Twin Studies • Twins Reared Apart • Adoptee Studies • Other study based on Nature vs Nurture • FIVE PARAGRAPHS • A written summary of each study’s findings, and a reflection of the NvN debate including your research findings and an introspective look at your own personality as it relates to NvN • Use information presented in class during Unit 2 in addition to your research!!!

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