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SWOT Analysis - 2

SWOT Analysis - 2. Shankar A. Iyer , PMP Prin Engr / Prog Mgr Exelis Corporation. First, a quick recap …. Created as SOFT by Albert Humphrey at SRI in 60’s

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SWOT Analysis - 2

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  1. SWOT Analysis - 2 Shankar A. Iyer, PMP PrinEngr/Prog Mgr Exelis Corporation

  2. First, a quick recap …. • Created as SOFT by Albert Humphrey at SRI in 60’s • What is good at present is Satisfactory; Good in the future is Opportunity; Bad in the present is Fault; Bad in the future is Threat • Became SWOT • Structured planning method • Fundamental activity of self-preservation and growth • 4A: Aim, Assess, Activate, Apply; get your strategies USED • Use Strength • Stop Weakness • Exploit Opportunity • Defend against Threat

  3. In the business world .. • SWOT Analysis can be used to look at the • Product or Service • Package • Price • Placement • Promotion • Political/Legal • Professional/Public Relations • People

  4. S, W, O & T can be … • Inherent or acquired in any of the P’s • Temporary, short term, long term or permanent • Unique, rare, common or ubiquitous • Surmountable or insurmountable • Transferable or nontransferable

  5. So, what is the difference? • Traditional/simplistic view: SW are what we have (internal factors), OT (external factors) are what we face/deal with . • But reality is more complex/nuanced • Our own S or W can create O or T • S can create O or T and W can create O or T • Therefore, it is important to assess/refine assessment objectively and regularly • Circumstances change, people change, everything changes – change is the only constant in life.

  6. You might want to check this out … http://ctb.ku.edu/en/tablecontents/sub_section_main_1049.aspx This helpful article in The Community Tool Box addresses the following: • What is a SWOT analysis and why should you use one? • When do you use SWOT? • What are the elements of a SWOT analysis? • How do you create a SWOT analysis? • How do you use your SWOT analysis?

  7. It is not a briefing if it has no colors and charts …….. • So, you saw set of slides are from Microsoft, templates for doing SWOT Analyses. • You can get them here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/swot-analysis-examples-TC101875476.aspx?AxInstalled=1&c=0

  8. Take away from first session … • SWOT Analysis needs to be an essential, conscious exercise in everything that we do – by becoming so, we will be just a bit faster, better, higher, longer, cheaper – we will be more competitive. • In the next session on this topic – in March 2013, we will look at several examples – from the days of mythical yore to 21st century political campaigns. • Please: • Fill in Evaluation Forms • Collect Your PDU Forms • Come in for the second session next month

  9. Your feedback …… • General Summary of the Evaluation: 1. 29/33 indicated all 4 or 5 ratings. 2. 4/33 had some 3 ratings. 3. Nothing lower than a 3 in all the ratings. 4. 15 evaluations had written comments:·

  10. SWOT Analysis – Epic Tale • Ramayana – dates back to events in 7300-7200 BC • 24,000 verses, one of the longest of epic poems • There are several instances in this epic where there are discussions relating to assessing the S & W of one’s self & opponents, and assessing O & T to determine • The right objective/course of action • The optimal way to pursue it • Example: Demon Mareecha’s extended discussion with the demon king Ravana

  11. Gist of this epic SWOT Ravana’s Objective: Exact Revenge and Fulfill Lust

  12. The recent election

  13. P & G Head & Shoulders • CP Test Marketed Cascade – a new shampoo • P & G wanted to stop them! Strengths: superior branding/marketing skills, channel relations, strong image, deep pockets, excellent R & D capabilities, manufacturing abilities Opportunity: Immediately create concept and promote it, develop actual product quickly and launch nationally ahead of competitor • P & G created H & S name and started national promotion! Developed and distributed product nationally before CP could do so with Cascade

  14. An example from the WWW – Dellhttp://som.csudh.edu/depts/cis/meyadat/ClassesPage/CIS502/casestudies/SWOT%20Analysis%20Example.htm • In the mid-1990s, Dell Computer used a SWOT analysis to create a strong business strategy that has helped it become a very strong competitor in its industry value chain. • Dell identified its strengths in selling directly to customers and in designing its computers and other products to reduce manufacturing costs. It acknowledged the weakness of having no relationships with local computer dealers. • Dell faced threats from competitors such as Compaq and IBM, both of which had much stronger brand names and reputations for quality at that time. • Dell identified an opportunity by noting that its customers were becoming more knowledgeable about computers and could specify exactly what they wanted without having Dell salespersons answer questions or develop configurations for them. It also saw the internet as potential marketing tool.  

  15. Dell SWOT Dell decided to offer customized computers built to order and sold over the phone, and eventually, over the internet. Dell’s strategy capitalized on its strengths and avoiding relying on a dealer network. The brand and quality threats posed by Compaq and IBM were lessoned by dell’s ability to deliver higher perceived quality because each computer was custom made for each buyer.

  16. SWOT in Sports – NCAA Basketball – VCU Rams in 2013 NCAA Tournament

  17. A resource with lots of examples .. • http://www.cps.ca.gov/WorkforcePlanning/documents/SampleCompletedSWOTAnalysis.pdf • Caveat: missing from the nice examples above are the objectives associated with the SWOT analyses, and the course of action pursued as a result.

  18. In conclusion ….. • SWOT Analysis – integral to self-preservation and growth • As with all tools, proper use/misuse possible • Proper use empowers you to focus on right strategic and tactical choices for action • Please: • Fill in Evaluation Forms • Collect Your PDU Forms • THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

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