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Stondon Lower School

Welcome to. Stondon Lower School. Registered Charity Number 1044402. About Stondon Stompers….

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Stondon Lower School

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  1. Welcome to Stondon Lower School Registered Charity Number 1044402

  2. About Stondon Stompers… We are a small, charitable Pre-School running sessions in the Village Hall every morning during term time.  Established since 1971, we have strong links with the adjacent Lower School and our children are able to use the library and playground on a regular basis.  We are also a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance. In 2006 we jointly funded a play area with the Lower School which is situated outside the School's Reception Class and regularly used by both Pre-School and Lower School children.  We believe that the opportunities for our children to familiarise themselves with the Lower School help to make their transition into full-time education much easier. Our emphasis is on learning through play, enabling children to build on their understanding of the world through exploration of a wide number of different activities. As well as a wealth of resources available to the children, we also offer cooking sessions, a computer teacher, music sessions (in addition to daily music/singing during the session) and the opportunity for children to grow their own flowers and vegetables in our small garden area. In addition the children are invited to take part in our annual Sports Day and Christmas Play as well as performing in various concerts throughout the year to say goodbye to their friends as they leave us to go to their respective Lower Schools. We are an Ofsted inspected group and are able to receive Early Years funding for children from the term after they turn 3 years old.

  3. Contacts Stondon Stompers Pre-School Village Hall Hillside Road Lower Stondon Bedfordshire SG16 6LQ  Telephone: 07549 169033  Website: www.stondon-stomperspreschool.ik.org For details on admissions or to arrange a visit, contact Deborah Hathway on telephone 07775 233264 or email  debhathway@btinternet.com

  4. Session timings Monday – Friday (term time) 09:05 am – 12:05 pm We aim to ensure that the Play leader / Deputy Play leader is present at each session, supported by 3 other members of staff Staff: Child ratios: 1:4 Under 3s 1:6 over 3s Lunch Club Wednesdays 12:05 pm – 1:00 pm Price £3 per lunch session

  5. Staff Vicky Hall Play Leader Diploma in Pre-school practice. NVQ Level 3 in Childcare and education. Child Protection Officer. Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Lead Professional. Special Educational Needs Co-ordinating Officer (SENCO) Paediatric First Aider Fire Warden. Equal Opportunities Food Safety Behaviour Management Working towards The Early Years Foundation Degree. Karen Martin Deputy Play Leader NVQ Level 3 in Early Years, Care and Education. Early Years Foundation Stage Training Common Assessment Framework Room to Learn Birth to 3 matters Looked After Children (LAC) Co-ordinators Equal Opportunities (EO) Co-ordinators SENCO 1,2,3 & 4 Developing Record Keeping & Assessments in Foundation Stage Transition in Foundation Stage Setting Working together for Children Children’s Learning Stories Making the most of the 6 areas of learning Providing a framework for Children’s Behaviour Child Protection Training Child Observation and Assessment How Children Learn to Behave Planning Play in Early Years How to Promote Children’s Language & Communication Observation, Planning, Recording Assessment & Reporting First Aid Autism, Asperger Syndrome & Semantic Pragmatic Disorder Leading the Development of Early Years Practice Health & Safety Workshop An Introduction to Safeguarding Children Safeguarding Children – Group B Anita New Pre-School Assistant NVQ Level 2 Paediatric First Aider Linda Baron Kitchen Assistant Level 2 award in Food safety for catering Lisa Fox Pre-School Assistant Health & safety Soon to be working towards NVQ Level 2 Ami Fox Kitchen Assistant Additional training is available for all staff to continue their professional development, keep up with new initiatives and to consolidate their areas of expertise. New members of staff receive induction training during their 2 weeks of employment, which includes Health and Safety and Safeguarding Children. Enhanced disclosures are obtained in respect of all member of Staff / Management and Committee via the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)

  6. Term Dates Autumn Term Inset Day – 2nd September & 2nd November 2009 Start of term – Thursday 3rd September 2009 Half term 26th – 30th September 2009 End of Term – Friday 18th December 2009 Spring Term Inset Day – 4th January 2010 Start – Tuesday 5th January 2010 Half Term – 15th – 19th February 2010 End – Thursday 1st April 2010 Summer Term Inset day – Monday 19th April 2010 Start – Tuesday 20th April 2010 End – Wednesday 21st July 2010 Half Term – 1st – 4th June 2010 (Notification will be made to all parents should there be any variances to these dates) S.W.A.T. Team (Stompers Working Actively Together) Chairperson Karen Evans Treasurer Nancy Campbell Secretary Emma Harrison Officer Donna Leverett Officer Toni Fenton Officer Mandy Baldwin Officer Tanya Body Officer Michelle Coombes Officer Lorraine Edgecombe Officer Paula Stevenson Officer Lisa Stuart

  7. Stondon Stompers sessions The children at Stondon Stompers Pre-School are working within the Foundation Stage of their education. Our Learning and Development Programme is play based and planned within the guidelines set by OFSTED, DFE and the Early Years Development Team. A typical session would run as follows: 09.05 Welcome time: When you arrive, you should encourage your child to hang up his/her coat and to self- register. Please do not find your child’s name and hand it to them, they will soon learn to recognise it. Children are able to begin their play straight away until it is registration time. 09:20 Children are encouraged to join the adults on the large mat where registration is carried out. This is also the time when we share “our news", sing our hello song, talk about the weather and inform the children of any changes to the daily routine i.e. visitors, new children etc. 09:35/40 Children are able to continue with their independent play accessing all the resources available to them. The outside area is also opened and the children are able to access the free flow from inside to outside as when they choose. Adults interact with the children, observe and collect evidence for the children’s Learning Records. Children are encouraged to tidy an activity away once they have finished with it and all children help with the tidying up and putting away of toys and activities at the end of the session. This is aided by the use of pictures/labels on the boxes. 11:00 Children return back to the matt where we reflect on the fun we have had and children are able to share with their friends what they have been doing in the session. Song and dance is also an important part at this time. Children are then supported to go to the toilet, washing their hands, putting coats on and lining up at the door with a partner ready to visit Hectors House outside. 11:55 This is the time the children come together before home time activities are light and calming children enjoy stories, discussion’s, songs or soft music. 12:05 All the children enjoy singing our goodbye song before the session ends. A rolling snack is offered from 10:30 onwards.

  8. Example Session Plans 09:05 Children arrive to play. 09:20 Registration talk about topic of the Week/rules of Stompers. 09:35/40 Independent play 11:00/05 Tidy away time Singing Toilet/hand washing Putting on coats Outdoor independent play Visit Hectors House FS2 Free choice of activities (bad weather) Small group work 11:55 Story/group discussion/family time 12:05 Session ends Rolling snack – 10:30 onwards

  9. Our Setting Children are able to display their work, on large display board within the hall. An information board for parents is located in the foyer of the Village Hall so parents are kept up to date with the going on at the setting at all times. Each child has their own named tray, where they are able to store their work until home time. There is easy access of children's toilets and also a male/female and disabled toilets for the adults. The kitchen is up on the stage to the left this is where snack is held and also any cooking activities. Children are not permitted to come up onto the stage without adult assistance there are two access to the stage and safety gates are in place. To the right of the stage is a large room called the Jubilee room this is great for small group work. On a Wednesday the children receive computer lessons in this room. Fire exit are to the right and left of the hall one door leads to our outside play area the other leads to Hectors House and the Lower School grounds.

  10. The Learning Environment At Stondon Stompers Pre-School we recognise that for any child to learn they must feel safe and valued and above all learning should be fun.  We aim to offer an environment in which all children can thrive and encourage their naturally enquiring minds to explore the world around them.  Our Pre-School is open to all children between the ages of 2 years and 6 months and 5 years.  We are also able to offer a limited number of places to children aged 2 years with carer present. Children can explore, enjoy, achieve and progress to their fullest potential at their own pace through both child and adult initiated learning experiences. We shall promote equality of opportunities and positive attitudes to issues that arise both from a multi-cultural society and from those with disabilities, to help children interact well with other children and adults. Staff will be positive role models and supportive of children’s individuality, culture and learning experiences. This shall be achieved by providing challenging and stimulating experiences in line with our policies that take into account a child’s individual needs, their interests and choices, as well as encouraging the involvement of parents and carers, to build on what has been learnt at home. Planning will be based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Programme, working towards the Early Learning Goals, covering the six areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication, Language and Literacy, Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy, Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Creative Development Physical Development, as well as children’s interests, building on what the children already know, observation and assessment.

  11. The important people Children The most important people at Stondon Stompers are the children. Staff interact with the children by encouraging, facilitating and Supporting them whist they have fun, learn through play, talk about their experiences and share their enjoyment with others, thus enabling the children to become more confident and independent. Parents Parents are as much a part of Stondon Stompers as their children. It is important for you and your child that you play an active part in this exciting phase of her/his life. You may be able to share a special skill or interest such as music, cooking, dance or even your job. Please feel free to talk to a member of staff and make arrangements to come along. Remember that grandparents and childminders are welcome to help too. When you help, your child may want to stay close for much of the time, but this is quite natural behaviour for a child who feels s/he is has to share you with all the others. S.W.A.T. Team (Stompers Working Actively Together) Stondon Stompers is managed by an active committee – now called the SWAT Team. It is encouraged that parents become involved in the committee and take an active role within the setting. The SWAT Team work in close co-operation with the Manager, Play Leader and staff and is responsible for reviewing policies, employing staff, fundraising and strategic decision-making. The Committee is elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM), and runs for the duration of the year until the next AGM. Various fundraising events are planned throughout the year to support the pre-school and improve the facilities. Some of these events include: • Craft fairs • Luncheons • Raffles • Sports Day

  12. Lets Play… A positive reception is important to Stondon Stompers and before your child’s start date you and your child will be invited to visit during a normal session. This allows your child to become familiar with the routine and with some of the other children and staff, and hopefully makes it easier to settle in. We have an ‘open door’ policy and have found from experience that it is better for both the adult and child to decide when it is best to part and go home (with the emphasis on home), so that we can contact you quickly, if necessary. We will not subject your child to any distress and, if s/he really needs you to stay for a while, you are welcome to join in the activities and encourage him/her to make friends. Children are often involved in messy play during sessions so they should be dressed in washable clothes which are not too new! Children tend to become more independent as they progress through Pre-School and simple fastenings on jackets, trousers and shoes/trainers (velcro type fastenings) will enable them to go the toilet without assistance as well as move between indoor and outdoor play areas. For every session your child will need to bring a complete a complete change of clothes, just in case. During summer months a sunhat and sun cream will be required. Please mark all your child’s belongings with his/her name.

  13. Record Keeping A register is completed every day and any incidents that happen outside of the setting are recorded. Accidents within the setting are also recorded. Any conversations held between parents or other adults regarding a child may be recorded. A registration for will be given out for you to complete when your child start preschool: this form is for preschool use only. Please state any known allergies or fears the child may have, along with any special dietary requirements. If there are any family problems which may effect the child's behaviour, please inform the staff. Please note, it the is the parents responsibility to inform the pre-school if any of the details given when your child started attending alter e.g. emergency contact details, change of telephone numbers. Each child's development is recorded into a personal file. This file will be passed onto the next setting or lower school. The pre-school also gather observations, photographs, and artwork, to be presented to parents in the form of an ‘I Can’ Book; this is a record of achievement from pre-school.

  14. YOUR CHILDS KEY-WORKER • Stondon Stompers aims to offer the highest possible quality of experience for both children and adults in the group. The high ratio of adults to children helps us to do this, but another factor is the key-worker system, which ensures personal attention to the needs and development or each individual child and family. • A Key-worker • Will keep an especially watchful eye on your child during their settling in period, reassuring both your child and you. • Will ensure that you understand the thinking behind the activities and equipment available in the Pre-School • Will assist your child as necessary to become integrated into the life of the Pre-School, ensuring that the child knows and understands any rules and feels comfortable with the people and activities. • Builds a relationship with your child and is there to comfort and reassure when necessary at times of distress. • Will try to be aware of changes in a child’s home circumstances which may affect their behaviour or their needs in Pre-School • Will assist with toileting as necessary, and assist in dressing as necessary • Will be actively involved in conducting routine observations on children in his/her group, in reflecting on what observations show about the children’s current needs and development and in devising an individual play plan to ensure that those needs are met • Will make regular contact with a child’s parents/carers to ensure the insights about the child’s are shared and to help the child’s family to be aware of what the child has learned and experienced in the group. • In conjunction with parents will liaise as necessary with statutory authorities, especially in the case of children with special educational needs. • Will built up a close relationship with children’s parents/carers, enabling them to be more fully involved in the life of the Pre-School as a whole. • Although children in Pre-School therefore get to know their Key-workers very well, the key-worker is not he only person they get to know. • Key-workers do not: • Shadow their children through out the session • Liaise only with their own group of children • Prevent other adults from forming a relationship with their key children.

  15. FEES Summary • Waiting List Free of Charge • Registration Fee £5.00 • Non-Funded Attendance Fees: • Carer Sessions from 2yrs – 2 yrs 6 mths £6.20 • 2yrs 6mths – 3 years sessions £10.50 • Government Funded Sessions Free of Charge for 15 hours per week • Lunch Clubs £3.00 per session • Stondon Stompers Clothing Charges • T-shirt £4.50 • Polo Shirt £6.15 • Sweatshirts £7.00 Please see the following page for explanation of fees. • Payments & important information • Fees are payable every half term in advance. • Fees are notified by a payment slip from the Manager and should be paid within the first two weeks of that half term. • Fees can be paid by cash of cheque (made payable to Stondon Stompers Pre-School). • We are obliged to charge the usual fee if your child is absent for any reason, this includes sickness or holidays. • We do not charge for sessions on a Bank Holiday or if the setting is closed due to circumstances beyond our/your control i.e. election days. • Any non-payment of more than ½ a term may result in your child losing their place at Stondon Stompers Pre-School. • Should you have any difficulties in making payments please speak to the Manager or Chairperson; arrangements can be made for weekly payments if necessary. • If you wish to terminate your child’s place at pre-school, four weeks written notification is required in writing to the Manager/Play Leader in order to calculate fees payable. We hope you understand our policy, as our basic costs remain the same, regardless of the number of children attending a session. All information remains confidential.

  16. SESSIONS & FEES EXPLAINED WAITING LIST (free) The waiting list for all sessions will be done in order of age as it may occur that there are more children than sessions available. Just ask the Membership Secretary or member of staff for a waiting list application form. REGISTRATION FEE (£5.00) On registering your child at Stondon Stompers Pre-School we ask you for a non-refundable deposit of £5.00. This covers all administration costs. NON-FUNDED ATTENDANCE FEES (2yrs – 2yrs 6 mths) £6.60 We have a limited number of spaces for children of 2 years old where their parent/carers come along with the child (and are responsible for the child throughout the session) this enables them to play alongside the pre-school children and introduces them to the ways of the Pre-School, this is available for one morning a week. If you also have younger siblings you are able to bring them along (under parent/carer supervision at all times) and they may be left in a pushchair or car seat in the kitchen area or to the rear of the stage. NON-FUNDED ATTENDANCE FEES (2 yrs 6 mths – 3 yrs) £10.50 When a child reaches the age of 2years 6months they can attend on their own (without their carer/parent). Stondon Stompers requires these children to be enrolled for a minimum of 2 sessions per week. This enables them to become familiar with the setting, staff/key worker and children as soon as possible, minimises the length of time between sessions and ensures that adult led crafts can be completed within a period allocated for any given discussion topic. We also require that sessions attended are the same days each week. This also helps the transition for when they become three to extend their schooling week from 2 to 5 days in a steady and comfortable manner and helps them get into a routine. GOVERNMENT FUNDED SESSIONS (3 years) Children in the term AFTER they become 3 years can attend every morning FREE with the Early Years Scheme (Subject to availability). Up to 15 hours per week. You can choose to use all free sessions with Stondon Stompers pre-school, or you may wish to split the free sessions between Stompers and another Nursery. If you have more than the 15 hours free sessions in any week – a charge for any additional hours (sessions will continue to be made). Please ask the Manager for more details.

  17. Health and Safety Illness If your child is unwell, please refrain from allowing them to attend the session, this will reduce the risk of any possible spread of illness to other children and staff. Please allow 48 hours for your child to recover from Sickness and Diarrhoea. Please also be aware of head lice if in doubt please ask a staff member who will be happy to advise you. Car Parking The Pre-school asks that all parents/carers execute the utmost care when parking vehicles during the dropping off and collection of children. Spaces are available at the front of the village hall, with additional parking along the roadside. Vigilance is required at all times, especially if vehicles are required to reverse out of the spaces. All vehicles are parked at owners risk. Entering and Leaving the Village Hall The Pre-School would ask all parent/carers to enter and leave the premises in a responsible fashion. The external door MUST be closed after passing through it. Staff are posted on the internal door whilst the external door is unlocked, children are returned to their parent/carer one at a time at the end of the session to ensure safety. However, if you see an unaccompanied child/children trying to enter/exit the building at the beginning/end of the session, please alert the member of staff on door duty. Collection of Children Please ensure that you collect your child on time, late collection can be very upsetting for some children. If anyone other than yourself or an authorised person is to collect your child from Pre-School, the unauthorised persons collection form MUST be completed. Name of Child, Adult, date, contact details and signature will be required.

  18. POLICIES & PROCEEDURES We have a comprehensive folder outlining all of the Stondon Stompers Pre-School policies and procedures in accordance with the current Health & Safety & Legislation requirements. We update them regularly and forward new information to you as it happens. Should you wish to view the above you can either: Read our folder in the main foyer of the Pre-School Or alternatively view all information on our website; www.stondon-stomperspreschool.ik.org Or finally We can provide you a full copy via computer disc should you wish.

  19. Ofsted Inspection report Copies of our inspection reports compiled by Ofsted are included in the welcome pack given to new parent / carers, however our Manager can provided copies to existing parents / carers. Alternatively they can be viewed on Ofsted’s website (www.ofsted.gov.uk) Complaints Procedure If you have any complaints regarding any aspect of the Stondon Stompers Pre-School, you should firstly take it up with the Pre-School Play Leader/Manager or the Chairperson of the Committee. If a satisfactory outcome is not reached you should put your complaint in writing to the Committee, where the matter will be addressed and hopefully resolved. If the matter is not resolved at this point, your can contact Ofsted’s Early Years Complaint Line: Tel: 08456 404040, or write to them at : Ofsted, National Business Unit, Royal Exchange Buildings, St. Ann’s Square, Manchester, M2 7LA

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