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Study Skills

Learn how to study effectively by improving focus, organization, and revision techniques. Discover tips for creating a study timetable, organizing materials, and avoiding distractions to enhance your learning experience. Explore strategies such as note-taking, mind mapping, and flashcards to maximize retention and exam performance.

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Study Skills

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Study Skills

  2. Sound familiar?

  3. Today we will explore one of the most common problems pupils have when it comes to preparing for tests and exams...

  4. “I don’t know how to study !?”

  5. To make things a little less like this ...

  6. And a little more like this ...

  7. First thing’s first In order to study, you need to be able to focus and concentrate on your subjects. That means turning off all distractions...

  8. Turn off your mobile phone Even better, put it another room

  9. Don’t go on your laptop or iPad for unnecessary browsing

  10. Turn off the TV

  11. Now look at where you study Everyone is different, there is no right or wrong place to study. Some people will prefer to work in their bedroom, other people might prefer to work in a local library with no distractions.

  12. Some people like silence when studying, others might prefer to listen to music. Whatever works well for you is best.

  13. Getting organised Again there is no one rule fits all when it comes to being organised, but here are some tips that might help you...

  14. Have all your materials in the one place in your room so you know where everything is. You could have folders for any A4 pieces of paper or handouts, for each subject.

  15. Plan ahead Use your homework diary to write down when you have a homework due or a test and plan in advance when to study. Write a to do list to prioritise what to study first.

  16. Create a study timetable to help plan for studying all of your subjects. Similar to our timetable in school, it is important that you timetable your time out of school to help you study.

  17. Remember to plan for breaks, eating, sleeping as well as exercise and relaxing.

  18. The most simple way to create a study timetable is to list the days of the week along the top and the timeslots down the side, you could use paper,

  19. Or create one on a computer using excel, Or there are many apps to do make timetables also, My Study Timetable

  20. Whatever way you choose to make a study timetable remember to Make time for breaks. Every 15 minutes or so, take a break and get a snack or do something.

  21. So, now you have ... turned off all distractions found a good place to study have all the right equipment you need planned out a time table to study now we need to get on with the actual studying...

  22. Revision Re – vision means looking at something again, so it doesn't mean looking at work for the first time just before an exam! Revision means you've already been to the lessons, read the books, done the homework and now you're looking at it again!

  23. Read over your notes from class Make new notes to summarise and use highlighters to help you focus on key words and information Make mind maps to help you recall information

  24. Use flash cards to learn definitions or key facts. • Write questions/terms on the front of each card and answers/explanations on the back.

  25. For example, to learn a music definition Front of card Crescendo A gradual increase in loudness Back of card

  26. Post it notes are useful for writing study notes and reminders. Display them on your bedroom wall or anywhere to help you revise.

  27. Top tips for studying • Avoid distractions • Find a study space • Get organised • Plan your studying • Eat a healthy breakfast • Exercise • Sleep • Take breaks and relax • Make colourful notes / mind maps • Go for it 

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