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Walk Without Stumbling: Jude 24 Questions & Insights

Explore the profound questions and insights of Jude 24, delving into the concept of faultlessness, avoiding stumbling, and the fear of falling away from the Lord. Discover the ultimate sanctification presented in Jude 24, offering assurance and wisdom for Christian faith. Reflect on the journey of sanctification through a beautifully explained analogy, and grasp the importance of maintaining practices to stay in God's love. Join the exploration of faith, sanctification, and assurance through the lens of Jude 24 and its impactful message of walking without stumbling.

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Walk Without Stumbling: Jude 24 Questions & Insights

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  1. Walk Without Stumbling Jude 24

  2. QUESTIONS • 1. Who is Demas? What happened to him? • Compare Jude 24 with 1 Cor. 9:24-27. • 2. What is the N.T. concept of being faultless? • 3. What must a Christian do to keep from stumbling? Which is better? • To be faithful for forty years, then stumble and fall at forty-one. • or • To stumble one year and be faithful for forty years.

  3. One of the greatest fears . . . • That many churchgoers have is that they will fall away from the LORD and either . . . • Lose their salvation • or . . . • Prove that they were not really saved.

  4. Two Fears • The net effect of these two fears is the same. • Lack of assurance that is terrifying! • Fear of falling away from the LORD

  5. Jude 24 • Jude 24 concerns the problem of falling away and its associated loss of joy. • Let’s look carefully at the text

  6. WALK WITHOUT STUMBLING • Jude reveals that not only is God ABLE to keep His people from "falling" (KJV), but even today, CAN keep us from "stumbling" (Greek, NKJV, etc.). The ultimate in sanctification is being presented "faultless," as to a monarch at court: • Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen (Jude 24-25).

  7. To dwell above with those we love,That will indeed be glory;But here below with some I know,Well, that’s another story! • Why is it that our fellow Christians (and we mean believers, not mere professors) will seem so much more lovable in glory than they do at present? (This is to leave aside the issue of our own less-than-glorious reputations in the eyes of others.) • In heaven we will be perfectly, or ultimately, sanctified. "Here below," however, while positionally perfect in Christ through past sanctification, our present performance (our progress or sometimes lack of it) shows how far we still have to go.

  8. What an honor! • Dame Agatha Christie’s cleverly constructed mystery stories have intrigued millions around the globe, including members of the royal family of her native England. In her Autobiography, she wrote that the greatest thrill in her checkered career (which included dispensing medicines in two world wars, world travel, archaeological work in the Middle East with her archaeologist husband, Max Mallowan), was being presentedto Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace—and having lunch with her majesty.

  9. “I now present to you…” The chaste virgin, the bride of Christ—including all of us who have been (positionally), are (progressively), and shall be (perfectly) sanctified—will one day be presented by the King of Kings to His Heavenly Father.

  10. Dr. Charles Ryrie explains… • There is an excellent, though simple, illustration of these three phases of sanctification. It concerns the little girl who had just come out of the candy store having spent her allowance on a lollipop, when she spied her best girl friend coming down the street toward her. Being a properly brought up child she knew that unless she could think of something quickly she would be obliged to offer the lollipop to her little friend. Her dilemma between courtesy and hunger was solved by an action which quickly, certainly, and forever sanctified the lollipop for her own use alone. And that action was simply to lick it all over on both sides before her girl friend was alongside. By licking the lollipop she set it apart for herself; it was not now something the friend would want. This is like positional sanctification. The moment we receive the Lord as Saviour, God sets us apart for Himself, instantaneously, certainly and forever.

  11. But that first lick did not mean much assimilation of the lollipop for our shrewd little girl. Nevertheless, she took care of that problem posthaste. She proceeded to keep on licking the candy and to make it practically what it already was positionally—her very own. This is progressive sanctification, and it is a process that continues throughout life. But finally there came that moment when the whole lollipop was completely in her mouth and stomach, when it was totally possessed by her. So it shall be with us when we go to be with Christ. We shall then be fully sanctified or fully set apart and possessed by Him. But it is that process of being made in practice what we are in position and what we shall be ultimately that is concerned with maturing Christian life, and it is something which is accomplished by various persons and means. It is oversimplification to say that God does it all, and it is a wrong inference to think that He does it apart from any means.

  12. Believers keep themselves in God’s love by maintaining 3 practices • First, by building up yourselves on your most holy faith (v.20) • Second, Praying in the Holy Sprit (v.20) • Spirit controlled life is prerequisite • Third, Looking (to anxiously await) for the coming of Christ (v.21) • BUILDING UP – PRAYING – LOOKING

  13. Hebrews 6:10 NASB • For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints.

  14. You don’t have to stumble • If you will remember the Word, build your Christian life in faith, hope and love, exercise spiritual discernment, and commit yourself to Christ, then He will keep you from stumbling. • BE ALERT! • The enemy is subtle and dangers are great. • But the only wise God, your Savior will keep you safe and one day present you joyfully in glory!

  15. graceandtruthconsulting.com

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