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CXD instruments highly inter-calibrated – can be combined in L, time with NO adjustments. Yields unprecedented temporal and spatial coverage in region L = 4-10: 1hr in time 0.1 in L. L-value. BDD Block IIR. MLT. BDD Block II,IIA. One day – April 1, 2008. CXD Block IIR.
CXD instruments highly inter-calibrated – can be combined in L, time with NO adjustments. Yields unprecedented temporal and spatial coverage in region L = 4-10: 1hr in time 0.1 in L L-value BDD Block IIR MLT BDD Block II,IIA One day – April 1, 2008 CXD Block IIR At and beyond geosynchronous orbit electron fluxes drop off slowly and roughly track the motion of the magnetopause - consistent with outward diffusion (Fig. 2, Panel 1). In the bottom three panels of Fig. 2 the edge of the sorted data marks the last closed drift shell for T89. Similarity between L and L* sorted data show that the Dst effect for this event is small/absent. Dropout was coincident with arrival of stream interface. Energies below ~410 keV recover strongly (plasmasheet source) while higher energies lack a recovery. Model plasmapause position indicates formation of a drainage plume, favoring EMIC loss mechanism yet this is unlikely as resonant energies would need to fall to ~230-410 keV. Outward radial diffusion is further an unlikely candidate since transport timescales at L=4 are of the order of days. Riometer data however do indicate a significant absorption event in the 6-hour window bracketing the GPS loss even, in a MLT location consistent with statistical maps of high latitude chorus occurrence, indicating that precipitation by these waves could be a possibility. A Detailed Look at Energetic Electron Dynamics in Response to Solar Wind Drivers at GPS Orbit We present a case study of a very fast energetic electron dropout observed in the electron radiation belts between 1530 and 1730 UTC on 7 May 2007. The rapid loss occurred over the range L*>4 and across all observed energies above 230keV, over timescales of ~2hrs. The timescale for this event is incompatible with currently accepted loss mechanisms (magnetopause shadowing/outward diffusion or EMIC wave interaction). Initial ground-based precipitation measurements from riometers indicate a strong local time dependence (pre noon) that is statistically consistent with the occurrence location of high-latitude chorus. [A Rapid, global and prolonged electron radiation belt dropout observed with the Global Positioning System Constellation, S. K. Morley, R. H. W. Friedel, T.E Cayton and E. Noveroske, GRL submitted, December 2009] R. H. W. Friedel1 ; S.K. Morley1 ; E. Spanswick1,2; T. E. Cayton1; E. Noveroske1 friedel@lanl.gov (1- LANL, 2-U. Calgary) FOR A DETAILED SURVEY OF THE LOSS RESPONSE OF THE ELECTRON RADIATION BELT IN RESPONSE TO HIGH-SPEED SOLAR WIND STREAMS, PLEASE SEE STEVE MORLEY’S POSTER (# SM11A-1571 ON MONDAY) Stream Interface from high-resolution OMNI data for period around 7 May 2007 L- and L*-sorted CXD data from 7 GPS Satellites for period around 7 May 2007 Riometer absorption maps from 21 stations for period around 7 May 2007 Los Alamos energetic electron data from the GPS constellation • 21 Stations (10 Canadian, 7 Finnish, 4 Antarctic) • Increased absorption is pre noon during the time frame of the GPS dropout (middle left panel). • Riometers provide no information on the precipitating energy flux (it is an integrated effect above 30keV) but they identify the spatial extent of the precipitation region and also its lifetime. • Reversal in azimuthal flow velocity. • Extremely high proton density of ~60cm-3 • Bz switches polarity across interface and reaches -15nT, remains variable afterwards • Dst reaches +34nT during density enhancement and then falls to -21nT (very small storm) • Kp 4-5, high convection • Resolution 0.1 in L and 1hr in time • No adjustments in raw count data needed 4 RE circular, 50o inclination Combined CXD Data GPS Data Density Stream Interface Combined Riometer Data 100/200 keV – 10 MeV electrons 5/9 MeV – 60 MeV protons Figure 2: Panel 1 (top) shows (0.77-1.25 MeV) electrons sorted by T89 L; overplotted in red is the Shue et al. [1977] magnetopause standoff distance; overplotted in black is the Moldwin et al. [2002] plasmapause model. Lower three panels are 230-410 keV, 0.77-1.25 meV and 1.7-2.2 MeV energetic electrons sorted by L* (T89). Figure 1: Solar wind and planetary index data for the interval of 5 May to 10 May 2007. Panel 1 (top) shows KP, panel 2 Dst, panel 3 the plasma bulk speed, panel 4 the solar wind number density and panel 5 the interplanetary magnetic field z-component. Figure 3: Averaged riometer data surrounding the May 7th 2007 event. Each panel is a 6 hour average of data binned into 30 minute MLT and 5 degree latitude bins. • To our knowledge this is the fastest and most globally observed dropout reported to date (thanks to the unprecedented CXD data density). • Losses beyond geosynchronous are well correlated with magnetopause motion. • Inside GEO unrealistically large radial diffusion would be needed for losses to the magnetopause - riometer data shows possible precipitation loss by high latitude chorus. • However, current estimates of loss timescales dues to wave-particle interaction (hiss, chorus, EMIC or combination) are too low. Conclusions Acknowledgements: The authors thank Geoff Reeves (LANL) and Mike Henderson (LANL) for helpful discussions. Figures 1 and 2 were generated using the new SpacePy library in Python written by Steve Morley (under development at ISR-1, LANL). U N C L A S S I F I E D Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy’s NNSA