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Contribution to the verific ation of PFNS covariances against k eff , b eff and dosimetry benchmarks IAEA, 2 1 -24, Oct. 2013. Ivo Kodeli Jožef Stefan Institute , Slovenia ivan.kodeli@ ijs.si. Scope.
Contribution to the verification of PFNS covariances against keff,beff and dosimetry benchmarksIAEA, 21-24, Oct. 2013 Ivo Kodeli Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia ivan.kodeli@ijs.si
Scope Evaluate critical and dosimetry experiments sensitive to prompt (and delayed) fission neutron spectra. Fast reactor k-eff and beta-eff benchmarks are studied to test and compare state-of-the-art of nuclear data and uncertainty codes; VENUS-3 and reactor pressure vessel dosimetry measurements. IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
Analysed benchmarks from ICSBEP and IRPhE • SNEAK-7A & -7B: MOX fuel reflected by metallic depleted U. • Jezebel: bare sphere of 239Pu metal, 6.385-cm radius • Skidoo (Jezebel-23): bare ~98.1% 233U sphere; • Popsy (Flattop-Pu): ~20-cm natural U reflected 239Pu sphere; • Topsy (Flattop-25): ~20-cm natural U reflected 235U sphere; • Flattop-23: ~20-cm natural U reflected 233U sphere; • Big Ten: 10% enriched U with U-reflector, cylinder r=41.91cm, h=96.428cm; • ZPPR-9: MOX core with sodium cooling, depleted U blanket. IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
Analysis of benchmarks from ICSBEP and IRPhE • ONE-, TWO-, THREE-DANT (1D, 2D, 3D), PARTISN (double precission) • ENDF/B-VII.0 33-group cross-sections (TRANSX) • SUSD3D code for keff and beff sensitivity-uncertainty calculations (with increased precision), • JENDL-4.0m, SCALE-6.0and recent Talou FNS covariance matrices; two-block FNS covariances • Impact of uncertainty in prompt (and delayed) fission spectra was evaluated. IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
Calulated & measured b-eff IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
Sensitivity of keff and beff with respect to PFNS IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
PFNS covariances JENDL-4.0 Two-block Talou IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
Uncertainties in keff & beff due to PFNS calculated using Talou, "two-block«, JENDL-4.0 & SCALE-6.0PFNS covariances. IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
Uncertainties in keff & beff due to PFNS calculated using Talou, "two-block«, JENDL-4.0 & SCALE-6.0PFNS covariances. IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
Uncertainties in keff & beff due to PFNS calculated using Talou, "two-block«, JENDL-4.0 & SCALE-6.0PFNS covariances. IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
SNEAK-7A: Sensitivity to keffand beff b (pcm): 235U: 650 238Uf: 1480 239Pu: 210 240Pu: 270 241Pu: 490 IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
SNEAK-7A: Uncertainty inbeff (TOTAL~3 %) Variance penalty: D.W.Muir, NIM-A 644(2011) 55-58 IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013
SNEAK-7B: Uncertainty inbeff (TOTAL~3 %) JEF/EFF, NEA, Nov 2012
U-235 fission spectra averaged detector cross-section (VENUS-3 benchmark) Normalisation:S=0.983 !!?
Uncertainties in calculated reaction rates (VENUS-3) Spectra were scaled by 1/0.983 to account for the normalisation
Relatively simple method based on derivation of Bretscher’s (prompt k-ratio) beff expression was derived and implemented in SUSD3D code to evaluate the uncertainty in beta-effective due to the basic nuclear data. The method was applied to the fast benchmarks SNEAK-7A, -7B, Jezebel, Flattop, ZPPR-9, Big Ten… Prompt (and delayed) fission spectra play an important but not the main role in k-eff and beta-eff benchmark uncertainties. E.g. the total uncertainty in beff was found to be in general around 3%, with the uncertainty in fission spectra contibutingaround 0.5-0.7%. Talou PFNS preliminary testing was done indicating normalisation problems. Only one (thermal) PNFS covariances. I. Kodeli, Sensitivity and Uncertainty in the Effective Delayed Neutron Fraction (beff), Nucl. Instr.& Methods in Phy.Research A715 (2013)70–78 Objectives / Conclusions IAEA Meeting of CRP on PFNS,, 21-24, Oct., 2013