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United Soybean Board Activities & Accomplishments Report

United Soybean Board Activities & Accomplishments Report. USB February Meeting. STRATEGY Action Team/Target A rea planning meetings BUDGET Adjusted 2013 Approved 2014 and Action T eam allocations Reserve for high oleic market expansion AUDIT RESULTS Audit results announced. USB Budget.

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United Soybean Board Activities & Accomplishments Report

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  1. United Soybean Board Activities & Accomplishments Report

  2. USB February Meeting • STRATEGY • Action Team/Target Area planning meetings • BUDGET • Adjusted 2013 • Approved 2014 and Action Team allocations • Reserve for high oleic market expansion • AUDIT RESULTS • Audit results announced

  3. USB Budget • FY13 BUDGET CHANGES • Price: • $14.25/bushel • Usage: • 3.06 billion bu. • Collections: • $103,561,875 • FY14 BUDGET Price: $12/bushel Usage:3.28 billion bu. Collections: $93,480,000 ACTION TEAM ALLOCATIONS Customer Focus: 24.40% Meal: 33% Freedom to Operate: 19.40% Oil: 23.20%

  4. HIGH OLEIC SOY • LETTERS OF INTENT • DuPont Pioneer • Monsanto • RESERVE FUND • To continue market expansion • PROJECTIONS • 30% acreage goal “very reachable” • $4 billion added value for industry every year

  5. MEAL STRATEGY • IMPROVE PROTEIN • Research • Variety selection • Competition • DDGS • South American soy • U.S. ADVANTAGES • Amino acids • Digestibility • Reliable transportation • International offices

  6. OIL STRATEGY • PUSH AND PULL • Customer demand • Farmer acceptance • balance • Food industry • Industrial users

  7. FREEDOM TO OPERATE STRATEGY • PROACTIVE • Regulations • Transportation system • Trade barriers • Sustainability • Water • GMO labeling • COLLABORATE • Partner and leverage • Other organizations facing same issues

  8. CUSTOMER FOCUS STRATEGY • LOTS OF CUSTOMERS • Diverse needs • Quality products, services • FARMERS • Increase yields • Get tools, info into farmers’ hands

  9. FINANCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS • LEVERAGING • Funding: $83 million • Leveraged: $96 million • First time leverage total exceeded funding • 115% ratio • reviews • USDA: No findings • Financial audit: “Clean opinion”; no changes

  10. UPCOMING USB MEETINGS • WICHITA, KAN. • July 8-9 • ST. LOUIS • December 5-6 • Little rock, ark. • February 3-7, 2014 • YOU’RE INVITED!

  11. STAY UP TO DATE ON USB • ON THE WEBwww.UnitedSoybean.org • ON FACEBOOKwww.facebook.com/ UnitedSoybeanBoard • ON TWITTER@UnitedSoy

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