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Five – Year Strategic Plan January 2012.
Five – Year Strategic Plan January 2012
Our Mission is to reduce mortality rate among underprivileged women and children in rural India by providing basic healthcare services and health education in a professional, efficient and effective manner, while respecting local culture, values and regulations. Our Vision is to provide basic healthcare services to one million clients by the year 2030 and reduce mortality rate by 80% by educating communities, leveraging disease prevention techniques, and innovating healthcare treatment / delivery approaches. Our Mission and Vision Location of the Hospital
Long-Term Strategic Themes / Goals • Implement a value-driven governance model to maintain high standard of professionalism and service • Become an innovative leader in reducing mortality rate among large rural population by developing and implementing: • Education program for disease prevention • Program for scientific diagnostic of diseases by using simple techniques • Effective and efficient healthcare delivery program • Create a funding model for self-sustaining operations, including collaborations with other NGOs and government agencies • Establish a collaborative and supportive approach for selecting new rural communities for healthcare services
Five-Year Strategic Themes / Goals • Make Maya Devi Charitable Hospital (MDC Hospital) fully functional for providing basic healthcare services, including provision for onsite delivery • Research, formulate, and implement innovative scalable programs to reduce mortality rate among women and children in rural areas • Education program for disease prevention • Program for scientific diagnostic of diseases by using simple techniques • Effective and efficient healthcare delivery program • Create and implement a business sustainment model including • Value –driven governance and hospital operation • Financial self-sustainment • Focus on performance measurement
Five-Year Strategic Goals Key Priorities Make MDC Hospital fully functional for providing basic healthcare services, including provision for onsite or offsite delivery • Make provision for 24/7 electricity to meet the minimum need • Staff up the hospital to ensure adequate skill set and at least one medical staff onsite 24/7 • Purchase necessary medical equipment to enable delivery, and appropriate care for women and children • Establish collaboration with city hospitals to treat serious cases • Establish collaboration with government agencies for immunization Key Priorities to Achieve Five-Year Strategic Goals Implement scalable programs (education, disease prevention, and healthcare delivery) to reduce mortality rate among women and children in rural areas • Understand root causes of high mortality rate, develop education literature and implement education program • Identify and implement diagnostic tools and techniques that can be effective in a rural setting • Develop and implement healthcare delivery protocols – pre- and post-natal, OPD, hospital admission, family support, emergency • Develop and implement governance and hospital administration procedures that are aligned with values of the organization • Identify long-term funding requirement and funding sources (including other NGOs and government agencies); make operations self-sustaining by the end of the five-year period • Create result-driven performance measures and begin tracking for continuous improvement Create and implement a business sustainment model including value-driven governance and hospital operations, financial self-sustainment and a focus on performance measurement
Expense Category Key Priorities Capital Items (Total = $50,000) • Provision for 24/7 electricity (solar system) = $20,000 • Basic medical equipment = $20,000 • Basic ambulance / patient vehicle = $10,000 Estimated Funding Requirement to Execute Five-Year Strategic Plan Operational Costs* (Total = $228,000) • Salary of one part-time doctor/specialist ($800 per month) = $48,000 • Salary of two full time doctors ($1,700 per month) = $102,000 • Salary of two full time nurses ($300 per month) = $18,000 • Salary of one 24/7 nurse ($200 per month) = $12,000 • Salary of one manager ($300 per month) = $18,000 • Cost of medicine and supplies ($500 per month) = $30,000 * Operational costs which are the responsibility of CHILD Foundation are listed above. The remaining operational costs are absorbed by MOTHER Foundation. Funding Requirement • Five-year average annual requirement is estimated to be = $56,000* Note: 2012 dollars
Capital Item Description 24/7 Electricity • Village of Sarurpur where the hospital is located gets electricity 4-6 hour/day • 24/7 electricity is an urgent priority • Solar power is deemed to be most cost-effective • A 5KW solar power installation will be sufficient for the hospital Request for Capital Funding • Hospital requires machines for blood and urine analysis • For blood analysis, Abbott’s Point of Care hand-held i-Stat system (or similar system) would be ideal • Urine analysis will be dome by using simple ‘dipping strips’ • In addition, the hospital requires an ultrasound machine with doppler (Siemens ACUSON P10 or similar hand held device) • Patient transportation vehicle (basic ambulance) Medical Equipment • Total cost of the above is ~$50,000