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Using Phased Array for Transverse Oscillation Vector Velocity Imaging

Using Phased Array for Transverse Oscillation Vector Velocity Imaging. Michael Johannes Pihl 1 , Per Haugaard 2 , and Jørgen Arendt Jensen 1 1 Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging, Building 349 Department of Electrical Engineering Technical University of Denmark

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Using Phased Array for Transverse Oscillation Vector Velocity Imaging

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  1. Using Phased Array for Transverse OscillationVector Velocity Imaging Michael Johannes Pihl1, Per Haugaard2, and Jørgen Arendt Jensen1 1 Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging, Building 349 Department of Electrical Engineering Technical University of Denmark 2Bk Medical, Mileparken 34, 2730 Herlev Denmark EUROSON 2010 Copenhagen, August 22nd-25th, 2010

  2. Recap from previous talks • Vector velocity imaging • Shallow depths (< 3-4 cm) QUESTIONS: Can we get further down? Can we scan the heart?

  3. Outline • Simple principle • TO setup for phased array • Simulation setup • Simulation results • Conclusion

  4. Axial direction Transverse direction Principle of transverse oscillation (TO)

  5. Principle of transverse oscillation (TO)

  6. TO beamforming

  7. Phased array Image area TO lines Phased array setup • 2 TO lines • Fixed angle • >Spacing increases

  8. Simulation tool

  9. Simulation setup Transducer (Phased array) Elements 128 Pitch 0.220 mm Center freq. 3.5 MHz System Pulse rep. freq. 5 kHz No. shots per est. 64 Blood Angle 90 degrees Speed 1 m/s Radius 5 mm

  10. Simulation results • 10 cm 20 realizations Relative bias: 2.6% Relative std: 6.5%

  11. Simulation results • 15 cm 20 realizations Relative bias: 4.2% Relative std: 8.5%

  12. Conclusion and perspectives • In simulation: Measure velocities at to 10-15 cm • Potential for getting that far down in clinical in-vivo measurements • Clinical perspectives • Insufficient heart valves • AAAs • Further development • Through simulations • Through measurements • 3D vector velocity imaging

  13. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Advanced Technology Foundation and B-K Medical Aps.

  14. Thank you for your attention Questions?

  15. Clinical potential • Vector velocity imaging • Insufficient valves (in the heart) • Abdominal aortic aneurisms • Portal vein • Renal artery • Multigating • Velocity and angle at every pixel • Develop new quantitative measures

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