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Recommendations for the Implementation of a Sustainable Quality Assurance Culture

Recommendations for the Implementation of a Sustainable Quality Assurance Culture. Olusola Oyewole University of Agriculture Abeokuta. Nigeria ( oyewoleB@yahoo.com ). Challenges. Massification Declining Funding Academic Brain drain Deteriorating Infrastructures.

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Recommendations for the Implementation of a Sustainable Quality Assurance Culture

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  1. Recommendations for the Implementation of a Sustainable Quality Assurance Culture Olusola Oyewole University of Agriculture Abeokuta. Nigeria (oyewoleB@yahoo.com)

  2. Challenges Massification Declining Funding Academic Brain drain Deteriorating Infrastructures

  3. African Stakeholders Concerns Association of African Universities – 2003 Conference – Universities to focus on ensuring Quality IUCEA – Development of Quality Assurance framework in East Africa. East Africa Countries – Agencies, ( CHE, etc. African Union Commission – Quality Rating Mechanisms, Harmonization Strategy

  4. Traditional Mechanisms Rules and regulation on conduct of academic activities (course delivery, assessment, examinations etc) Rules and criteria on academic staff appointments and appraisal systems Student evaluation of course delivery External examination system Stakeholder participation in curriculum review Regularized curriculum reviews in some universities Academic audits in some universities Tracer Studies,

  5. Challenges facing Quality Culture • Resistance / inertia among some staff, students and management • Inadequate Quality assurance personnel assigned other • Inadequate university funding • Heavy teaching and administrative workload for staff assigned with quality assurance responsibilities • Quick turn over among students (and staff) • Absence of appropriate Quality assurance policy and • Absence of units with quality assurance responsibilities.

  6. Objectives of the AfriQ’Unit Quality Assurance project o strengthen the institutional capacity of African Universities in support of policy, management and planning • The building of capacity for Internal Quality Assurance in East African Universities (EAUs). • The development of sustainable Quality Culture

  7. “Sustainable Quality Culture in East African Institutions through Centralised Units” • Wkshop. 1 -Introductory Workshop: Quality Assurance within HEIs in EU and East-Africa • Wkshop 2 - Training Mission to Alcante • Wkshop 3 – EFQM Training - Mzumbe • Wkshop 4- Academic Assessment Program ( Moi Univ) • Wkshop 5 - Strategic Planning for QA in East African HEIs (Tanzania)

  8. Overall Objectives

  9. Next Challenge • Sustainability. • Effective dissemination of the Guide for the Promotion of the Quality Culture in East-African Universities. • Strategies for Implementation

  10. 1. Establishment of Managerial, Administrative and Technical Infra-structure for Quality • Human Resource Development in our Various Universities • Should start with the leadership of the University • Should involve the Administrative / Managerial staff

  11. 2. Funding and Training of Human resources for Quality Assurance • Institutional budgetary provisions for QA • Training of Institutional Quality Auditors

  12. 3. Development of Appropriate Training Tools for Quality Assurance - EFQM

  13. 4. Maintenance of Established Quality Assurance Units • Unit to lead the drive for Quality Assurance Culture • Promote awareness for Quality • Demonstrate benefits

  14. . • Strategy for Quality and Standards. • Organization of QA System • Responsibilities • Involvement of Students • Implementation Strategies 5. Strategic Planning For Quality • Strategic Plan • Annual Work-Plans • Training manuals • Quality Procedure Manuals QA POLICY

  15. Regional cooperation through networking for quality assurance. • Collaboration between the institutions and national / regional accreditation agencies. • Sharing of good experiences and • Interchanging of peers and experts among Universities and in the region. 6. Increased inter-institutional networking and sharing of best-practices

  16. Thank you

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