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AGRA AGM 27th August 2014 23 Years of Aspendale Gardens Residents working for Aspendale Gardens Residents. Welcome. Lorraine Wreford State Member of Parliament for Mordialloc South Ward Councillor John Ronke South Ward Councillor Tamsin Bearsley South Ward Councillor David Eden
AGRA AGM27th August 201423 Years of Aspendale Gardens Residents working for Aspendale Gardens Residents
Welcome • Lorraine Wreford State Member of Parliament for Mordialloc • South Ward CouncillorJohn Ronke • South Ward CouncillorTamsin Bearsley • South Ward CouncillorDavid Eden • Inga PeulichMLC Victoria • Mordialloc Police Not sure if anyone is available. • Colin Shiel CPA(ASA) Auditor 2013/2014 • Tony Collins XXXXXXX • And welcome to all residents & visitors
Apologies • Mark Dreyfus QC MP federal member for Isaacs Mark has supplied a letter for the meeting. • Donna Bauer State Member for Carrum
Your AGRA Committee for 2013/14 • Ken Carney - President & Chairperson • Andrew Bearsley - Vice President & Editor AGRA Newsletter • John Zeccola - Treasurer • Helen Smithwick - Minute Secretary • Reny Frighetto - Assistant Treasurer & Project Manager Family Fun Day • Barbara Hassel off - Deputy Minute Secretary • Tony Firman - Advertising and part Facebook Manager • Serge Yan - Assistant Treasurer • Henry Warren - General committee member • Adam Bedikian -General committee member Past AGRA committee members carrying out Support work for AGRA • Sam ConstantopoulosWebsite Editor. • Karina Ces - Support Family Fun Day and Manager Newsletter Distribution • Note all committee members have specific portfolio responsibilities
Minutes from 2013 AGRA AGM • 7.40pm • Copies of the minutes are available on seats. • Move: - that previous minutes be accepted. • Any matters arising?
Presidents Report & Questions from the floor 7.50pm • This presentation includes the Presidents 2013-2014 Annual Report • Some copies of the Agenda for tonight's meeting are available on seats tonight. • Tonight the Presidents Report covers highlights from the past year. • There are many items that AGRA works on that are not covered in this report
Agra Community Needs & Desires Survey was carried out two years ago • Objective of the survey to help AGRA identify what services the community are going to need and where AGRA should focus our efforts over the next 5 and 10 year periods. • The survey asked residents to tick current projects we are working on that they believe are important to the benefit of Aspendale Gardens and surrounding areas and to include any items they consider should be added to the list.
AGRA & Community Objective • Post Office Agency in Aspendale Gardens. • Number 1 with 67% Resident Response • Further surveys and a petition were undertaken this year arranged by local state MP Lorraine Wreford. Combined with her advocacy and support from Nary Sea (the local stationer) and AGRA has resulted in: • Post have offered a Post Point operation which incudes sales of stamps and Post stationery. This is a one year trial and if demand is sufficient will result in an LPO being offered to Aspendale Gardens. • Action: Community to support the trial by using the Post Point operation
AGRA & Community Objective • Commence Construction of the MPF when the Dingley By-Pass is nearing completion. To get traffic off Wells Road & out of Southern Nepean Transport Corridor • Number 2 with 63% Resident Response • Current Position:As promised the Government have received the VIC Roads Feasibility Study and announced plans for the Mordialloc By-Pass (MPF). A further $10.6 million environmental and business case is to be developed during their next Term. • Action: To be November 2014 election issue. 1. Seek publication of the first study so everyone knows what is proposed and how etc 2. Seek early completion of the second study – 3. Seek commence construction of the MPF during the next term of Government. Tie in with the completion stages of the Dingley By- Pass. This will bring economies of scale and cost and efficiency benefits to the project
AGRA & Community Objective • Seek Commencement of widening of Governor Road to 4 Lanes. • There has been an increased flow of traffic in our region since the opening of Peninsula Link. • For well over a year now volumes on Governor Road have now exceeded the trigger point of 20,000 VPD for widening. • Action: AGRA to continue to follow this up with our local MP’s and Council direct now that Village Committees have been killed off by the COK. The MPF Extension may impact on this. A reason why we need to see the 1st MPF Study.
AGRA & Community Objective • Boundary Road and Governor Road Roundabout. Controls needed. • Number 3 with 57% Resident Response • We raised this with our local MP’s Donna Bauer and Lorraine Wreford. • Also with our COK AEAGW Village Committee with the expectation of COK arranging a meeting with Vic Roads. Nothing positive has yet happened • Action: Continue with objective
AGRA & Community Objective • Sporting Ground in Aspendale Gardens: on the land acquired by COK on Secondary Drain behind the Primary School • Number 4with 51% Resident Response: • The project is now fully operating for organised cricket. Our thanks to local councillors and council officers • There is “agreement” with AGPS for players to use their toilets. • Future works - council looking at options for drinking fountain, rubbish bin, furniture, shade tree planting. • Tony Firman has had a strong input into this project. • Action: Monitor
AGRA & Community Objective • Greening of Wells Road; A long term AGRA project. Council now have work underway. • Number 5 with 46% Resident Response • Plantings last year and this year have been very successful. Continued additional works on the outer nature strips is underway including understory planting and storm water infrastructure etc. Tony Collins COK will update tonight. • Action: Continue work with COK.
AGRA & Community Objective • Poor Quality of ADSL2+ services. Objective to improve in Aspendale Gardens and surrounding areas • Joint Number 6 with 46% Resident Response • Last year residents completed an AGRA electronic survey which showed a good improvement on past services. • That survey highlighted Winners Circle as a special major problem - have to use wireless. Support was given to the WC project by Lorraine Wreford and South Ward Councillors in particular Councillor Bearsley and federal MP Mark Dreyfus QC also contributed with our own Andrew Beasley managing the project . • Outcome: Telstra will install equipment which is expected to meet the needs of residents in and around Winners Circle. • Action: AGRA to monitor.
AGRA & Community Objective • Need for National Broadband Network (NBN) in AG and Braeside Industrial Estate. • Joint Number 6 with 46% Resident Response • Nothing has changed with the election of the new Federal Liberal Government in terms of obtaining this service; NBN have no plans in the foreseeable future at all for NBN installation in AG or into the Braeside Industrial area • That could be forever! We are not on any lists. Local business and jobs are therefore at risk of companies moving out or not coming into our region! That is really bad news in the current high unemployment climate particularly for young people. • Our Federal Member Mark Dreyfus QC reported when in Government that Government have no say in prioritising NBN. • NBN say they were subject to instructions from government • Action: Pursue high speed service continuously with government
AGRA & Community Objective • Mordialloc Creek - Screening of future Industrial Development on the Eastern Side of the Creek between Bowen Road and the Wells Road Bridge. Work was to commence soon. • Number 7 with 43% Resident Response • In 2013 MW made a presentation at our AGM. They confirmed the construction program is likely to start after the growling grass frog breeding season ends early 2013. They confirmed that they will be including some plantings in their side of the development but that shielding is a COK planning responsibility • This project has developed into two issues. 1. When will MW start work on remodelling the creek which has major environmental benefits including a reduction in the need for dredging at the mouth of Mordi Creek. 2. How can the shielding of the future industrial development be achieved? • 1. Timeline for Project: MW announced last year that this project no longer has funding in their 3 year water plan. This means it has been delayed three or more years. Whatever the reason given we believe this this the result of state government budget cuts which AGRA had foreseen and warned all parties. Continued
AGRA & Community Objective Continued Mordialloc Creek - Screening of future Industrial Development on the Eastern Side of the Creek between Bowen Road and the Wells Road Bridge. We alerted our local MP’s in June 2013 to the risk of delay to the project and wrote to all three local MP’s seeking their intervention to get this project back on plan for commencement at the end of the next Growling Grass Frog breeding season. 2. Screening Project: AGRA met with local state MP’s Donna Bauer and Lorraine Wreford in June 2013 to review this subject and seek advice. LW said the plantings may need to be driven by a local group (e.g.. AGRA or a ‘Friends of’ group”). AGRA wrote to COK and the COK recommend that the Mordialloc Catchment Friends Group with strong support from Council and Melbourne Water could be the way to manage this project. Melbourne Water have indicated strong support. We have already asked MW if they can give more ground for screening alongside the creek. COK reported that they had recently established a 3 metre landscape setback for future industrial 1 zone properties fronting Mordialloc Creek. AGRA to continue to promote the need for effective visual screening and to get the project underway after the appropriate Growling Grass Frog Breeding season. Action: To be an election issue for the region!!!!!!
AGRA & Community Objective • Review of Widening Governor Road to four lanes to ease traffic volumes in AG • Number 8 with 40% Resident Response: With a 40% response to our survey this item is clearly related to the roundabout issues as well. • Action: We understand that this project may be delayed because of the MPF Extension project. • Seeing as that will be years away we believe this project should get underway anyway. Whatever happens it will need to be four lanes.
AGRA & Community Objective • Winners Circle Unsafe Vehicle Entry & Exit and need for pedestrian crossing to bus stop. Therefore need for Traffic Controls. • Number 9 with 39% Resident Response: 90% of respondents from Winners Circle highlighted this item as critical. A 39% community wide response is amazing for a local road item. • Current Position: Quite candidly no one at Council or in State Government seems to care about this local traffic safety matter. Further excuses for inaction link it to the outcome of controls at the Boundary Road roundabout and widening of Governor Road and the future MPF Extension. • Action: Make into an election issue again!!
AGRA & Community Objective • Bicycle & Pedestrian Paths between Wells & Boundary Roads to give access to the Braeside Industrial Estate • Number 10with 39% Resident Response: Now identified as a major need for the regional community. Not just for us but for anyone in Aspendale and Edithvale who want to ride their bike to work in the Braeside area. • Current Position: You guessed it. After years of work with Council and the promise that it would be strongly considered their 2014/15 budget Council have told us that a reason for no further action is that they need to consider the impact of the future MPF Extension and any bike paths that will come with that. To be built when???? • We have not seen the study on this project and therefore do not know if the COK has. That study may show a separate track is needed. We need the study. • Action: This is another local safety item linked with other traffic safety issues and must become an election issue. How long does it take?
AGRA & Community Objective • Melbourne Water Access Track within Edithvale North Wetland. This relates to the section of the track between the Nurten Parade southern entrance and the Longbeach Bicycle Trail • Number 11 with 35% Resident Response: • Project gained support of the AEAGW VC (Now defunct). With construction of Edithvale Children's Hub on Edithvale Road and the Sportsground Council have now given a medium importance to this project and included the design phase in the 2013/14 period and for consideration in the 2014/15 budget. It remains on hold however see next slide. • ActionMonitor.
Community Objective • Development of the existing informal path between the end of the concrete path that follows behind the school and Nurten Parade then along the fenceline to the bridge crossing to the Long Beach Trail. Spin Off from previous item – proposed to our local Village Committee (now defunct) by Tony Firman and now supported by Council. • During discussion on the Access Trail within Edithvale North Wetland the Village Committee also proposed and supported development of the existing informal path between the end of the concrete path that follows behind the school and Nurten Parade then along the fenceline to the Long Beach Trail. This is recognised as a significant thoroughfare. • Council has budgeted this item in the 2014/2015 budget period. Well done Council. With construction of Edithvale Children's Hub on Edithvale Road and our new Sportsground Council have now given the project the go ahead. Our thanks to the VC for proposing this project. • Action Monitor.
AGRA & Community Objective • City of Kingston Youth Spaces Strategy – Aspendale Gardens Rage Cage Changes • Number 12 with 35% Resident Response: • Council plan to upgrade as part of their plans. Any proposals will follow normal policy in terms of community input. • Action: Monitor.
AGRA & Community Objective • Protection Kingston Green Wedge: (2011 Review of the Wedge by COK). • Joint Number 13 with 27% Resident Response: • This year Council on a 5 to 4 Councillor Vote basis have promoted major changes to the concept of the Green Wedge. These are completely outside whatever was considered before. • In addition the same voting group support removing the GW protection from parts of Springvale Road north of Governor Road. Prior to our last Council elections two of our SW Councillors promised to protect the Green Wedge boundaries (the third made no comment) and then the same two chose to support removing the Green Wedge boundaries in the Springvale Road Green Wedge area so that it can be used for residential development. They broke their promise and have set the scene for whatever reason for residential development in the established areas including the Mentone Sports Ground :
AGRA & Community Objective • Protection Kingston Green Wedge: (2011 Review of the Wedge by COK). • Joint Number 13 with 27% Resident Response: Continued from previous slide. • The AGRA committee have been asked by some councillors and by some of our own committee members why are we getting involved in a regional planning issue that is at a distance to Aspendale Gardens. As you can see one in four local residents see the Green Wedge as an important regional issue. • AGRA have carried our a large study meeting with many interested parties from both sides of the discussion. We have printed a report in our Winter Newsletter. We strongly recommend that all residents read that report and also check our website. We have also suggested to Council that any proposals they may make to the Minister be as a total package and not in sections which appears to be what they plan to do which could impact on any decisions he may make. • We suggest this be an election issue with AGRA asking candidates for their position on this important regional issue known as the lungs of Melbourne.
AGRA & Community Objective • Yammerbook Lake Nature Reserve - Stage 2: • Number 13 (joint) with 27% Resident Response; The planned changes to the reserve will make this an even more attractive nature reserve. • Tony Collins from the COK will make a presntion tonight updating on this great development. • Action: Monitor through Yammerbook Committee
AGRA & Community Objective • Red Light Camera Wells Road and Royal Palms. • Number 14 (Joint) with 26% Resident Response; • We worked with our local state MP’s and direct with the Department of Justice on this project. • The outcome is that two camera’s have been installed at Wells - Royal Palms and at Wells – Palm Grove and are working. A road safety improvement • Our thanks to all who helped with this project. • Action: Close
AGRA & Community Objective • Objective Fitness Trails throughout Kingston. • AGRA through our Village Committee proposed to Council the development of fitness trails throughout Kingston and in particular within our region. • This would be a fitness bonus for all residents including senior citizens, children and those who need to get fit but can’t do so on a regular or cost basis. Council responded positively to the proposal. Longbeach Trail could be a good location for circuit equipment given its accessibility and clear sight lines. Council report that the trail behind the Aspendale Gardens school is also a potential site for a fitness trail. • We look forward to Council moving ahead with a local fitness trail that will complement the new Sports Oval; hopefully it will be included in next year’s budget considerations for the 2014/2015 budget. We appreciate the support given to this proposal by the Village Committee and Council. It was not included. • Action Persue again
AGRA & Community Objective • AGRA Objection; Proposed Shopping Centre Residential Roof Top Development: • Last year VCAT passed the stage one proposal. VCAT clearly stted that approval of stage one did not automatically approve any stage two proposl. They are independent. • AGRA participated as an objector wrote to the Minister for Justice objecting to the VCAT decision however the Minister said he could do nothing. • A community meeting was held recently with the developer to discuss his plans for stage 2. We learnt very little and he would not show us his stage 2 drawings which prevented us getting a visual understanding of the finished product. • We understand stage 2 plans are with Council and we await council advertising that the plans are available for viewing and comment. • Action: AGRA to Monitor. We ask our Councillors to stay on top of this so that we don’t get left out of the loop.
AGRA & Community Objective • State Government new Planning Rules – Particularly Commercial 2 zone. Last Years Slide:The new Commercial zone 2 allows supermarkets up to 1,800m2 to open without needing a planning permit and new shops to open where this was previously not allowed. Aone size fits all approach. • AGRA wrote Mayor Ron Brownlees seeking clarification as to whether there could be an adverse impact on the Aspendale Gardens Shopping Centre when this legislation is enacted on the 1st July 2013 • Council specifically note 10 ten areas in Kingston that are at risk one of which is at high risk, Aspendale Gardens Shopping Centre. • We understand that Council have written to the government seeking amendments to the plan but have not had a specific response. • AGRA are not interested in stopping competition but we have a real concern that predatory supermarket chains using this legislation will open up on Wells Road in Chelsea Heights and target our shopping centre so that it is not viable with the result it could close down. • Action - Residents should write to Council – See forms available.
AGRA & Community Objective • New Residential Zones Last years Slide • New legislation is also underway relating to new residential zones. AGRA placed posters and brochures and Council feedback forms on our Post Box at the shopping centre. • Please ensure that you read about this on Councils website and give your view before changes come in that you do not like. We would appreciate if you can tell AGRA what you think of the proposals. AGRA will look at this in the coming months. • Forms available
Community Activities; Bi Annual Community Fun Day – Saturday ???? 2015
State Election November 2014 • Tell us what issued AGRA should raise with candidates before the election? • EXAMPLES; East West Link is it needed, has the case been made, has the case been seen etc – MPF Extension – Green Wedge – To prepare legislation that prevents developers making donations to political parties as operating in NSW - Set up Equivalent of NSW ICAC in Victoria
Federal Election September 2013 Our website was attacked Lets Hope it doesn’t happen again for the 2014 state elections
AGRA Future Operating Objectives • AGRA this year undertook a major review of our procedures and responsibilities. This will continue in the next year. • We will also focus our attention on key issues and delegate more responsibility • With the loss of VC’s we need to arrange regular meetings with local MP’s, Councillors and Council Officers and with Government Departments • AGRA needs to stay independent of politics. We work with politicians and they help us. The committee work for the community not for other vested interests.
President Ken Carney • Due to family reasons I cannot stand for re-election this year. • I Wish to thank the present and past committee members and the Aspendale Community for allowing me the honour to represent your needs over 20 plus years. • Also my thanks for the support of many individuals within organisations and government bodies that have helped us achieve most of the objectives we have set ourselves over the years.
Presidents Report That’sallfolks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Treasurers Report8.10pm Presented by John Zeccola Treasurers Reports on chairs.
Changes to the AGRA Constitution8.20pm No changes proposed
8.20pm. Election of Officers. Chaired by local Councillor Tamsin Bearsley • Any Aspendale Gardens resident can nominate on the night to become a member of the AGRA committee. • We are seeking three to four new members! • Tradition is that we elect the following positions; President, Treasurer and Minute Secretary tonight along with individual committee members. • The committee then fills all other official positions during their first meeting.
Re-appoint Auditor for 201415.8.35pm • As you know we have a new auditor this year • Motion to appoint an auditor for the 2013 to 2014 year. • The committee propose that Colin Shiel CPA(ASA)be reappointed for 2013/14 • To be moved and seconded
Welcome to Tony Collins Team Leader – City of Kingston Parks & Recreation. 8.40pm • Yammerbook Nature Reserve Development Program and other local works. • We are sure that Tony will enjoy taking questions and suggestions from the floor. • Tony to explain the coming planting program which needs Aspendale gardens volunteers to plant well over 1500 trees in the secondary drain. 6th and 14th September 10.00 till 1.00pm BBQ at 1.00pm supplied by COK.
Criminal Activities in Aspendale Gardens. 9.05pm. • An officer from Mordialloc Police Station may attend if available • Questions will be taken from the floor.
Any other Business 9.15pm • Newsletter Deliverers. • General community questions.
9.20pm Mix & Mingle • Meet our visitors and presenters for tonight. • Also meet you new AGRA committee.
Finish. Light refreshments kindly supplied by Ritchie’s Supermarket. That is really allfolks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The AGRA Committee Trust we have served you well.