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Rome Technology Alternatives

Rome Technology Alternatives. Rome. Technology Alternative Overview. Choose one of the options and complete it. The task of your choice will replace Task #4. If the task is finished completely as instructed, four extra points will be awarded.

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Rome Technology Alternatives

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  1. Rome Technology Alternatives Rome

  2. Technology AlternativeOverview • Choose one of the options and complete it. The task of your choice will replace Task #4. • If the task is finished completely as instructed, four extra points will be awarded. • If you choose to present your technology to the class an additional three points will be added. • Completing more than one of the technology options will add extra points. • As stated in the points breakdown, a maximum of nine extra points may be awarded. • Any work should be submitted via Canvas.

  3. Technology Options • Gods and goddesses PowerPoint. • Vocabulary PowerPoint or Prezi. • Short video of your choice. • Canvas quiz. • Join the discussion.

  4. #1 Roman Gods Power Point • If you choose this option you simply do Task #4 in a PowerPoint rather than on paper. • Follow all the same guidelines as discussed in class.

  5. #2: Vocabulary PowerPoint or Prezi • Choose five vocabulary words that relate to Rome (see examples on the next slides). • Briefly define each one. • Add three supporting details. • Add one or more pictures that relate to the term.

  6. Emperor Augustus • An important Roman Emperor. • Adopted son/nephew of Julius Caesar. • Inherited rule when Caesar was assassinated. • Ushered in a time of peace.

  7. PaxRomana • A long period of peace and stability in Rome. • Started with Emperor Augustus. • Lasted from 27 BC to 180 AD. • A time of building • The Coliseum • Many of the Roads and aqueducts

  8. #3: Video option • Create a short video (no more than two minutes) that illustrates one or more of the gods and goddesses or one or more vocabulary terms. • The audio should be understandable. • You may use friends or family members in your video (just make sure you have them permission if you choose to share it with the class. • The video should be appropriate for all audiences.

  9. #4: Canvas Quiz • Complete the quiz on canvas and earn an extra credit point for each correct answer.

  10. #5: Join the Discussion • In Canvas, start a discussion topic that goes with something we have learned about in our Rome Unit. • In addition to starting a discussion, respond to at least three other posts. Your responses should add to the knowledge about that topic, not just say I agree or disagree. • If there are not enough other topics to respond to, start another discussion topic.

  11. Rubric • Four Points: The work is complete and all instructions are followed. The work is understandable, well done and adds to the over all project. • Three Points: The work is complete and instructions are followed but the information is incorrect or hard to understand. • Two Points: The work is incomplete or instructions are not followed but an attempt was made. • One Point: An attempt was made but the work was incomplete or incomprehensible.

  12. Rome Technology Alternatives • Have fun and good luck!

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