FINAL PROJECT Samantha Febrizio
PROJECT PROPOSAL: • I am going to re-work my map project. I want to create a more graphic look, similar to Bill Rankin. I love how simple yet colorful his work is. It is also gets straight to the point. I want to make a map that describes everywhere I want to travel in my lifetime. I will create a simple outline of every country in the world map. I want to highlight in bright colors, where I want to go in one color, where I have been in another color, and where I do not have any interest in black. I love the world map that Bill Rankin created in orange but my favorite part is the implied line that is given when the circles are not visible on the map. I have not yet decided if I want to create a map that is circle like the earth or if I want it to be a flat map. I’m thinking that the circular one may be more interesting and really attract the attention of the human eye. It will draw the viewer in more, and take them in a circle around the entire map rather than having every country scattered on the paper. I also want to keep the font very simple and use a general font. I made my own font in the first project, but I want to try something a little let complicated. I want to make sure I keep the entire map constant with its simplicity. The first attempt to this project my ideas got scrambled and parts of my design were very complex and well done, but then my ideas went downhill and caused other parts of my project to be dull and flat. For example the box around the destinations and the boring text, while the text in the maps were very graphic. My goal is to get my concept across the second time.
Countries I have been too will be in RED • Countries I want to go to will be in BLUE • Countries uninterested in in BLACK BRAIN STORMING: Colors may vary.