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Part 1: Components of Your Lens

Part 1: Components of Your Lens. Week 5: exegesis on scripture. r eason deliberative. e xperience relationships. t raditions l earned or passed down. s cripture prescriptive. a review. r eason: definition, application, pros & cons. a review.

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Part 1: Components of Your Lens

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Part 1: Components of Your Lens Week 5: exegesison scripture

  2. reason deliberative experience relationships traditions learned or passed down scripture prescriptive

  3. a review reason: definition, application, pros & cons

  4. a review tradition: definition, application, pros & cons

  5. a review relational & experience: definition, application, pros & cons

  6. a review scripture: definition, pros & cons

  7. exegesis Step 1: read in context

  8. exegesis Step 2: formulate a pericope

  9. exegesis Step 3: formulate a pericope and literary structure (e.g. chiasms)

  10. exegesis Step 4: draw a theme

  11. exegesis Step 5: a question that is being answered

  12. exegesis Step 6: if there is a chiasm or structure, look at parallel passages. Work on both at the same time

  13. exegesis Step 7: find central focus of the passages in the pericope

  14. exegesis Step 8: define interesting terms & look at cultural background www.blueletterbible.org

  15. exegesis Step 9: define interesting terms & look at cultural background www.blueletterbible.org

  16. exegesis Step 10: how does all this build towards the theme and answering the question?

  17. exegesis Step 11: application  hermeneutics

  18. exegesis e.g. Widow’s Offering Mark 12:13-44

  19. exegesis Use notes

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