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ORDINANCE NO. 790 ► AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION SIX OF ORDINANCE NO. 238 SERIES OF 1957, ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION OR REMODELLING, AND REPAIR OF BUILDING AND OTHER STRUCTURES WITHIN THE CITY OF CEBU.” Practice of constructing a house or building without first securing the building permit and Mayor’s permit is becoming very rampant; It is indispensable to check the mushrooming of squatters’ shanties as the same is posing a grave and serious problem to the people of the City of Cebu; An effective way of stopping this practice is to increase the penalty imposed for the violation of the provisions of Ordinance No. 238
ORDINANCE NO. 920 ► AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING BUILDING CONSTRUCTED ON LOTS ABUTTING ANY STREETS IN THE CITY RISING MORE THAN FOUR STOREYS HIGN AND/OR WITH A CONSTRUCTION COST OF ONE MILLION PESOS OR MORE TO PROVIDE WITHIN THEIR PREMISES ADEQUATE PARKING SPACES. SECTION 1 – Scope. No building, either commercial or industrial shall be allowed to be constructed unless it shall provide within its premises an adequate parking space or parking area. SECTION 2 – Definition of Commercial and Industrial Buildings. Commercial Buildings – shall refer to buildings primarily constructed for commercial, trade and such other economic and social activities where business intercourse is principally involved. ( cinemahouses, banks, hotels, department stores, supermarts, nightclubs, stadiums, coliseums and others which are commercial in nature )
Industrial Buildings – shall refer to buildings or structures primarily in the pursuit of industrial purposes and activities ( making, manufacturing, processing and/or refining of economic goods and commodities as well as the rendering, offering and selling of services) SECTION 3 – Standard size of parking area. Shall be such as to accommodate no less than ten (10) cars or motor vehicles parked at the same time. SECTION 4 – Permit Requirements. No permit shall be issued by the Office of the Mayor for any building whose plans and specifications do not comply with provisions of Sections 1 and 3. SECTION 5 – Penalty. Contractor or owner shall be penalized a fine of THREE HUNDRED (P300.00) PESOS or an imprisonment of one (1) month, or both A corporation or partnership owned building, the President or Manager shall be liable Building shall be demolished at the expense of the person or persons responsible (30) days after the discovery of the violation
ORDINANCE NO. 927 ► AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING OWNERS OF BUILDING LOCATED ALONG NATIONAL HIGHWAYS, CITY STREETS, AND SUBDIVISION ROADS TO LEVEL THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND OR SIDEWALK ADJOINING THEIR BUILDINGS. Potential hazard for pedestrians or commuters especially when submerged under water during heavy rains; Flood waters that are trapped cannot readily drain into adjoining street gutters; Slackens the pace of commuters, wasting considerable time and eventually giving rise to overcrowding during peak hours; Sight of unleveled sidewalks defies aesthetic standards in any development scheme
SECTION 1 Owners of buildings located along the national highways, city streets, and subdivision roads are hereby required to level the surface of the ground or sidewalk adjoining their building SECTION 2 In case of a default, the Office of the City Engineer shall undertake the leveling, improvement, or construction and the cost of which will be charged to the owner of the building fronting such sidewalk. SECTION 3 All obstructions, signboards, landscapings, ramps, pathways on the sidewalk along national highways, city streets, and subdivision roads shall be removed. SECTION 4 For new buildings constructed along the national highways, city streets, and subdivision roads, plans for the proposed sidewalk shall be made a part of the requirement before a permit is issued.
SECTION 5 All payments by the building owner to the City Treasurer shall be under a special trust account to be used for any future improvements of other sidewalks SECTION 6 For effective implementation, an initial fund of P50,000.00 shall be given and whatever balance or accumulated value is left after the fiscal year shall be carried over in the General Fund Budget for the following fiscal year.
ORDINANCE NO. 1711 ► AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OWNERS TO PROVIDE RAINWATER TANK OR CONTAINER FOR DOMESTIC USE TO CONSERVE POTABLE GROUND WATER IN ORDER TO LESSEN FLOOD OCCURRENCES AND TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE THERETO. Water is one of the basic needs of man and it is the primodial duty of the government to regulate the use of water and to assure its optimum utilization; Concern with the establishment of sufficient potable water reserve especially during dry season and the prevention of destructive flooding during the rainy days; Encourage the public to use rainwater for domestic use
SECTION 1 – Title. Shall be known as “Water Conservation and Flood Prevention Ordinance” SECTION 2 – Building Construction All buildings construction owners who build commercial, industrial, institutional and residential projects in the City of Cebu provide rainwater tank or container proportionate to the roof area Residential buildings with a cost less than FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND (P500,000.00) PESOS are exempted. SECTION 3 – Tank Container sizes One cubic meter for every fifteen square meters of roof area in commercial, industrial and institutional building and a maximum of seven cubic meters One half cubic meter for every fifteen square meters of roof area in residential buildings and a maximum of three cubic meters
SECTION 4 – Penal Clause. Contractor or owner shall be penalized a fine of ONE THOUSAND (P1000.00) PESOS or an imprisonment of SIX (6) month, or both A corporation or partnership owned building, the President or Manager shall be liable
ORDINANCE NO. 1713 ► AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING OWNERS OF BUILDINGS TO BE CONSTRUCTED, RENOVATED OR REPAIRED TO SUBMIT A MASTER PLAN OF FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY MEASURES FOR SUCH BUILDING, IN FIVE (5) SETS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF.” Fire incident of major loss proportions are often the result of non-compliance with basic requirements of the national and/or local enactments appertaining to fire prevention and life safety; Necessary to reduce, if not totally eradicate, the major loss in terms of life and monetary value in such structural fire incidents;
SECTION 1 – Prohibition. “D. Master Plan For Fire And Life Safety • upon the application for a building permit of any building to be constructed, renovated or repaired, five (5) sets of Fire and Life Safety Master Plan should be submitted • documents containing building’s fire protection installation and life safety measures • no permit shall be issued unless a Master Plan for Fire Protection and Life Safety Measure is submitted • from date of effectively, all existing buildings have six (6) months to comply with the provisions SECTION 2 – Penalty Clause Violators shall be criminally prosecuted and upon conviction shall be fined not less than THREE THOUSAND PESOS (P3,000.00) but not more than FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P5,000.00)or an imprisonment of not less than six (6) months nor more than one (1) year or both
ORDINANCE NO. 2055 ► AN ENACTING ORDINANCE FOR THE ANNUAL INSPECTION OF BUILDING AND STRUCTURES AS PRESCRIBED BY THE REVISED NATIONAL CODE. Presidential Decree 1096, known as the Revised National Building Code of the Philippines, the Office of the Building Official is tasked to conduct an annual inspection on buildings and structures within the jurisdiction of the City of Cebu; Technological requirements of buildings and structures, in terms of up-to-date design and construction standards and criteria; Efforts of the agencies assigned to conduct inspection was not done annually defeating its very purpose; To properly maintain and enhance architectural well-being, structural, stability, electrical, mechanical sanitation, plumbing, electronics, interior design and fire-protective properties, and shall not be occupied or used other than its intended use;
An architect or engineer must join to conduct annual inspections to ensure that the conditions under which the structure was designed are not being violated or abused; The engineer of the building/structure will be held responsible for damages if within fifteen (15) years from the completion of the structure, should a collapse occurs due to defect in the plans or specifications or defects in the ground.