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The -ing forms as the subject

Book4 Unit2 Grammar. The -ing forms as the subject. 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 苏奕璋. 河源市龙川一中 袁秋香. Conte n t. The general of gerund Gerund as a subject. When a sentence uses -ing form as the subject, the -ing form is used for gerunds. What is a gerund?. G erund. 5. A type of verbal that ends in

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The -ing forms as the subject

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  1. Book4 Unit2 Grammar The -ing forms as the subject 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院 苏奕璋 河源市龙川一中袁秋香

  2. Content The general of gerund Gerund as a subject

  3. When a sentence uses -ing form as the subject, the -ing form is used for gerunds.

  4. What is a gerund?

  5. Gerund 5 • A type of verbal that ends in -ing and is used like a noun.

  6. 6 • subject of the sentence • a direct object • a subject complement • object of a preposition

  7. How a gerund is used as a subject?

  8. Gerund as a subject Verb ending in -ing Subject Subject Gerund 8 Fishing is John's favourite hobby.

  9. Gerund Reading aloud Note: When used as a subject, the gerund usually comes at the beginning of a sentence, and theverb usually takes the singular form. is a good way in learning languages.

  10. Observe these examples: Waiting here is no good. It is no use telling him not to worry. It is a waste of time talking about such a useless thing. It's dangerous swimming in the sea on windy days. Notes: When the subject is too long, "it" is used as a formal subject, representing the real subject. It is no good waiting here.

  11. Some sentence patterns 11 • It is no use doing sth. • It is no good doing sth. • It is useless doing sth. • It is worthwhile doing sth. • It is dangerous doing sth. • It is a waste of time doing sth. • ……

  12. In sentences beginning with "there is", gerunds after "no" indicate that something is impossible or not allowed.

  13. Observe the sentences below: gerund It is not allowed to joke about such matter. 2. There was noknowing when he would leave. It is impossible to know when he would leave. Note: Gerund can appear in “there be” construction as its notional subject. There is nojoking about such matter.

  14. Some sentence patterns • There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事没意义 • There is no use doing sth. 做某事没用 • There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没意义 • ……

  15. the Subject of the Gerund • In formal writing, the subject of the gerund should be in the possessive form. 15 We often put a noun or pronoun in front of a gerund to show who or what is doing the action in the gerund.

  16. Using the possessive before a gerund Gerund phrase His brother's being ill made him worried.

  17. Using the possessive before a gerund Subject 17 Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us.

  18. Summary: Gerund as a subject 18 1. Gerund as a subject usually comes at the beginning of a sentence, and the verb usually takes the singular form. 2. When the subject is too long, "it" is used as a formal subject, representing the real subject--the gerund phrase. The real subject is put at the end of the sentence. 3. Gerund can appear in “there be” construction as its notional subject. 4. We often use the possessive before a gerund to show who or what is doing the action in the gerund.

  19. Homework • Find and underline the sentences in the passage A Pioneer For All People that use -ing forms as the subject. • Finish exercise 2 on page 13.

  20. Thank you for your attention!

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