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Kennedy Domestic Programs

Kennedy Domestic Programs. 1960 onwards. Kennedy before he was president. Born into a powerful family Harvard educated PT Boat Commander in WW2 US House of Reps – ’47-53 US Senator – ’53-60 Pulitzer prize winning author – Profiles of Courage. 1960 Election. Kennedy vs. Nixon

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Kennedy Domestic Programs

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  1. Kennedy Domestic Programs 1960 onwards

  2. Kennedy before he was president • Born into a powerful family • Harvard educated • PT Boat Commander in WW2 • US House of Reps – ’47-53 • US Senator – ’53-60 • Pulitzer prize winning author – Profiles of Courage

  3. 1960 Election • Kennedy vs. Nixon • Young, wealthy, energetic Catholic vs. experienced, blue collar Quaker • Televised debates make difference • Kennedy – good looking • Nixon – sweating profusely; 5 o’clock shadow • Nixon won on radio and JFK on tv • JFK won by less than 120,000 votes

  4. 1960 debate • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QazmVHAO0os

  5. Inaugural Address • Quote – “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

  6. 1st Inaugural Speech • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi14-XTJyiU

  7. American Democracy Outreach • Bay of Pigs Fiasco • Peace Corps – 1961 • American volunteers sent on “missions of freedom” • Success still today • Alliance for Progress – rebuild Good Neighbor Policy in Lat. America • Economic assistance • unsuccessful

  8. Berlin Wall • “Ich bin ein Berliner” • “I am a jelly doughnut?” • Berlin Wall goes up during his term

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH6nQhss4Yc

  10. “New Frontier” • Name of his domestic program • Surrounded himself w/ “best and brightest” • Robert McNamara – Ford Mo. => Sec. of Def • Dean Rusk – Rockefeller => Sec. of State • Arthur Schlesinger – Historian => advisor/spokesperson • RFK – brother – attorney general • Improve economy, education, health care, civil rights, and space program

  11. McNamara - Defense

  12. RFK - AG

  13. Economy • Huge tax cuts – stimulate economy by putting $ back in private hands • Equal Pay Act - 1963 – abolished wage disparities based on sex

  14. Space program • “landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth.” • $24 billion dollars • 1969 – Apollo mission • Live on tv

  15. Apollo 11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMINSD7MmT4

  16. Civil Rights • Campaigned heavily for Civil Rights • Promised to end racial discrimination in housing “with a stroke of a pen” • 2 years later – executive order • Other events: • 1. Freedom Riders – federal marshals • 2. Ole Miss – Meredith – troops & marshals • 3. Birmingham – MLK JR - dogs and hoses • National speech endorsing civil rights bill • 4. March on Washington – ’63 – to push for CR bill • 5. Univ. of Alabama – George Wallace

  17. Freedom Riders

  18. Ole Miss

  19. Birmingham – 1963 – MLK Letter

  20. March on Washington

  21. George Wallace - Alabama

  22. Camelot • Beautiful wife – Jackie Bouvier Kennedy • 2 young children • Youngest president ever elected • New England style • Ray-bans, chinos, tight suits • Movie star looks • Sickly man – back and Addison’s • Many affairs – Marilyn Monroe

  23. Jackie

  24. John John and Caroline

  25. Marilyn

  26. Assassination • November 22, 1963 – Dallas, Texas • Lee Harvey Oswald • Lyndon Baines Johnson – sworn in • Conspiracies? • Warren Commission – investigated it • Lone assassin • Zapruder Film

  27. Zapruder Film http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q91RZko5Gw

  28. LBJ

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