1. Who Are We? CB Sellen
2. What We Are
3. Four elementary districts
One regional high school district
Five boards of education
Three district economic factor groups
Seven professionals
3526 students A Diverse Group
4. Why Did We Do This??? Kingsway District’s Five Year Evaluation Plan
Ensure effective use of resources and materials
Recognize the school library media program in each building and district
Encourage growth and support at the building and regional levels
5. Timeline Gloria Horvay
6. Timeline Year 1 Needs Assessment
Year 2 Curriculum Development
Year 3 Text Review - Lesson Development
Year 4 Implementation
Year 5 Evaluation/Revision
7. Needs Assessment Mary Ellen Malloy
8. Evaluation Process Needs assessment - Where we are
Methods - How we’ll find out
Committee review - Where we want to be
Needs report - How we’ll get there
9. Needs Assessment Surveys
Self Assessment
Enrollment & Demographic factors
# Staff
# Books, Materials
# LMC Staff
10. Community Survey Distributed through each school in selected grades
Designed to be read on Scantron cards
Carefully worded to NOT include educational jargon
Explanatory letter to accompany survey
11. Community Survey Facilities
Materials collection
Instruction / Curriculum
Special Programs
School information
12. Staff Survey Distributed to all teaching staff
Designed to be read on Scantron cards
Results indicated staff’s desire to be positive (even if answer wasn’t valid)
South Harrison’s staff inadvertently got the community survey and were not re-surveyed
13. Staff Survey Facilities
Materials collection
14. Self Assessment Needed to get clear picture of what is actually in each Library Media Center
Written to include materials in High School/ Jr. High which would not necessarily be in elementary schools
Allowed for comments
15. Self Assessment Pupil Expenditure
Media Equipment
Instructional Access
16. Final Report Opening Statement
Composite listing of Library program strengths/weaknesses
Closing Statement
17. Final Report Tallied surveys
Discussed individual self assessments, strengths and weaknesses,
Compared similarities and differences
Re-evaluated and revised
18. Distributed (finally!)
reported at staff meeting
to Curriculum supervisors & Administration
to BOE
20. Matrix and Standards Mary Moul
21. Matrix Developed to incorporate all content areas
Instructional goals were divided into 7 broad categories such as: Using materials responsibly, Locating skills, Literature and Media appreciation
Broad categories were necessary to accommodate the different needs of the individual schools
22. Matrix Specific skills were written for each broad goal
Grade levels were added when skills would be introduced
Skills were generalized to meet needs of the regional school structure
23. Standards Goals and objectives were developed to meet NJ Core Curriculum Standards
AASL (American Association of School Librarians)
AECT (Association for Education Communication and Technology)
Information Power
24. Standards Emanations (Newsletter of the Education Media association of NJ
Other schools
Randolph School District
Cherry Hill High School District
25. Curriculum Mary Moyer
26. Library Curriculum Philosophy
27. Resources Final Report - Kingsway Region
Information Power
New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards and National Information Literacy Standards
28. Philosophy / Mission Statement Critical thinking skills, lifelong learning and information literacy
Integral part of the educational program
Media specialists, administrators, teachers, parents and students as active partners
Mission - students and staff become effective users of resources, ideas and information
29. Instructional Goals 9 overall goals for the curriculum
Provides direction for the objectives
Broad categories were necessary to accommodate the different needs of individual schools
Promotes atmosphere of the LMC as a source of literature, information and resources.
30. Objectives 5 broad objectives of the LMC program
Cover locating and using resources for academic and personal learning
Interested in students applying information by analyzing, evaluating, critiquing, and synthesizing
Students prepared for the workplace
31. Activities Myra Gross
32. Activities Used Library Skills Objectives Matrix
Wrote introductory and reinforcement activities for each goal and objective
Integrated activities with subject content areas of the school-wide curriculum
Linked activities to state and national standards
33. Implementation -- Conclusion Holly Taylor
34. Implementation Use matrix, lessons, and activities
Meet to revise
35. Conclusion RCPCs for all teaching departments
Release time