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This study explores the integrated production of bioethanol and biomanure from pineapple leaf waste to address energy demands and environmental concerns, utilizing lignocellulosic biomass and innovative processing techniques. Through biofuel generation and nutrient enrichment, it offers a sustainable solution for waste valorization.
Valorization of pineapple leaf waste through integrated production of bioethanol and biomanure by Anjani Devi Chintagunta Under the supervision of Prof. Rintu Banerjee P. K. Sinha Centre for Bioenergy Advanced Technology Development Centre Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur – 721302 West Bengal, India
Need for alternative fuels • Burgeoning population • Increasing energy demand • Growing concerns for energy security • Climatic changes • Shortage of fossil fuels • Increase in oil price
Advantages of biofuels • Significantly less expensive than gasoline • Increases self-sufficiency of the nation • Low green house gas emissions • Renewability • Economic growth
Biofuel - Generations Biofuels 1st generation 2nd generation 3rd generation 4th generation Sucrose containing feed stock Starch containing feed stock Lignocellulosic biomass Algal biomass Engineered crops
Future ethanol estimate 2022 Fuel Ethanol Outlook Ethanol blending proportion with gasoline Source: EISA, Hart Energy’s Global Biofuels Outlook, August 2011
Fuel properties comparison - Gasoline & Ethanol Source : www.adfc.energygov DG XII 1994; Blondy 2005; Mc Cormicket al. 2001
Drawbacks of 1st generation bioethanol • Requirement of more farmland (10% blending require 43% of cropland for biofuel feedstocks) • Usage of large amount of synthetic fertilizer and herbicide • Release of nitrous oxide • Increase in cost of food grains
Why lignocellulosic ethanol? • Solve food vs. fuel controversy • Better GHG reduction potential • Can replace fossil fuel in significant scale • Ethanol is carbon neutral • Growing variety of energy crops increases biodiversity • Grown in marginal land and not divert land from food production • Reduces waste Wood-to-Wheels (W2W) concept
Biological Processing Strategies • Punctularia sp. TUFC20056, Eriporiopsissubvermispora FP90031, Phanerochaetesordida YK624, Ceriporiopsissubvermispora, Pleurotusostreatus and Pleurotuspulmonarius • Consume less energy and less damage to the environment • Carried out under mild conditions and by-produces does not inhibit the subsequent hydrolysis process • Lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase and laccase • Lignin peroxidase degrades non-phenolic lignin • Manganese peroxidase acts on phenolic and non-phenolic lignin • Laccase catalyzes the oxidation of phenolic units
Substrate crown leaves fruit Substrate : Pineapple leaf waste Family : Bromeliaceae • Scientific name - Ananascomosus • Origin of cultivation - Brazil • Pineapple cultivation was initiated by Portuguese in 1548 AD in India • Season favourable – monsoon • Favoured growth conditions :22 – 32 0C, pH 5-6 • Soil: Sandy loam • World-wide - 14.6 million tonnes (2013-14) • India – 1.681 million tonnes/109000ha with productivity of 15.42 tonnes/ha • Pineapple leaf waste : 2.6 million tonnes stem Products from processing industry Fruit portion cutting juice Residual waste stem Source : Agricultural Statistics at a glance, 2014 Database of National Horticulture Board, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India Bromelain leaves Ethanol
Methodology Addition of enzyme & yeast to the substrate Incubation time + solid-liquid separation Residual biomass after SSF Broth with ethanol Laccase pretreated pineapple leaf waste Reaction mixture Substrate, cellulase & yeast for SSF Incubation time Cyanobacteria Biomanure
Optimum conditions for ethanol production Correlation between reducing sugar and ethanol production
Structural characterisation of pineapple leaf waste a. control b. biomass after SSF
Cyanobacteria involved in enrichment of residual biomass Nostoc muscorum Anabaena variabilis Aulosirafertilissima Cylindrospermum muscicola Fischerella muscicola
Improved nutrient content in Fischerellamuscicolatreated biomass The NPK fold increase in F. muscicola inoculated pineapple leaf waste residue is 6.84, 8.78 and 14.17 respectively
NPK ratio and the crop recommended Reference : NAAS report, 2009
Pineapple production for 2013-14 is 1.681 million tonnesfrom 0.109 million hectaresa Overall estimation of bioethanol and biomanure production from biomass 60,000 plants /hectare yields 100 tonnes of pineapple/hectareb 9,252 pineapple plants /hectare produces 15.42 tonnes of pineapple/ hectare ̴ 40 leaves per pineapple plant, each leaf weighting nearly 0.065 kgc 2.6 million tonnes of leaf waste/0.109 million hectares 77.94 %d of moisture content 0.58 million tonnes of pineapple leaf powder 355mL of ethanol was obtained from kg of pretreated biomassd 47.6%d of total solid is utilised for biomanure production 20.53 million litres of ethanol production 52.4 %d of total solid is utilised for ethanol production 0.193 million tonnes of pineapple leaf waste as biomanure with NPK of 3.5:1:2 a: Indian Horticulture Database, 2014 b: Medina and García, 2005 c : Zainuddin et al., 2014 d: Data from present study
Vermicompost and biomanure Biomanure : 3.5:1:2 Productivity : 1770.64 kg/ha Process completion : 35-42 days Market available vermicompost: 2.2:1.33:1 Experimental vermicompost : 9.9:1:9.5 Production rate is 5933 kg/ha/8months Process completion : 60-90 days Reference: Ghosh (2004)
Conclusion • An integrated process for the production of bioethanol and biomanure have been developed. • Ethanol production of 7.1% (v/v) in 24 h with conversion efficiency of 75.53%. • F. muscicola inoculated biomass was observed to be enhanced by 6.84, 8.78 and 14.17 fold with final ratio of 3.5:1:2. • The present process carried out for valorization of the pineapple leaf waste is a viable process which not only yield valuable products in a cost effective manner within a short duration but also addresses the problems of pollution and energy crisis to certain extent.