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Explore data on adult heart transplantations from ISHLT 2005 reports, including survival rates, diagnosis distribution, and important factors influencing outcomes.

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  1. HEART TRANSPLANTATION Overall ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  2. NUMBER OF HEART TRANSPLANTS REPORTED BY YEAR NOTE: This figure includes only the heart transplants that are reported to the ISHLT Transplant Registry. As such, this should not be construed as evidence that the number of hearts transplanted worldwide has declined in recent years. ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  3. AVERAGE CENTER VOLUMEHeart Transplants: January 1, 1997 - June 30,2004 ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  4. DISTRIBUTION OF TRANSPLANTS BY CENTER VOLUMEHeart Transplants: January 1, 1997 - June 30,2004 ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  5. HEART TRANSPLANTS:Donor Age by Year of Transplant ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  6. AGE DISTRIBUTIONOF HEART RECIPIENTS(1/1982-6/2004) % of Transplants ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  7. AGE DISTRIBUTION OF HEART TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS BY ERA P < 0.0001 ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  8. HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival(1/1982-6/2003) N followed at longest time point: 25,908 ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  9. HEART TRANSPLANTATION Adult Recipients ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  10. DIAGNOSIS IN ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTS ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  11. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Era (Transplants: 1/1982 – 6/2003) Survival (%) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  12. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Age Group(Transplants: 1/1982-6/2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  13. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Age Group(Transplants: 1/1996-6/2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  14. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Kaplan-Meier Survival for Simultaneous Heart and Kidney Transplants Compared to Heart-Alone Transplants(Transplants: 1/1982-6/2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  15. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Kaplan-Meier Survival for Kidney after Heart Transplants Compared to Heart-Alone Transplants* (Transplants: 1/1982-6/2003) * For comparison purposes, the heart-alone transplant cohort was limited to those transplants that had survived to the median time to kidney transplant for the kidney after heart transplant (8.0 years). ISHLT 2005 ** Survival time since “kidney transplant” (transplant date not reported, only time point at which kidney transplant has already occurred) J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  16. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Kaplan-Meier Survival for Kidney after Heart Transplants Compared to Kidney after Simultaneous Heart and Kidney Transplants(Transplants: 1/1982-6/2003) ISHLT * Survival time since “kidney transplant” (transplant date not reported, only time point at which kidney transplant has already occurred) 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  17. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Kaplan-Meier Survival by Diagnosis(Transplants: 1/1982-6/2003) All pair-wise comparisons with Cardiomyopathy are significant at p < 0.05 except for Congenital; Coronary Artery Disease vs. ReTx: p < 0.0001; Coronary Artery Disease vs. Valvular: p = 0.02; Valvular vs. ReTx: p < 0.0001; Congenital vs. ReTx: p < 0.0001; ReTx vs. Other: p < 0.0001 ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  18. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Kaplan-Meier Survival by Diagnosis Conditional on Survival to 1 Year (Transplants: 1/1982-6/2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  19. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATION Kaplan-Meier Survival by Diagnosis (Transplants: 1/1996-6/2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  20. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by Diagnosis Conditional on Survival to 1 Year (Transplants: 1/1996-6/2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  21. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by PVR(Transplants: 1/2000-6/2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  22. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTATIONKaplan-Meier Survival by VAD usage(Transplants: 1/1999-6/2003) Note: Only 32 transplants involving continuous flow devices and 33 with ECMO; too few to analyze. ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  23. ADULT HEART RE-TRANSPLANTS1-Year Survival ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  24. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSFunctional Status of Surviving Recipients(Follow-ups: April 1994 - June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  25. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSEmployment Status of Surviving Recipients (Follow-ups: April 1994 - June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  26. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSRehospitalization Post-transplant of Surviving Recipients (Follow-ups: April 1994 - June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  27. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSInduction Immunosuppression (Follow-ups: January 2001 – June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  28. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSInduction Immunosuppression (Follow-ups: January 2001 - June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  29. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSMaintenance Immunosuppression at Time of Follow-up(Follow-ups: January 2002 - June 2004) NOTE: Different patients are analyzed in Year 1 and Year 5 ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  30. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTSMaintenance Immunosuppression at Time of 1 Year Follow-up NOTE: Different patients are analyzed in each time frame. ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  31. ADULT HEART RECIPIENTS Maintenance Immunosuppression Drug Combinations at Time of Follow-up(Follow-ups: January 2002 - June 2004) NOTES: Different patients are analyzed in Year 1 and Year 5. In the Year 1 cohort 77.5% of patients were on prednisone; in the Year 5 cohort 62% of patients were on prednisone. ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  32. PERCENTAGE OF ADULT HEART TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS TREATED FOR REJECTION IN 1ST YEARStratified by Type of Induction (Transplants: January 1, 2000 - June 30, 2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  33. NUMBER OF REJECTION EPISODES FOR ADULT HEART TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS TREATED FOR REJECTION IN 1ST YEARStratified by Type of Induction (Transplants: January 1, 2000 - June 30, 2003) Overall: No induction vs. OKT3 (p = 0.0026); polyclonal vs. OKT3 (p=0.0065); IL2 vs. OKT3 (p=0.0004). 50-64: No induction vs. OKT3 (p = 0.006); polyclonal vs. OKT3 (p = 0.045); IL2 vs. OKT3 (p = 0.002) For females: no induction vs. OKT3 (p = 0.008) For males: polyclonal vs. OKT3 (p =0.04); IL2 vs. OKT3 (p = 0.003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  34. PERCENTAGE OF ADULT HEART TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS TREATED FOR REJECTION IN 1ST YEARStratified by Maintenance Immunosuppression (Transplants: January 1, 2000 - June 30, 2003) Overall: CyA + MMF vs. TAC + MMF (p<0.0001); CyA + MMF vs. TAC + AZA (p=0.02); CyA + AZA vs. TAC + MMF (p<0.0001); CyA + AZA vs. TAC + AZA (p=0.0056). 18-34: All comparisons significant except CyA + MMF vs. CyA + AZA. 35-49: CyA + MMF vs. TAC + MMF (p=0.0001); CyA + AZA vs. TAC + MMF (p=0.004). 50-64: CyA + MMF vs. TAC + MMF (p<0.0001); CyA + AZA vs. TAC + MMF (p<0.0001). 65+: CyA + AZA vs. TAC + MMF (p=0.04). For females all comparisons are significant except TAC + MMF vs. TAC + AZA. For males: CyA + MMF vs. TAC + MMF (p<0.0001); CyA + AZA vs. TAC + MMF (p<0.0001) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  35. NUMBER OF REJECTION EPISODES FOR ADULT HEART TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS TREATED FOR REJECTION IN 1ST YEARStratified by Maintenance Immunosuppression (Transplants: January 1, 2000 - June 30, 2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  36. POST-HEART TRANSPLANT MORBIDITY FOR ADULTSCumulative Prevalence in Survivors at 1 Year Post-Transplant (Follow-ups: April 1994 - June 2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  37. POST-HEART TRANSPLANT MORBIDITY FOR ADULTSCumulative Prevalence in Survivors at 5 and 8 Years Post-Transplant (Follow-ups: April 1994 - June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  38. FREEDOM FROM CORONARY ARTERY VASCULOPATHY AND FREEDOM FROM SEVERE RENAL DYSFUNCTION*For Adult Heart Recipients (Follow-ups: April 1994-June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  39. FREEDOM FROM CORONARY ARTERY VASCULOPATHY Stratified by DiagnosisFor Adult Heart Recipients (Follow-ups: April 1994 - June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  40. MALIGNANCY POST-HEART TRANSPLANTATION FOR ADULTSCumulative Prevalence in Survivors(Follow-ups: April 1994 - June 2004) ”Other” includes: prostate (11, 34, 21), adenocarcinoma (7, 4, 2), lung (5, 4, 1), bladder (4, 5, 5), sarcoma (3, 3, 1), breast (2, 8, 3), cervical (2, 4, 0), colon (2, 3, 3), and renal (2, 7, 2). Numbers in parentheses are those reported within 1 year, 5 years and 8 years, respectively. ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  41. FREEDOM FROM MALIGNANCYFor Adult Heart Recipients (Follow-ups: April 1994 - June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  42. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS: Cause of Death(Deaths: January 1992 - June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  43. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS: Cause of Death from Leading Causes by Era(Deaths: January 1992 - June 2004) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  44. ADULT HEART TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS: Cumulative Incidence of Leading Causes of Death(Transplants: January 1992 - June 2003) ISHLT 2005 J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  45. ISHLT 2005 ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTS(1/1996-6/2003)Risk Factors for 1 Year Mortality * Temporary circulatory support includes ECMO and Abiomed. **VAD type collected for only part of era. Only those with known type were included in this group. Note: All factors were significant at p < 0.05 in at least one of the eras. J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  46. ISHLT 2005 ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTS(1/1996-6/2003)Risk Factors for 1 Year Mortality Note: All factors were significant at p < 0.05 in at least one of the eras. J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  47. ISHLT 2005 ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTS(1/1996-6/2003)Borderline Significant Risk Factors for 1 Year Mortality Note: All factors were significant at 0.5 < p < 0.1 in at least one of the eras. J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  48. ISHLT 2005 ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTS(1/1996-6/2003)Risk Factors for 1 Year Mortality J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  49. ISHLT 2005 ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTS (1/1996-6/2003)Risk Factors for 1 Year MortalityRecipient Age J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

  50. ISHLT 2005 ADULT HEART TRANSPLANTS (1/1996-6/2003)Risk Factors for 1 Year MortalityDonor Age J Heart Lung Transplant 2005;24: 945-982

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