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UPOL 22/2/12. Projekt: Výzkum a vývoj femtosekundových laserových systému a pokročilých optických technologií (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0091). Science Case at ELI-Beamlines. Daniele Margarone ELI-Beamlines Project Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science PALS Centre
UPOL22/2/12 Projekt: Výzkum a vývoj femtosekundových laserových systému a pokročilých optických technologií (CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0091) Science Case atELI-Beamlines Daniele Margarone ELI-Beamlines Project Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science PALS Centre Prague, Czech Republic
Science Case at ELI-Beamlines • Research Program 1 • Laser generating rep-rate ultrashort pulses & multi-PW peak powers • Research Program 2 • X-ray sources driven by rep-rate ultrashort laser pulses • Research Program 3 • Particle Acceleration by lasers • Research Program 4 • Applications in molecular, biomedical and material sciences • Research Program 5 • Laser plasma and high-energy-density physics • Research Program 6 • High-field physics and theory
ELI-Beamlines Scientific Team RA1 Lasers B. Rus RA2-RA6 G. Korn
Science Case at ELI-Beamlines Protons, Ions, Electrons, X-rays and g-rays • Unique features • relativistic ultrashort and synchronized high-intensity particles, lasers and X-ray beams • high repetition rate • unprecedented energy range • high brightness • excellent shot-to-shot reproducibility (laser-diode and thin-disk technology) • Potential applications, business and technology transfer • accelerator science (new and compact approaches, e.g. Compact FEL) • time-resolved pump-probe experiments (fusion plasmas, warm dense matter, laboratory astrophysics, etc.) • medicine (hadrontherapy and tomography of tumors) • bio-chemistry (fast transient dynamics) • security (non-destructive material inspection)
Target Areas Potential future 3D diffractive X-ray imaging of complex molecules Potential future laser driven FEL/XFEL Potential future laser driven hadron-therapy
RPA (laser-target optimization) • - max. energy increase (H+/Cn+) • - pencil ion beam • - variable ion energy • TNSA (ion beam handling) • - ion beam transport • - electromagnetic selection • - magnetic lens focusing • radiobiological dosimetry • - dose absorption optimization • - real-time monitoring • - adapted treatment planning • - biological cell irradiation • nano/micro structured • submicro-droplets • H-enriched • clusters/mass-limited • double-layer • RPA scheme • TNSA scheme • ion diagnostics RA3 Particle Acceleration • laser-driven electron acceleration • - self guiding (gas target) • - external guiding (gas target) • - solid targets • LUX, FEL & XFEL • neutrons: DD, DT, (p, n) and (g, n) • - single-target scheme • - catcher-target scheme • g-rays from accelerated e-beams • e-e+ pairs from: • - accelerated e- beams (catcher target) • - “hot electrons” in solid targets • Shielding optimization • Radiation damaging
3D proton beam probing • X-ray probing • optical interferometry • Non linear effects • - self focusing • - filamentation • - transient magnetic fields (astrophys.) • - parametric instabilities • Warm Dense Matter (WDM) • Stopping power of protons/ions in: • - plasmas • - WDM RA5 Plasma & High En. Dens. Phys. • probing of ultraintense electric fields in wakefield • laser channeling in low density plasmas • advanced targets
Pump Laser Solid target Prepulse K-alpha Probe laser Laser-driven x-rays: several approaches Harmonics (solid) Harmonics (gas) K-alpha emission Plasma based x-ray lasers X-rays from relativistic e-beams
K-alpha emission : easy and ultrafast x-ray source - Monochromatic - Fully divergent - Duration 100 fs - KHz rep. rate - Flux : 1e9 ph/shot Main limitations : tunability, polychromaticity, divergence
Velocity Acceleration Rc . β Radiated energy Electron X-rays from relativistic e-beams We need relativistic electrons undergoing oscillations β Betatron radiation X-rays from relativistic e-beams
From projection images to (almost) 3d structures 3 D diffractive imaging using synchronized ELI x-ray pulses Timing synchronization of 30 fs should allow to go for µm samples diffraction Explosion happens over many ps (Hajdu et al.)
Single- particle diffraction imaging of biological particles without crystallization Kirz,Nature Physics 2, 799 - 800 (2006)
Bright fs sources for applications Bio structures, damage Ablation Phase transitions Magnetism Atomic physics X-ray microscopy Plasma diagnostics Warm dense matter
Laser-driven Electron Acceleration C. Joshi, Scientific America, 2006
Envisioned electron beams at ELI-Bamlines • 50 J beamlines (10 Hz) • Bubble regime (high divergence beam) • Laser parameters: EL=50J, tL=25fs, f=23mm, a0=35 • Plasma parameters: nP=1.8x1019cm-3 • Electron beam parameters: Eel= 1.5 GeV, qel= 6.2 nC • Blow-out regime/self-injection (pencil beam) • Laser parameters: EL=50J, tL=72fs, f=33mm, a0=5 • Plasma parameters: nP=5.3x1017cm-3, Lacc=5.6cm • Electron beam parameters: Eel= 4.4 GeV, qel= 1.2 nC • Blow-out regime/external-injection (pencil beam) • Laser parameters: EL=50J, tL=134fs, f=60mm, a0=2 • Plasma parameters: nP=6.3x1016cm-3, Lacc=8.8cm • Electron beam parameters: Eel= 14.9 GeV, qel= 0.85 nC(?) • 1.3 kJ beamlines (0.016 Hz) • Blow-out regime/self-injection (ELI end-stage) • Laser parameters: EL=1.3kJ, tL=215fs, f=97mm, a0=5 • Plasma parameters: nP=6.1x1016cm-3, Lacc=1.5m • Electron beam parameters: Eel= 39 GeV, qel= 3.4 nC • Blow-out regime/external-injection • Laser parameters: EL=1.3kJ, tL=395fs, f=178mm, a0=2 • Plasma parameters: nP=7.1x1015cm-3, Lacc=22.9m !!! NO • Electron beam parameters: Eel= 131 GeV, qel= 2.5 nC(?) Blow-out regime Laser parameters Plasma parameters Electron beam parameters Scaling laws: S. Gordienko and A. Pukhov, Phys. Plasmas 12 (2005) 043109 W. Lu et al., Phys. Rev.Spec.Top.-Accelerators and Beams 10 (2007) 061301 OSIRIS simulations: L. O. Silva, ELI Scientific Challenges, April 26 2010
Laser-driven Ion Acceleration Ep ~ I1/2 TNSA Photons Non relativistic protons C Vp ~0 Photons Vp ~C Ep ~ I RPA (at very high intensitíes, light pressure accelerates) Relativistic protons C
TNSA • (Target Normal Sheath Acceleration) • high laser contrast (main/pedestal) • short laser pulse (10s fs – few ps) • still occurring when the pre-plasma is “localized” at the target front-side • higher energy gain in metals (returning electron current for the recirculations of “hot electrons”). TNSA • Ponderomotive Acceleration • (Sweeping potential at the laser pulse front) • low laser contrast (dense pre-plasma) • long laser pulse (10s ps – ns) • long pre-plasma length (100s mm – mm) • high laser absorption in the pre-plasma • almost no laser interaction with the solid target Y. Sentoku et al., Phys. Plasm. 10 (2003) 2009
RPA (Radiation Pressure Acceleration) Courtesy of S. Bulanov
Towards Quark-Gluon Plasma Courtesy of S. Bulanov
Records in laser-driven particle acceleration Protons Electrons R.A. Snavely et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 (2000) 2945 S.A. Gaillard et al., “65+ MeV protons from short-pulse-laser micro-cone-target interactions”, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. G06.3 (2009) (only 10% energy increment ) W.P. Leemans et al., Nature Phys. 2 (2006) 696 A technological progress is needed: towards higher laser intensities!!!
Beyond the energy frontier... ELI intensity regime K. Zeil et al., New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 045015 J. Fuchs et al., C. R. Physique 10 (2009) 176 and references therein
Envisioned proton beams • 2 PW beamlines (10 Hz) • 50 J, 25 fs, 1021 W/cm2, RPA, Epeak = 200 MeV, h = 65%, Np 1012, div.: 4°, quasi-monoenergetic • References: • Matt Zepf, ELI-Beamlines Sci. Chall. Workshop, April 26th, 2010 • 10 PW beamlines (0.016 Hz) • 1.3 kJ, 130 fs, 1023 W/cm2, ECut-off = 2 GeV, h = 50%, Np 2x1012, div. 10° • 2x1.3 kJ, 130 fs, 20 PW, 2x1023 W/cm2, ECut-off = 2 - 2.5 GeV • 5x1.3 kJ, 130 fs, 50 PW, 5x1023 W/cm2, ECut-off = 4 GeV(ELI end-stage) • References: • B. Qiao et al, PRL 102 (2009)145002 • J. Davis and G.M. Petrov Physics of Plasmas 16, 023105 (2009) • ELI White-book, OSIRIS simulations (by Luis Cardoso) 6x1022W/cm2 2x1022W/cm2 2x1021W/cm2 B. Qiao et al, PRL 102, 145002 (2009)
Basic experiment at E6a (high rep. rate) • TNSA/RPA: PL = 2 PW(10 Hz),IL 1022 W/cm2 , Emax = 200 MeV, Np 1012 Legend OAP: off-axis-parabola; T: primary target; T1/T2: secondary target (proton radiography); RCF: radiochromic film; FM: flat mirror; EMQ: electromagnetic quadrupole optics (1.5 Tesla), TP spectrometer (B=1.5 T, E=10-50 kV); D: detector (film/semiconductor); V: gate valve, LS: local shielding (g-rays/neutrons)
Challenges & advanced source use • Proton/ion acceleration • Improving the beam quality in terms of divergence and monochromaticity • Increasing the beam stability (energy distribution, particle numbers, emittance) • Optimizing the laser to ion conversion efficiency • Use of ultrathin targets (very high contrast and circular polarization are needed) • Beam handling & selection (either through target engineering or conventional solutions, e.g. micro-lenses or magnetic quadrupoles) • Electron acceleration • External injection: development of effective electron beam loading techniques • Use of an all-optical injection scheme (colliding pulses) • Use of a tailored longitudinal plasma density profile • Development of a multiple stage acceleration setup including laser and electron beam optics (synchronization of the laser and electron beams in several tens of meters is necessary!) • Diagnostic requirements and development • Strong energy increase of the particles produced at extreme laser intensities (particles whose energies will range from MeV to tens of GeV) • Huge particle number per shot per second (prompt current) • Energy and beam spreadingof produced particles (no unique detector can be used) • Huge EMP
One of the big Challenges in Physics would be to built a laser powerful enough to breakdown vacuum. Survey by “Science” 2005
EQ=mpc2 Ultra-relativistic intensity is defined with respect to the proton EQ=mpc2, intensity~1024W/cm2
Inverse Compton Scattering The Doppler energy upshift allows one to reach high photon energies, e.g. 100 MeV g-rays with a 10-GeV electron beam.
ELI White Book 530 pages of Science, technology and implementation strategies of ELI
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