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Join the movement of love and unity through the powerful song "We Are the World" by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, inspiring hope and change for a better tomorrow. Embrace the message of charity, unity, and kindness as we strive to make a positive impact on the world. Let's come together, lend a hand, and be the change we wish to see.
B R _ main English Poem —Another Day in Paradise English Song —We Are the World Background Information
B R _ English Poem_ main English Poem — Another Day in Paradise Read the Poem Discussion
B R _ English Song_ main English Song — We Are the World Listen to the Song Blank Filling Questions about the Song and the Text Some Pioneers to “Make a Brighter Day”
B R _ Background Information Background Information O. Henry What Are They Famous For?
Discussion B R _ Discussion 1. What story does the poem tell us? 2. What would you do if you were the man in the poem, and why?
Blank Filling Listen to the song and fill in the blanks with what you hear. There comes a time When we , When the world Must as one. There are people dying; And it’s time to to life, The greatest gift of all. We can’t go on pretending day by day That someone somewhere will soon . B R _ Blank Filling 1 hear a certain call ________________ come together _____________ lend a hand ___________ make a change _____________
We are the part Of God’s great big family. And the truth you know, Love is . We are the world, We are the children, We are the ones Who make a brighter day. So let’s start giving. There’s a choice we are making, We are saving our own lives. It’s true we’ll make a better day, Just you and me. all we need B R _ Blank Filling 2 __________
B R _ Blank Filling 3 your heart Send them So they’ll know that someone cares. And their life Will be . As God has shown us, By turning . So we all must lend a helping hand. We are the world, We are the children, We are the ones Who make a brighter day. So let’s start giving. __________ stronger and free _______________ _____________ stones to bread
B R _ Blank Filling 5 There’s a choice we are making, We are saving our own lives. It’s true we’ll make a better day, Just you and me. When you’re , There seems no hope at all. But if you just believe, There’s . Let us realize That a change can only come When we as one. down and out ____________ no way we can fall _________________ stand together _____________
We are the world, We are the children, We are the ones Who make a brighter day. So let’s start giving. There’s a choice we are making, We are saving our own lives. It’s true we’ll make a better day, Just you and me. B R _ Blank Filling 6
Questions about the Song and the Text 1. According to the song, among faith, hope and charity, which is the most important? B R _ Questions about the Song Charity. 2. The story tells us that, to solve the problems of this world, “Love is all we need.” Do you think so? If not, what do we need to “make a brighter day”?
B R _ Some Pioneers to “Make a Brighter Day” 1_1 Some Pioneers to “Make a Brighter Day” Click the picture
B R _ Some Pioneers to “Make a Brighter Day” 2_1 Some Pioneers to “Make a Brighter Day” Click the picture
B R _ Some Pioneers to “Make a Brighter Day” 3 Michael Jackson Michael Jackson cowrote (with Lionel Richie) the song We Are the World (1985), which was performed by a group of more than 40 popular musicians, with all profits from audio and video sales donated to alleviate world hunger.
Mother Teresa Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity, an order (教会) of nuns, to help those who are starving and sick. Centered in Calcutta, India, one of the most densely populated cities in the world, the organization also helps the impoverished children. After four decades of service for the poor, Mother Teresa stepped down from her role as administrator of the order in 1990. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. (http://almaz.com/ nobel/peace/1979a.html) B R _ Some Pioneers to “Make a Brighter Day” 1_2
Princess Diana Diana actively supported many charities related to homeless and deprived children, drug abuse and victims of AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). In 1987 Diana shocked many people when she shook the hand of an AIDS patient. She was the vice president of the British Red Cross and served as a member of International Red Cross advisory board. (http://www.gargaro.com/diana.html) B R _ Some Pioneers to “Make a Brighter Day” 2_2
O. Henry O. Henry (1862~1910): American writer of short stories, best known for his ironic plot twists and surprise endings B R _ O. Henry Click the picture
He was born on September 11, 1862 in North Carolina, where he spent his childhood. B R _ O. Henry_P1
He went to Texas in 1882 and worked at various jobs — as a teller in an Austin bank (1891~1894) and as a newspaperman for the Houston Post. B R _ O. Henry_P2
In 1898 an unexplained shortage in the Austin bank was charged to him. Although many people believed him innocent, he fled to the Honduras, but returned to be with his wife, who was fatally ill. He eventually served three years in prison, where he first started writing short stories. B R _ O. Henry_P3
Upon his release he settled in New York City and became a highly successful and prolific contributor to various magazines. Although his stories have been criticized as shallow and contrived, O. Henry did catch the color and movement of the city and evidenced a genuine sympathy for ordinary people. His approximately 300 stories are collected in Cabbages and Kings (1904), TheFourMillion (1906), TheVoiceof the City (1908), Options (1909), and others. B R _ O. Henry_P4
He died on June 5, 1910 in New York City at the age of forty-seven. An alcoholic, he died virtually penniless. B R _ O. Henry_P5
What Are They Famous For? Do you know these greatest artists and their masterpieces? B R _ What are They Famous For? Click the picture
Steven Spielberg (1947~ ): American motion-picture director, producer and executive, who achieved great commercial success and is among the most popular filmmakers of the late 20th century B R _ What are They Famous For?_P1_1 Masterpieces: Schindler’s List, JurassicPark, SavingPrivateRayn, etc.
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P1_2 Schindler’s List
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P2 Mozart (1756~1791): Austrian composer, the centrally important composer of the classical era, and one of the most inspired composers in the Western musical tradition Masterpieces: Symphony No.40 in G minor (G小调第40号交响曲),Variations on “Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman” (“小星星”变奏曲)
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P3_1 Xu Beihong (1895~1953): Modern Chinese master of Fine Arts (美术) Masterpieces: Horses
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P3_2 Xu Beihong’s Horses
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P4_1 Pablo Picasso (1881~1973): Spanish painter and sculptor, generally considered the greatest artist in the 20th century Masterpieces: The Barefoot Girl, Self-portrait, etc.
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P4_2 The Barefoot Girl Self-portrait
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P5_1 Leonardo Da Vinci (1452~1519): Florentine artist, one of the great masters of High Renaissance (文艺复兴盛期), celebrated as painter, sculptor, architect, engineer and scientist Masterpieces: Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, etc.
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P5_2 Mona Lisa The Last Supper
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P6 Ralph Lauren (1939~ ): American fashion designer, the founder of the clothing company called Polo. Masterpieces: clothing for men, women and children, bedding and bath luxuries, gifts and much more
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P7_1 Wang Xizhi (303~379): Wang Xizhi is known as the Sage of Calligraphy (书法). He is remembered not only for revolutionizing the art of Chinese writing, but also for his complete devotion to this traditional Chinese art form. Masterpieces: Lan Ting Xu (the Prelude of the Orchid Pavilion), etc.
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P7_2 Lan Ting Xu
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P8_1 William Shakespeare (1564~1616): English playwright and poet, recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists Masterpieces: As You Like It, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Merchant of Venice, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, etc.
B R _ What are They Famous For?_P8_2 Merchant of Venice
Part Division of the Text G R _ main Questions and Answers Scanning Further Understanding
Further Understanding G R _ Further Understanding_ main Story Telling Dialogue Making Discussion
Part Division of the Text A piece of narration usually consists of a number of scenes. In each scene there are different characters who interact with each other. Now put down, in the following table, the characters and major events of the seven scenes in Text A. The first one has been done for you. G R _ Part Division of the Text 1 Parts Para(s) Characters Events 1 1~2 Sue, Johnsy Sue’s roommate Johnsy caught pneumonia.
Parts Para(s) Characters Events 2 3~8 the doctor, Sue The doctor told Sue that Johnsy needed a strong will to live on. G R _ Part Division of the Text 2 3 9~17 Johnsy, Sue Johnsy decided that she would die when the last ivy leaf fell. 4 18~21 Behrman, Sue Sue told Behrman about Johnsy’s fancy.
G R _ Part Division of the Text 3 Parts Para(s) Characters Events 5 22~33 Sue, Johnsy As Johnsy was encouraged by the last leaf that wouldn’t give in to the weather, her will to live returned. 6 34~37 the doctor, Sue The doctor told Sue that Johnsy would recover, but Behrman caught pneumonia himself and his case was hopeless.
G R _ Part Division of the Text 4 Parts Para(s) Characters Events 7 38~39 Sue, Johnsy Sue told Johnsy about the kind deed that Behrman had performed without any thought of self.
G R _ Questions and Answers 1 Questions and Answers The story is, as indicated by its title, built around the last ivy leaf. In other words, the last ivy leaf is the main thread that runs through the whole story. The following questions are intended to help you get a clear idea of this point. 1. What was, at first, Johnsy determined to do if the last ivy leaf should fall? She made up her mind to die when the last leaf fell.
G R _ Questions and Answers2 2. What did she decide to do when she saw the last leaf still cling to the vine after two nights’ rain and wind? She decided not to give up her life. 3. How was it that the cold fierce wind did not blow away the last leaf? Behrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsy’s state of mind, risked death to paint the last leaf and save her. 4. Why did Sue call the painted leaf Behrman’s masterpiece? Because it was so perfect the girls both mistook it for the real thing.
G R _ Scanning1 Scanning Scan Text A and find out other clues besides “the last ivy leaf”, which help organize the story into a whole. Clue 1: the last leaf Clue 2: the doctor’s three visits Clue 3: soup Clue 4: the Bay of Naples Clue 5: Behrman’s masterpiece
G R _ Scanning2 the doctor’s three visits 1. Johnsy was seriously ill. (Paras. 3~8) 2. Johnsy had a 50-50 chance for survival and death while Old Behrman was incurably sick. (Paras. 34~36) 3. Johnsy was sure to recover. (Para. 37)
G R _ Scanning3 soup 1. Johnsy refused to take any soup when she decided to die with the fall of the last leaf. (Para. 16) 2. When she was shaken alive again by that undying last leaf, one of her first desires was to drink some soup. (Para. 31)