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CGIAR Genebanks and PGR Conservation in WCA

CGIAR Centers in WCA Dealing with PGR. ICRAF: Mali, Cameroon, Guinee, (Kenya)ICRISAT: Niger, Mali, (India)IITA: Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, CameroonWARDA: Benin, Nigeria, C

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CGIAR Genebanks and PGR Conservation in WCA

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    1. CGIAR Genebanks and PGR Conservation in WCA Dominique Dumet, Ines Sanchez, Bettina Haussmann, Antoine Kalinganire, Michael Halewood, and Kwesi Atta-Krah

    2. CGIAR Centers in WCA Dealing with PGR

    3. CGIAR ± Standard Genebank Activities

    4. ICRAF: PGR Conservation

    5. ICRAF: Physical Facilities and Conserved Germplasm

    6. ICRAF: Specific Activities

    7. The Genebank at ICRISAT-Niger: Physical capacities

    8. The Genebank at ICRISAT-Niger: Conserved materials

    9. ICRISAT: Specific Activities

    10. IITA: Germplasm

    11. IITA: Physical facilities

    12. IITA: Specific Activities

    13. WARDA: Physical Capacities and Materials Conserved

    14. WARDA: Specific Activities

    15. CGIAR Centres and the International Treaty Centres signing agreements with the Governing Body placing collections under the Treaty - October 2006 SMTA for Annex 1 materials – from Jan 1, 2007 Centres will use SMTA with non-parties.

    16. Centres and the International Treaty MTA for non-Annex 1 materials: to be decided by Governing Body – June 2007 - Centres’ perspective: easiest to use the same SMTA

    17. 1.0 CGIAR System Priorities !!!

    18. 1.1 Five Priority Areas

    19. Priority Area 1: “Biodiversity” Priority 1A: Conservation and characterization of staple crops Priority 1B: Promoting conservation and characterization of under-utilized PGR to increase the incomes of the poor Priority 1C: Conservation of indigenous livestock Priority 1D: Conservation of aquatic animal genetic resources

    20. 2.0 CGIAR Task Force on SSA A call for coherent vision and strategy for the CGIAR in SSA, based on the new System Priorities Joint MTPs developed with partnership of SROs, NARS and other stakeholders MTP for East and Southern Africa (ESA) MTP for West and Central Africa (WCA), Preliminary Science Council comments Updated MTPs for CG AGM, Dec. 06

    21. Research Groupings in WCA MTP WCA MTP has seven Research Clusters, two of which are directly about genetic resources: Fostering conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources in WCA Using genetic diversity for income generation and improved well-being Providing options for diversification and intensification of agricultural production Dealing with environmental constraints to agriculture Promoting regional markets and improving access to international markets Optimizing the sustainable use of natural resources at landscape level

    22. Program 1: Fostering conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources Key Elements: CG genebanks: Enhancing the effectives and efficiency in managing and delivering appropriate genetic resources and related knowledge (alignment) Nodal Centres of Excellence for conservation of region’s genetic resources (integration) Community-based management of genetic resources (integration) Policies and capacity building for genetic resources management (integration)

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