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Recent Shielding Experiments Updates in SINBAD Data base and IJS Activity I. Kodeli (IAEA)

Recent Shielding Experiments Updates in SINBAD Data base and IJS Activity I. Kodeli (IAEA). SINBAD (Radiation Shielding Experiments Data Base). Preserve results from expensive experiments Validation of radiation transport codes cross section data Build confidence in methods and data used.

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Recent Shielding Experiments Updates in SINBAD Data base and IJS Activity I. Kodeli (IAEA)

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  1. Recent Shielding Experiments Updates in SINBAD Data baseandIJS ActivityI. Kodeli (IAEA) IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  2. SINBAD (Radiation Shielding Experiments Data Base) • Preserve results from expensive experiments • Validation of • radiation transport codes • cross section data • Build confidence in methods and data used IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  3. SINBAD - Radiation Shielding Experiments Scope and Objectives • Compilation of high quality, experiments for validation and benchmarking of computer codes and nuclear data used for radiation transport and shielding problems encompassing: • reactor shielding, PV dosimetry (35) • fusion blanket neutronics (25) • accelerator shielding (9) • Low and inter-mediate energy particles applications • Contains about 70 experiments(9 new in 2003, 9 this year) IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  4. SINBAD (Radiation Shielding Experiments Data Base) • SINBAD data include benchmark information in standard form: (1) experimental facility and radiation source; (2) benchmark geometry and material composition; (3) detection system, measured data, and an error analysis. • Peer review of the compilations by two scientists; • Include graphical information on experimental geometry, measured quantities, computer code inputs for the analysis, reports used in the compilation, QA report and peer review report • Distribution on CD-ROM by the RSICC and the NEA Data Bank. IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  5. http://www.nea.fr/html/science/shielding/sinbad/sinbadis.htm IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  6. AEAT United Kingdom CEA France CERN SPS European Commission JRC Ispra ENEA Italy FZ-Karlsruhe Germany FZ-Rossendorf Germany Georgia-Tech USA IPPE Obninsk Russian Federation IRI Delft Netherlands JAERI Japan JNC Japan Jozef Stefan Institute Slovenia Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. LANL USA Michigan State Univ. NIRS Japan NIST USA ORNL USA PSI Switzerland RIKEN, Japan SCK-CEN Belgium Tohoku University TU Budapest Hungary TU Dresden Germany University of Illinois USA University of Osaka, Japan University of Pavia Italy University of Tokyo Japan SINBAD - Radiation Shielding Experiments: Contributing Institutions IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  7. B, Ti, H (1) C (graphite) (2) N (1) O (2) Na (4) H2O (2) H2O, C, Fe (1) H2O, C, Pb (1) H2O, Fe (2) H2O, Steel (2) H2O, Steel, Al (2) Concrete (1) Al (2) Al, Nb (1) Be (1) Fe (11) Fe, Pb (1) Fe, Concrete, (CH2)2n (3) Ni (1) Steel (2) SS (2) Fe & SS (1) SS & (CH2)2n (1) SS, (CH2)2n & Cu (1) Pb (1) Si, SiC (3) V (2) W (4) Air (4) Multiple materials (9) SINBAD - Radiation Shielding Experiments • Materials IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  8. Fusion Experiments (1/2) • FNG-SS ENEA Bulk Shield • FNG-ITER ENEA Blanket Bulk Shield • FNG-ITER ENEA Neutron Streaming • FNG-ITER ENEA Dose Rate • FNG ENEA Silicon Carbide • FNG ENEA Tungsten • FNS JAERI Graphite Cylindrical Assembly • FNS JAERI Liquid Oxygen • FNS JAERI Vanadium block • FNS JAERI Tungsten • FNS JAERI Skyshine • FNS14 MeV Neutron Streaming through Dogled Duct • IPPE Vanadium Shells IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  9. Fusion Experiments (2/2) • KANT FzK Be Sphere • OKTAVIAN Osaka Aluminum Sphere • OKTAVIAN Osaka Iron Sphere • OKTAVIAN Osaka Nickel Sphere • OKTAVIAN Osaka Silicon Sphere • OKTAVIAN Osaka Tungsten Sphere • ORNL 14-MeV neutrons -> SS/Borated (CH2)2n Slab • TUD Iron Slab Experiment • TUD Spectra Measurements (FNG Bulk Shield) • TUD SiC Spectra Measurements (FNG) • TUD W Spectra Measurements (FNG) • University of Illinois Iron Sphere (D-T) IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  10. Experiments - Accelerators • BEVALAC Experiment with Nb Ions on Nb & Al Targets • CERN Roesti I, II, III Experiments • HIMAC - He, C, Ne, Ar, Fe, Xe, Si ions on C, Al, Cu, Pb targets • INSU-Tokyo Transmission of n & γ from 52 MeV protons • MSU experiment with He & C ions on Al target • Osaka University Transmission of n & g generated by 65 MeV protons • PSI neutron spectra from590 MeV p on Pb Target • RIKEN 70-210 MeV quasi-monoenergetic neutron spectra • TIARA 40 & 65 MeV n -> Fe, Concrete, (CH2)n IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  11. Title Organisation LLNL spheres LLNL,LANL,ORNL Oktavian LiF, TEFLON, Ti, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, As, Se, Zr, Nb, Mo spheres Osaka-Univ. FNS TOF Exp. on Li2O, Be, C, N, Fe, Pb cylinders JAERI FNS Clean Exp. on Li2O, Be, C, Fe, Cu, & SS316 JAERI FNS Cu Slab JAERI FNS SiC Experiment JAERI TUD streaming experiment TU Dresden g leakage from Fe, Al, Ti, Zr, Pb spheres VNIITF, R.F. Fusion n exp. on Cu, LiAlO2, Li2TiO3, Li3ZrO3 JAERI, U-Osaka Hg experiment with D-T and Cf-252 sources JAERI IPPE Iron Shells Transmission Experiment IPPE, FZK Models of iron shieldings with empty slits ISTC SINBAD - work to be done(>2004)FUSION IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  12. SINBAD - work to be done(>2004)ACCELERATORS Title Organisation • Shielding through concrete and iron using 800-MeV protons ISIS, RAL, UK • Neutron transmission through Concrete Shields AVF Osaka Univ. • 30- and 52-MeV Protons on thick targets (C, Fe, Cu, Pb) INS Tokyo Univ. • 68 MeV P on thick Cu target JAERI • 113 MeV P on thick Fe target LANL • N Yields from Stopping-Length C, Al, Fe and Depl. U Targets for 256-MeV P LAMPF LANL-1989 • Neutrons from 710-MeV Alphas Stopping in H2O, C, Steel and Pb SREL 1980 • Photoproduction of High-Energy N in Thick Pb Targets Irradiated by 150 to 270 MeV Electrons U-Mainz1973 • N fluxes inside/around Fe Beam Stop Irradiated by 500 MeV P KEK-1979 • Reaction Rate in Thick Concrete Shield Irradiated by 6.2 GeV Protons LBL-1965 • N production by d impinging on Be, C, and U thick targets (17-200 MeV) IPN Orsay • Aviation route dose experiments ARC Seibersdorf • Cosmic ray induced n spectrum (Zugspitze 2660m, Chacaltaya 5240m,CERF) GSF, Neuherberg • TOF N spectra & radioactivity induced in Li,Be,Cu,C,Al,etc. for 25-40 MeV d Tohoku Univ. • N transmission spectra from 20cm Fe slab, D2O(He3,xn) reaction at 40 MeV NPI Rez • Residual Product Yields in Thin Targets Irradiated by 100-2600 MeV P ITEP, Moscow • N Field in Outside Surface of 0.8 Gev Proton-Irradiated Thick W-Na Target ITEP, Moscow • Shielding experiments through concrete and iron (100-800 MeV p) HIMAC, KEK IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  13. Conclusions • ~ 70 valuable shielding experiments have been compiled in a standard format. These were reviewed by at least 2 experts. • Further data is being processed and much data is waiting to be processed. These experiments have been identified of being of high relevance for validation of radiation transport and shielding methods and codes. • New contributions on benchmark experiment data, assistance in review and feedback information are welcome. IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  14. Web page for SINBAD • OECD/NEA Data Bank • Computer Program Servicehttp://www.nea.fr/html/dbprog/ • SINBAD Database • at RSICC: • http://www-rsicc.ornl.gov/BENCHMARKS.html • at OECD/NEA • http://www.nea.fr/html/science/shielding/sinbad/sinbadis.htm IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  15. Slovenian tasks - 2004 DOORS DANTSYS GROUPR GROUPSR VITAMIN -J/COVA SEADR ERRORR34 Group SAD/SED covariances Group covariances Partial X-sections F,F+ SUSD3D SUSD3D sensitivity/uncertainty code system • Main features • Suitable for complex one-, two- and three-dimensional sensitivity and uncertainty analysis. • Reduced memory requirement • SAD/SED effects • Variable mesh option (TORT), geometry and material composition taken directly from TORT produced file (VARSCL) • Runs on PC (under DOS, LINUX), VAX VMS, HP-UNIX IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  16. Slovenian tasks - 2004 Calculational tool development SUSD3D code for deterministic sensitivity and uncertainty analysis (ongoing): Update from f77 to f95 (improved memory treatment) Pre- and post-processing User-friendly features Methodology for 3D analysis (including 1st collision source and hybrid methods) VITAMIN-J/COVA cross-section covariance matrix library: validation and use of processing codes and covariance data. IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  17. Pre-analysis of TBM Benchmark Experiment Using DORT and SUSD3D Codes • SUSD3D sensitivity analysis using FENDL-2 cross-sections, covariance from EFF-3 (9Be), IRDF-90 (6Li), ENDF/B-VI (7Li) • 6Li(n,t) reaction rate is most sensitive to cross-sections of Be elastic, (n,2n), (n,t),(n,a), 6Li (n,at),7Li elastic, O and C. • According to covariance data from EFF-3 the uncertainties in 6Li(n,t) are low (<2%). 2004/2005:Final set-up analysis & comparison with measured data. IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  18. FNG IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  19. Back IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  20. TUD Tungsten Back Back IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  21. FNS Tungsten IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004 Back

  22. FNS-14 MeV Neutron Streaming through Dogleg Duct Back IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  23. FNS-14 MeV Neutron Skyshine Experiment Back IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  24. Back IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

  25. ISIS Back IEA International Workshop on Fusion Neutronics, Venice, Sept. 21, 2004

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