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Explore the concept of a Single Integrated Ocean Data Model, with theme-based sub-models, to improve data collection, analysis, and decision-making in ocean science and management. Discuss the potential of ArcGIS technology and other contributions to this model.
Additional Ideas for the ArcGIS Ocean Data Model Dawn Wright Oregon State U. ESRI Ocean Data Model Working Group, Oct. 4-5, 2001
Important Distinction? Single Integrated Ocean Data Model or Theme-Based Sub-Models • Deep ocean data for science and management • Variation on ArcGIS conservation/ biodiversity model for coasts/oceans • Pat and Eric
Deep Ocean Data for Science • coordinated collection of scientific data • geological, chemical, biological, and physical • high level analyses of the processes and process interactions
Ocean Exploration “Hot Spots” Graphic courtesy of the RIDGE Multibeam Synthesis Project
SIO SeaBeam Expeditions, 1981- Graphic courtesy of Steve Miller, Scripps Geological Data Center
Ocean Exploration “Hot Spots” Graphic courtesy of the RIDGE Multibeam Synthesis Project
Best studied fast-spreading ridge segment Wealth of data, results, models under-utilized ...formats, standards, tools incomplete/incompatible
hydrothermal activity/convection (geologists & geochemists) physical structure of axial magma chambers (seismologists)
Data Layers • Marine Boundaries • Bathymetry • Other U/W Geophysical • time, position, sidescan, magnetics, gravity, seismics • Derived grids • Standard supporting data • sea state, XBT, CTD, sea surface temperature and salinity, and derived SVP, as well as calibration data for each sensor • Images • Locations of observations • Submersible,ROV • Tracklines/Nav points
Scientific Information Model • Entity-attribute-relationship diagrams • formal description of the scientific information requirements • objects, places, concepts, or events, as well as their interrelationships • pertinent to the real-world scenario of data flow and data analysis
SIM cont. • Data acquisition and software will change • e.g., new vehicles, new satellites, etc. • Mgmt. of information that comes out of the acquisition systems, rather than the acquisition systems themselves • ID inherent structure of oceanographic facts and hypotheses, rather than the structure of the sensor data record.
Ocean Data Model(s) Single Integrated Ocean Data Model with Theme-Based Sub-Models • Deep ocean data for science and management • Variation on ArcGIS conservation/ biodiversity model for coasts/oceans • Pat and Eric
ArcGIS Ocean Data Model http://dusk.geo.orst.edu/djl/arcgis
Other Contributions • Data sources • People: Partners, end users • Host major workshop in 2002 • Session at ESRI 2002? • Publication outlet(s) for data model(s)?