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Explore the latest technology in golf instruction with Steve Gould, including video systems, 3D biomechanics systems, putting systems, force plates, launch monitors, and more. Discover how to set up indoor and outdoor studios for optimal results with the right cameras and lighting. Learn about GASP Pro Version software and how it enhances golf training. Join a global community of golf professionals and enthusiasts benefiting from cutting-edge tools.

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  4. INDOOR VIDEO SYSTEM • Cameras – the best cameras to use in an indoor environment are cctv high sensitive cameras. DV camcorders are not up to the poor lighting conditions that you get from using false lighting. They will restrict the ability to use high shutter speeds that in turn will allow you to get clarity of the club as it passes impact. The pictures from DV camcorders will tend to be dark or blurred. • Lighting – The combination of lighting and camera selection is vital to permit high quality images. The use of floodlights and fluorescents are not ideal. These lights will cause the cameras to pulse. Professional focal spots are the best. • Space – The minimum for a studio is 5mtrs wide x 3.2mtrs high x 6mtrs deep. • Cameras and positions – The camera position should be placed 1.2mtrs from the floor. In most modern studios 4 cameras are the most popular with a down the line view, overhead, front right and left. A word of warning though, the position of the down the line camera is vital to measure swing plane at impact. The golf ball should be in the centre approx. of the bottom right quarter of the video clip. You will also notice that the same camera gives the impression that the pupil is over swinging and the line of the club looks across the line when in fact it is parallel. So for accurate readings many coaches have 2 camera positions down the line. One to read the plane at impact and the other to read the line of the swing at the top. • Environment – It is preferable that the surroundings are as comfortable as possible and shop fitting the room should be a consideration. Try to make you area a nice place to be. Off white walls are best. A beige carpet is ideal.



  7. WHAT DO OUR VIDEO SYSTEMS DO? • Capture from 8 cameras simultaneously. • Multitude of drawing tools. • Digital effect unsurpassed. • Regarded as the easiest system to use. • Broadcast quality pictures. Up to 20,000 fps. • Integrated internet golf lesson feature. • Student cd profit. • Integrated booking system, launch monitor, force platform, 3d System, ultrasound putt lab. • Studio and installation advise. • Physiology plugin (Australian Institute of sport)

  8. Sky Sports English Golf Union Irish Golf Union Dutch Golf Federation Team Norway British PGA Danish PGA Belgium PGA Golf Digest Golf Schools US Golf Academy DR. Jim Suttie Pia Neilson Mitchell Spearman Tim Barter Dennis Pugh Peter Cowen De Vere Hotels Marriott Hotels University Of Lincoln Millfield School + 2000 Pro users worldwide Over 15000 student users WHO USES GASP

  9. OUTDOOR • There are 2 options for coaching outdoors. Option one is to use a daylight screen, pictures above. Also available, used with a regular laptop is a computer tripod with a daylight shield.

  10. COVERED RANGE • In the main there are 2 options here and that will depend on your budget and the security situation at your facility. • Lack of security - you will be restricted to maybe one or two camera option realistically due to the setup time and need to pack away each evening. A regular laptop will do however the same principles regarding cameras and lighting will apply. Even though DV cameras do a job they do not do a great job. You also have to consider the durability of the DV camera and the risk of damp as the cameras are moved usually to a cold environment from a warm one and back again. DV cameras remember are designed in the main to be used in in domestic situations such a holidays with the family. They are not built to withstand day in and day out use. • HD cameras – These cameras are now becoming used more as the prices have dropped to under £1000. They give you an image that is 4 times the quality than you get from regular camcorders. In the next few year this will be the standard just as the switch to HD is taking place in the home with TV.

  11. 3 D BIOMECHANICS • Putting the numbers to movement • Easy to use. • Precise analysis • Ideal for even the beginner. • Perfect for the elite player.

  12. K - Vest Hip tilt X Factor • Through innovative wireless technology, the K-VEST is revolutionizing how physical motion is measured and optimum performance is achieved. The K-VEST consists of three lightweight wireless sensors, strategically placed on a golfer’s hips, shoulders, and hand. The hardware is powered by KINESYNC™, a revolutionary motion analysis software that combines animation and swing data to offer a 3D view of an athlete’s movement. K-VEST makes it possible to capture physical motion in real time, identify inefficiencies and immediately communicate the correct movements in real-time via live animation.

  13. K- VEST

  14. SAM PUTT LAB • SAM PuttLab is an analysis and training system based on an accurate ultrasound measurements. It analyzes the  28 most important parameters of your putting stroke and displays the results in easy to understand graphic reports. Discover your individual strengths and weaknesses for a better and more efficient training. • Within seconds the system gives you an individual feedback on your putting strokes. The analysis reveals even the smallest details of your movements and allows you to develop improvements and training strategies. SAM PuttLab utilizes ultrasound sensory analysis and therefore is far more exact than any other similar system on the market.

  15. SAM FACE ROTATION • Same measures over 25 parameters in the putting stroke. • It also has a putter fitting section. • A yips measurement. • Head sensor option.

  16. Force Plate • As most good instructors will tell you, power is developed from the ground up. Just imagine that you were held off the floor in a harness so your feet were not touching the floor. You can imagine how little distance this would allow you to achieve.

  17. Example of Software • A force platform shows the increase in pressure on the floor in the downswing and acceleration of your weight through your swing. • One common factor in all long hitters is they increase their body weight to the floor (pressure) by 60% or more. This coupled with the time taken, creates power and its why we see long hitters heads are lower in the downswing. Then the left leg straightens prior to impact as they push up from the floor. This type of power is also seen in many sport such as Tennis and Martial Arts. • It also measures the direction of the transfer which has a bearing on the swing path.

  18. Launch Monitors Phased array radar systems Doppler radar systems Laser based systems Camera based systems

  19. TRACKMAN • Trackman is the best of all launch monitors and is the preferred system of the USGA, R&A, Callaway, Ping, David Leadbetter and Tour Pros. • Its easy to see why, as it tracks the ball for its whole flight measuring almost every aspect. In particular it measures one thing that no other system measures and that is bounce and roll. This is created by the spin of the ball at the end of its flight, the velocity in this area, along with the angle of decent. • Golf Digest have published their findings in their magazine and is worth a read. It can be downloaded from trackman’s website www.trackman.dk

  20. EDH FLIGHT SCOPE • This is a phased array radar unit. The top model tracks the ball for most of its flight. They also have a second unit which is commonly used in simulators. It falls short of what the trackman can do however at a lesser price has its place in the market.

  21. Zelocity • Doppler radar systems that tracks the club, then the ball for a short space of time. Based on the radar gun that the police use in speed traps. • This is the entry level radar launch monitor, but also has its place as it measures the 3 most important things well. Club speed, ball speed and launch angle.

  22. LASER SYSTEM • Golf achiever is a laser based system that is ideal in studios where the system would be used mainly in a studio. It measures all of the critical areas needed in launch conditions such as club speed, ball speed, launch angle, swing path and clubface. • Its very easy to use and never misses a shot and needs no calibration at the start. • It has a 3d Sim game, club fit program and in the under £3000 section is the most comprehensive launch monitor on the market. • Its only drawback is that its not great outdoors in the direct sunlight, but other than that is a great system for range or studio.

  23. Camera based systems • Vector is the most commonly used system of its type in golf. • It measures spin, launch angle, ball speed, but because of its position after the ball not club speed. • Its very portable and works well outside all be that it needs calibration at its outset and the ball needs to be played from an exact position. • Indoors though it struggles in areas that have awkward light that may cause reflection which causes the system to miss shots. • Another issue is that for lady golfers, the low ball speed means it finds it hard to capture the shots. • Again it has its place and is a good system if you need portability but is slightly more difficult to use.

  24. ON LINE BOOKING SYSTEM • Why should we give up our paper diary it’s easy to use? • That’s a question all coaches ask when I speak to them about moving to an online booking system. • From a business perspective its an easy choice. • The simple fact is that it will save you the lost revenue from no shows and late cancellations because of the reminder system by email and sms. This is around 9% of a coaches income. • Have you ever had the conversation with your staff that you are unable to read their writing and what is the telephone number. Those days are gone. Also the possibility of double booking disappears. • The system contacts your customer after their lesson asking them for feedback something we all want to do but do not have the time. • Allows customers to book lessons from home in a secure way just like we do already when booking a flight. • There is also a way of uploading the students video lesson and other files. • There is also a facility to seamlessly send out bulk emails, newsletters or SMS messages to your customers. Booking a lesson online Internet golf lesson

  25. INTEGRATION • Many facilities may start small but have their eye on using the best technology as they move forward with their implementation in their coaching facilities. • As a coach its important to get your shopping list in order in terms of technology and make sure that you end up with a fully integrated solution and not just a facility of many parts that do not work together. • This is our main aim at GASP SYSTEMS. All of our systems work together and we continue to add the best technology to our portfolio.


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