My Personalized Car Plan Hello my name is Ryan Stiles I’m 17 years old and love stylish cars. I’ve pertained 3 jobs through ought high school, saving all the money I've earned in hopes for a nice used car. Hoping to pay for most of the car and gas, my Dad should help pay off the rest and as long as I have the good student discount he’ll cover insurance.
What Car I chose I chose a used 2006 Chrysler 300, because it is a nice stylish and luxurious car that still has a good kick in the engine and gets descent mpg. It is also sold at a good price for being used, and also you can customize it very easily to make it look nicer.
How I will pay Using all the money I saved up in my bank account, and all the money I saved up from working I will pay for most of the car myself and my pops will help by chipping in for the rest. We look to purchase a used car around 10,000. Using all the money I have I will pay about $ 8,500 of it and my dad will cover the rest.
$ Private Loan $ Because I am receiving 1,500 dollars for the car payment from my father, I won’t have to finance a new one. This takes a burden off my shoulders of not having to pay a certain chunk of cash every month.
Insurance Because I am a minor and considered an “at risk teen” my car insurance rates will be considerably higher. To get on the family contract with nationwide will cost 275 dollars a month, hence the money going down the drain!!!
Maintaining the Car To maintain this beauty, I will always drive cautiously and only use premium gasoline. I will have my car maintained at the local Chrysler dealership. I will check my oil often and not go to pep boys for oil checks
Sources http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=chrysler+300&view=detail&id=263BA7F316D370FC758CAE1C61FAA65C09DA9AB4&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR&adlt=strict http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=stack+of+money&view=detail&id=899973AFA040C2287D61290D8656ADCEF6DBEEB9&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR&adlt=strict http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lil+wayne+and+birdman&view=detail&id=595091DC061FFEA7EE130D9E973BD59188C6AEC4&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR&adlt=strict http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=money+going+down+the+drain&view=detail&id=B4039D8C12B2DE09E7072BC6D3AD9900BE00988A&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR&adlt=strict http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=lil+wayne+in+car&view=detail&id=C879EA3306DA2323BB50951EFB6A00B2F2E9D7A7&first=0&FORM=IDFRIR&adlt=strict