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The Blue Fish. Once upon a time, there was a girl called Céline, who live with her parents and her brothers . She could have been happy if her mother had loved her more, but she preferred her son. Everyday , Céline’s mother used to send her for some spring water.
Once upon a time, therewas a girl called Céline, who live withher parents and herbrothers. Shecould have been happy if hermotherhadlovedher more, but shepreferredher son.
Everyday, Céline’smotherused to sendher for somespring water. The road was long and steep.
One evening, shewasbored. Whileshewaslost in thought, shestopped on the beach. Suddenly a fantasticbluishfishappeared. « Yoursorrow affect me. I’m the bluefish; I wouldlike to help you.Everyday , come and see me withyour gourd and I’llfillitwith the water of frienship ».
The dayafter, hermothertoldherbrother to spy on her. This devilwomanwanted to know about the crystalline water shehadbrought back home. As sly as a fox, the boy hidbehind a bigcoconuttree and saw Céline singing and thenknew about the bluefish.
The perfidiousbrothertoldhermotherwhathesaw. The cruel lady decided to send Céline to hergodmother. In the meantime, theywould go and kill the innocent bluefish. Beforeleaving, shewent to the beach and tookherrosary and wounditaround a piece of wood and plantedit in the sand.
Whileshewasgoing to hergodmother’s house, herfamilywasmakingtheir bloody arsenal: harpoons, axes, ropes and large knives.
The wholefamilyrushed on the poor animal thatcouldn’tresist a long time.
When Céline arrived on the beach, the rosarylayuntidily on the sand. Blood came from the woundedfoam.
Back home, shestood mute. Atlunchtime, hermotherbroughtsomefish. Then, shethoughtshewouldweaken: the flesh of thisfishwasblue.
Céline fled, running towards the beach. Shesankinto the seauntilshelost foot. The young girl let herselfsink to the bottom of the ocean, as one can let a tearfall. As one can let a love go.