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An Era of Transformation. From Rodowick to Guattari to Massumi. Bijvoorbeeld: Russian Ark. Whether viewed projected in theatre or watched at home on a hogh-definition screen, it does not involve me in time.
An Era of Transformation From Rodowick to Guattari to Massumi
Bijvoorbeeld: Russian Ark • Whether viewed projected in theatre or watched at home on a hogh-definition screen, it does not involve me in time. • Problem: it is ignoring that the assumptions of perceptual realism are indeed paradoxical. • Contradiction: it is no uninterrupted sequence nor is it film: it is montage. Meurer: it includes more than 30.000 digital events. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so_tB8UxGjA
The digital event: • Light recorded on charge-coupled devices is already fragmented into a discrete mosaic of picture elements, which are then read off as distinct mathematical values. • Corresponds less to the duration and the movements of the world than to the control and variation of discrete numerical elements internal to the computer’s memory and logical processes. • The digital event depends on montage, on being a one-way street (its translation) and compositing (the separate layers are not spatial wholes but numerically defined values: simulated and intentional.
The Ontology of Digital Worlds • Analogue= invisability of layers, continuity of movement and devaluation of filmic editing • Digital space needs no cuts and is not anymore a combining of spaces. Editing is consequence of the analog automata • Nothing moves: duration turns into durée of realtime. • There is no presence other than myself Conclusion: a block of duration => code continuity in space and movement => montage or combination (there is no difference anymore between creation and modification, Manovich)
The digital event= a manipulation of the layers of the modularized image subject to a variety of algorithmic transformations. Digital information expresses another will to power in relation to the world (174) Nietzsche: WTP is ambitie, streven, voltrekking zonder teleologie.
Hoe verandert de digital onze ontologie? • Er is geen andere wereld (we control, manage, communicate): matter and minds have become information. Even time is managed as information. Manovich: will is a ‘database complex’. • Jurrasic park tells us that reality is only recognized in its photographic appearance.
I think because I exist in a present time of exchange with others, who are not present to me in space
Watvoorsamenlevingbestaaterdanvandaag? • Massa media zijnnog steeds zeerinvloedrijk, het maaktnog steeds collectieven, het bepaaltnog steeds onzemanier van communiceren. • Maar met eenandereecologie, eenanderetechnologie, anderesociologie, vindt “het gesprek” daar steeds minder plaats. http://vimeo.com/61119443
Guattari (eind jaren 80) over het nieuwe landschap: the Post-media Age ‘Thisrocking motion thatbroughtus to a dangerously retrograde subjectivereterritorialisationmightspectacularly turn around the daywhen are asserted, in a sufficientmanner, new emancipatorysocialpracices and, above all, alternative assemblages of subjectiveproductioncapabale of connecting – on a mode different thanthat of conservativereterritorialisation – to the molecularrevolutionsthatworkour era’. (293).
Herdenk het Postmodernisme. • Postmoderne conditie. (Lyotard). • Einde grote verhalen, die ons handelen rechtvaardigen. • ‘Littlenarratives’ als antwoord. (G 294). • ‘Be theypainters, architects, orphilosophers, the heroes of postmodernism have this in common; they all thinkthattoday’s crises in artistic and socialpracticescannolongerresult in anythingbut a totalrefusal of all collectiveproject-making of anyimportance. Let’scultivateour garden, and preferably in conformitywith the practices and customs of ourcontemporaries’ (Guattari, 295).
Post-modernisme. • ‘post-modernism comes down to nothing more than the finalspasms of modernism, thatit is a reaction and, to a certainextent, a mirror of the formalist and reductionist abuses of the latter, fromwhichitultimatelyisn’treally different. (…) Buttherewillbenorevivial of the creativephylumthatthey had hoped to bring back’(292).
Post-media • ‘The emergence of these newpractices of subjectivation of a post-media era willbegreatlyfacilitatedby a concertedreappropriation of communicational and informationtechnology, assumingthattheyincreasinglyallowfor: 1) the formation of innovativeforms of dialogue and collectiveinteractivity and eventually, a reinvention of democracy; 2) Be means of the miniaturization and personalization of equipments, a resingularization of the machinicmediatizedmeans of expression; we canpresume, onthis subject, thatit is the connection, throughnetworking, of banks of data whichwill offer us the most surprising views; 3) The multiplication to infinity of ‘existential operators’, permitting acces to mutant creativeuniverses’ (G 300).
Post-media. ‘The coming post-mediaticrevolution must becalledon to take the relay (withincomparable efficiency) of minoritarygroupswhich are the onlyones, even today, that have becomeaware of the mortal risk, forhumanity, of problemssuch as: - the race to stockpilenuclearweapons, - worldhunger, - irreversibleecologicaldamage, -mass-mediaticpollution of collectivesubjectivity.’ (Guattari 300)