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Submitted To: Dr. Lawrence Chung Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX- 75080 Submitted By: Steven Ford Gilbert Islas Paul Wasilewski Obi Ogbanufe Michael Murphy Team Website: http://www.indigomark.com/alpha/.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Submitted To: Dr. Lawrence Chung Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX- 75080 Submitted By: Steven Ford Gilbert Islas Paul Wasilewski Obi Ogbanufe Michael Murphy Team Website: http://www.indigomark.com/alpha/ SCHEDULE 360 SOFTWARETeam Alpha

  2. Steve’s Scheduling Steve is a Director of Sales for Alpha Communications, a startup with 20 employees

  3. Steven Has Numerous Commitments Steve has a wife Steve has two young children Steve Coach’s kids

  4. Presentation is at 9AM Steve is presenting to the board of a large corporation on the upcoming availability of a new product on Wednesday

  5. Tuesday Afternoon Steve Confirms Meeting Time - 9AM • Steve Confirms Conference Room - Alpha Steve Finalizes Presentation

  6. Tuesday Afternoon At 4:30pm Steve leaves early for Dentist Appointment At 4:30pm a meeting notice change comes up moving the conference room from Alpha to Bravo and the meeting time from 9am to 8am

  7. Dinner with Wife Tuesday Night Prepares for next morning Puts kids to bed

  8. Steven wakes up and gets ready. Wednesday Morning Steven gets the kids up and ready. Steven takes the kids to day care at 7:30 am. Steven drops the wife off at work (her car is in the shop).

  9. Steven arrives at conference room at 8:30 am, conference room is empty. Wednesday Morning Steven is flustered. Steven calls his boss. Steven’s boss informs him that the meeting time and room had changed per change notification sent out at 4:30 yesterday.

  10. Steven rushes into conference room Bravo 40 minutes late. Wednesday Morning Customers are unhappily leaving. Any potential for deal with customer is lost.

  11. Does this scenario sound familiar???

  12. The Average young tech savvy professional interfaces with as many as six computing devices during a normal day • Each device has its own calendar or schedule application • The majority of the different platforms are not able to synchronize with other devices/programs • Additionally, any given program or system is at risk of failure causing the permanent loss of critical information. Schedule 360 Cloud Software

  13. An individual who utilizes multiple computing devices and maintains a schedule either professionally, personally or both. • A small company which does not benefit from a packaged email system which can synchronize both company email/schedule and company mobile devices. Schedule 360 Stakeholders

  14. Phone & Tablet Manufacturers: • At first offering the software will function on Apple products as this gives the company the best opportunity to gain a foothold in the market • Email: • The application will be compatible with the most widely used emails Schedule 360 Domain

  15. WRS • W • Problem • Goal • Improved understanding of the Domain, Stakeholders, Functional and Non-Functional Objectives • RS • Functional RS – Improved understanding of Software System Requirements: FRs • Non-functional RS -Improved understanding of Software System Requirements: NFRs Schedule 360 WRS Process

  16. Requirement: The application shall be compatible with all existing electronic calendars. • Issue description: A problem exists creating an application that is compatible with all possible electronic calendars in existence • Options: One option to reduce this problem is to identify the calendars that are widely used and limit the compatibility to these popular calendars • Decision and Rationale: The application will now be compatible with the following calendars: Outlook, Google, Yahoo, and Lotus Notes. The rationale is that these are the most widely used calendars. Schedule 360 Functional Requirements

  17. Requirement: The application shall allow the user to create appointments • Issue description: A problem exists creating the appointments because there are currently no functional requirements defining what fields are required for an appointment • Options: An option is to define the common fields required when creating the appointment • Decision and Rationale: Create additional functional requirements to clearly define the field required Schedule 360 Functional Requirements

  18. The software shall be compatible on smartphones with wireless internet connectivity. • Issue description: What defines compatibility? • Options: Use better definition of compatibility. • Decision and Rationale: The software designers will need a definition of compatibility in order to ensure it can be downloaded on desired devices. Schedule 360 Non-Functional Requirements

  19. The software shall perform greater than 95% of its computations in the cloud. • Issue description: Why is there a percentage metric for computation? It would be more relevant to use power consumption as the metric. • Options: Convert the percentage computation to a power consumption requirement. • Decision and Rationale: The percentage requirement is arbitrary. Limiting the power consumption in terms of watts per hour is a better requirement. Schedule 360 Non-Functional Requirements

  20. The requirements have been improved to include: • Specific Phone and Tablet Manufacturers are specified • Phone service providers are specified • 10 Functional Requirements have been refined • 15 Non-Functional Requirements have been refined • Refinement is an on-going process… Schedule 360 WRS Results

  21. Questions?

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