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SUITS (PLP). Note- Iron Man Suits don’t exist yet!. By Peter. My Inquiry Questions. What would be an Iron Man Suit and how would it work? What would classify as an ARC Reactor and how would it work? What could be called a R epulser/Unibeam and how would it work?
SUITS (PLP) Note- Iron Man Suits don’t exist yet! By Peter
My Inquiry Questions • What would be an Iron Man Suit and how would it work? • What would classify as an ARC Reactor and how would it work? • What could be called a Repulser/Unibeam and how would it work? • Explain how and why the Suits would flyin real life. • Explain the reason Iron Man Suits cannot be made in real life. • Who (in the movies) made the first Iron Man Suit and why was it made?
Heading 1- What would be an Iron Man Suit? • An Iron Man Suit would be classified as a weaponised suit of high-tech battle armour. The movie suit (fake) would cost around $110 million. • If they existed, an average Iron Man Suit would include a HUD*, Rocket Boosters of some kind, a parachute (optional) and an AI* (like JARVIS from Iron Man). *Artificial Intelligence *Heads Up Display
Heading 1 Continued- How would it work? PT1- Flight. When Iron Man flies, all the details you can find is that he flies and fire comes out of his feet. In real life, this is actually impossible as the size of the boosters on Iron Man’s feet are too small to keep the armour, the fuel tanks, and the pilot flying! Although the MRK2 and later rocket boot boosters can’t be made, the MRK1 boosters MAY be possible. The MRK39 may be possible too because of the extra jetpack. More info? Go http://marvel.com/news/story/12132/marvel_science_iron_mans_flight_capabilities Here!
Heading 1 Continued- How would it work? PT2- Moving. The only real answer to this question is “We don’t know. He just does.”. Though this may be true, there are some times when he says something like “Re-route all power to servos!” and he gets stronger. As with the boot jets, its not possible with the MRK2 and later versions but the MRK1 might just be possible. Why is the MRK1 so possible? Click here to find out! http://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2013/05/03/how-close-are-we-to-a-real-iron-man-suit/
Heading 1 Continued- How would it work? PT3- H.U.D and J.A.R.V.I.S Learn more about Google Glass: http://www.google.com/glass/start/what-it-does/ Part 1- H.U.D Iron Man’s heads up display is very complicated. The H.U.D is basically the thing that tells him stuff like ‘6% power remaining!’. The way the H.U.D works is it shines the info in his eye, kind of like how the Google Glass work. Only 40 times COOLER! One theory against this theory is because in the movies you can see the H.U.D too. So if it was projected into the eye, you couldn't see it. Part 2- J.A.R.V.I.S J.A.R.V.I.S is the A.I from the Iron Man movies. He helps control the Suits and robots in Malibu Mansion (Iron Man’s Base). In the real world J.A.R.V.I.S is called things like SIRI. J.A.R.V.I.S stands for Just A Rather Very Intelligent System. Where the hub of the J.A.R.V.I.S system is located is unknown. Because he can control Tech indirectly, J.A.R.V.I.S could speak out of your IPod (if it was real). J.A.R.V.I.S is also the name of a car company.
Heading 2- What would classify as an ARC Reactor and how would it work? The ARC Reactor is the core of the Iron Man Suits and the glowing device in Tony Stark’s chest. It is a power device for Stark's Electromagnet (for origin story go here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man_(2008_film)). The actual reactor would probably be a model of a type of fission reactor (a giant generator) made small. The ARC reactor was also the thing that powered Stark Tech/ Stark International (Tony’s company). This company makes weapons until… (click tp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Man_(2008_film)here!!) Anyway, the ARC reactor that powers the suits couldn’t be made because the pilot would cook when the reactor generated power. That could be solved by making it remote- controlled (like a U.A.V). But THEN the electronics could get fried!! Anyway at the end of the day the ARC reactor CANNOT be made and that is that!
Heading 3- What would be a repulser/ unibeam and how would it work? Part 1- Repulser A repulsor is the thing Iron Man has on his palm. NO, not literally. But in the suits he does. What is a repulsor, you ask? Well, it is a mixture between a flight stabiliser and a weapon. Weapon form: a ray powerful enough to blow a hole in someone or propel a chutari foot soldier back. Uses neutron principles to fire. Pros and Cons: Too much knockback for the operator, but lots of power, neutrons wouldn’t travel far enough. Flight form: a part for stabilising Iron Man’s flight. Very dangerous, because of the power. Keep away from children. Pros and Cons: no way of activation known, too small. Verdict: these cannot be made YET! But one day in the near future… they might be invented. You never know.
Heading 3- What would be a repulser/ unibeam and how would it work? Part 2- Unibeam Iron Man’s Unibeam is located in his chest. Apparently it is based on the repulser tech (see page 8), only on a larger and more powerful scale since it is directly linked to the ARC Reactor (see page 7). When fired, a beam of light comes out to attack the enemy. As with the repulser, this cannot be made YET. There was not much info on this subject because most of the sites were about games, instead of movie info. Finally, the Unibeam can also be used like a cannon to blast through things.
Heading 4- How and why the suits would flyin real life P1- How the suits fly. The Iron Man suits normally can fly. The only reasons why they can’t be made to fly in real life are because of the size the rocket boosters would have to be (see page 4) and the energy they would use (see page 7). On page 4 there is an article on the flight (if it was real). The main reason the flight cannot exist is because the ARC Reactor doesn’t exist. The MRK2 and later cannot be made (except maybe starboost) but again the MRK1 might be able to jump much higher than a normal human. There are already suits using compressed air to get to almost vertical flight. But the downside is it only lasts for like 5 seconds. The suits cannot be made in real life, as I have stressed at least five times.
Heading 4- How and why the suits would fly in real life P2- Why the suits fly. The suits fly to a) get away from bad guys, b) to be able to fight bad guys and c) to be able to get places quicker. This helps when super villains try to attack you. This also helps when you have 3 minutes to get to a meeting. The downside to flying is if you have a fear of heights, you could get scared or if your boosters cut out then you could fall very far.
Heading 5- Why the suits cannot be made in real life Part 1- Power. By now, if you don’t know the answer you are either a very bad listener or a very good ignorer. Anyway, the answer is… because we don’t have enough POWER! In the movie the ARC reactor powers it but that is basically SCIENCE FICTION!! There is NO KNOWN device that can create enough power without COOKING the operator!
Heading 5- Why the suits cannot be made in real life Part 2- Weapons, ECT The weapons cannot be made because the unibeam and the repulsors are made on magnetic principles. We just cannot understand them! Then the missiles. Normally they would have to be fired, but in all the videos he just raises his arm and it flies. Now that is possible to do, but in Iron Man 1 it takes out a tank from the front, where it is most armoured! That is almost impossible for a missile so small and so fast!
Heading 5- Why the suits cannot be made in real life Part 3- Flight and Movement The flight and movement cannot be replicated with the Iron Man suit because the motors and the jets cannot be made in a suit like the MRK 2 and newer. This is because, as mentioned before, this is actually impossible as the size of the boosters on Iron Man’s feet are too small to keep the armour, the fuel tanks, and the pilot flying! Also, if the motors were made they'd be too weak to make the parts of the suits move. I can guess what you would say, “ Hey Peter! What if they made the suits lighter? That would solve it!”. Well, the first reason you would make the suit is to protect yourself, and making it lighter would contradict that.
Heading 5- Why the suits cannot be made in real life Part 4- J.A.R.V.I.S. Part 1 JARVIS does not exist, though he is the only part of the suit that could be made soon. The reason why he isn’t already made is that our listening tech is not good enough. With the apple app SIRI, you can command simple things, but SIRI can be a bit deaf or be a bit confusedif you say the wrong thing. For example… What can I help you with? “Siri you should start understanding life.” I’ll make a note of that. “That's a good idea. Make a note of that for me Siri can you?” Ok… Made the note. What can I help you with? “Call me Peter.” From now on I’ll call you “Pizza”. Is that ok?
Heading 5- Why the suits cannot be made in real life Part 4- J.A.R.V.I.S. Part 2 So SIRI isn’t J.A.R.V.I.S. But SIRI isn’t far from being J.A.R.V.I.S. Very soon there will be AI’s like J.A.R.V.I.S. in the world. We just need to make better software and better programs. Hey, maybe in less than a couple of years we could make one! The fact is, all the other parts of the suits aren’t made because of the fact that they need to be ‘real’ (solid). This does not apply to the program J.A.R.V.I.S because it is not ‘solid’. When I say ‘solid’ I mean as in you can touch it.
Heading 6- Who first made the suits and why were they made? Part 1- who made them? Now, most people know who made them. It was Tony Stark, AKA Robert Downey jr. If you can’t guess who Robert Downey jr. is, well, he is an actor who plays Iron Man and Tony Stark in the movies. He also is an actor for people like James Bond, and Sherlock Holmes. Some facts about him: Date of Birth 4th April 1965, New York City, New York, USA.Birth Name Robert John Downey Jr. Nickname Bob RDJ Height 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Heading 6- Who first made the suits and why were they made? Part 2- Why they were made. The first reason the first suit was made was to get Tony out of the Ten Rings cave in Afghanistan. Some other reasons were to provide a safe casing for his heart monitor and the weapons required to get him out of the Ten Rings cave. When he got back home, he made a new suit to help others. All the suits seen in Iron Man 3 were made to take Tony’s mind off the fear he had in The Avengers, when he flew the nuke into the wormhole. Basically, it was a hobby.
(Extra) Cool Fact About A really cool thing about Iron Man and a spoiler is ahead, so movie geeks beware. Watch the movies first! In Iron Man Three, Iron Man, AKA Tony Stark, AKA Robert Downey Jrhas nightmares about the wormhole that happened in NYC. As Iron Man, he had to fly a missile through a wormhole, and since he couldn’t get reception in his comlink, he couldn’t answer Pepper (AKA Gwyneth Paltrow) because of the fact the Chutari HQ was in outer space.
Q1- Who Is Iron Man? Peter Yeoh Tony Stark Clint Barton
Q2- Why does he need his ARC Reactor? To power his things. Because they are in fashion. To eat, and do stuff.
Q3- What is JARVIS? Iron Man’s robotic butler. A car company. A car company and Iron Man’s robotic butler.