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Cyberbullying | What Is Cyberbullying | PPT

Cyberbullying is online harassment that involves using technology to harm, intimidate, or humiliate individuals. It causes emotional distress and can lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Preventive measures and awareness are crucial for creating a safer online space. For solutions go thorough www.lumiversesolutions.com<br><br>

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Cyberbullying | What Is Cyberbullying | PPT

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  2. Whatis Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is a form of harassment, intimidation, or aggressive behavior that occurs through electronic means, such as social media, textmessages,onlineforums, orotherdigitalplatforms.

  3. 01 Emotional Toll: Cyberbullying inflictssevereemotionalharm, causing anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem due to relentless online harassment andhumiliation. WHY DOES IT MATTER? Widespread and Lasting Impact:Theinternet'sbroad 02 reachenablescyberbullyingto harm a large audience instantly. Additionally, digital content can persist indefinitely, causing ongoing damage to a person's reputation and mental well- being.

  4. WHATARETHEEFFECTSOF CYBERBULLYING? EMOTIONALLY PHYSICALLY MENTALLY feeling upset, embarrassed, stupid, even afraidorangry feeling ashamed orlosinginterest inthethingsyou love tired (loss of sleep), or experiencing symptoms like stomach aches andheadaches

  5. WHYISREPORTINGIMPORTANT? Enablesquickinterventiontopreventfurtherharmtovictims. Providesimmediatesupportforvictimsandvalidatestheir concerns. Contributestocreatingasaferonlineenvironmentby deterringfutureincidents. Createsarecordorevidencetrailforinvestigationsorlegal actions. Helpsenforcepoliciesagainstcyberbullyingandimproves safetymeasures.

  6. ISTHEREAPUNISHMENTFOR CYBERBULLYING? Yes,therecanbepunishmentsforcyberbullying... School-BasedConsequences: Suspension or expulsion from school. Mandatorycounselingoreducationalprograms. Adherencetoanti-bullyingpoliciesineducationalsettings. LegalActions: Lawenforcementinvolvementincriminalactivities. Potentialcharges,fines,orimprisonmentbasedontheseverityofthe offense. Civillawsuitsfordamages,emotionaldistress,ordefamation. AlternativeMeasures: Communityserviceorrehabilitationprogramsasalternativesto traditionalpunishments. Variedconsequencesdependingonthejurisdictionandspecific circumstances.

  7. BeingBullied? Document It: Save screenshots, texts, and links as proof. ReportIt:Useplatformtoolsandtelltrustedadults. Block&Ignore:Cutoffcontactwiththebully. SeekSupport:Talktofriends,family,orhelplines. Self-Care: Prioritizeyourwell-beingandmentalhealth. WitnessingBullying? SpeakUp:Reporttheabuseandsupportthevictim. BeKind:Spreadpositivityandrespectonline. Educate Yourself: Learn about cyberbullying and its effects. OfferSupport:Beafriendandhelpthevictimgetassistance. TogetherWeCanStopIt: Open Conversations: Talk about cyberbullying and raise awareness. StrongerPolicies:Advocateforstricteranti-bullying rules. More Resources: Increase access to mental health support. TechTools:Developsolutionstodetectandpreventbullying. CYBERBULLYINGSOLUTIONS


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