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objective. TSW identify and describe the defining characteristics of Texas in the Great Depression and World War II and analyze the political, economic, and social impact of World War II by completing a graphic organizer. Warm-up. Out of the Dust Novel. World War II. Causes.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. objective TSW identify and describe the defining characteristics of Texas in the Great Depression and World War II and analyze the political, economic, and social impact of World War II by completing a graphic organizer.

  2. Warm-up • Out of the Dust Novel

  3. World War II

  4. Causes • In 1922, Benito Mussolini created a Fascist Party in Italy. • In 1933, Adolf Hitler became the dictator of Germany • Military rulers in Japan took over • Germany, Italy, and Japan sought to gain power by building empires.

  5. Causes • Japan invaded China • Italy invaded what is now known as Ethiopia • Germany attacked Poland. • In response, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany. This marked the beginning of WWII

  6. US involvement • Germany takes over most of Europe and the US sends aid to Great Britain. • Japan saw US involvement as a threat. • December 7, 1941 – Japan launches a surprise attack on American Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii • Texas Congressman introduced a bill to declare war on Japan.

  7. Activity • Write PES in your journal. Make sure to leave enough room between each letter. P – 4 political impacts page 422 E – 4 economic impacts page 423 S – 4 social impacts pages 423-424 • Significant Individuals (explain who the following people/groups were) • Wasp page 418 • Chester Nimitz page 419 • Dwight D. Eisenhower page 410 • Oveta Culp Hobby page 419-420 • Audie Murphy page 420

  8. Political • Democratic Party split into two wings, liberals and conservatives. • Conservative Democrats felt Roosevelt’s New Deal Plan was too liberal. • Many Texans opposed Roosevelt’s order to end hiring practices that were unfair to African Americans. • Texas cities became more diverse during the war. African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites all moved to urban areas.

  9. Economic • Industry expanded rapidly in the state during the war years. • By the end of war, Texas produced half of the nation’s gas and oil. • By 1945, Texas had a more diverse economy, creating thousands of new jobs. (oil, farming, factories, lumber, and goods for the war) • WWII had ended the Great Depression in Texas.

  10. Social • Men and women of all races and ethnicities had to help to win the war, serving in armed forces and working in fields and factories. • Tensions between the races increased causing a riot in June 1943, • African Americans soldiers trained in separate bases, but while serving in Europe they were not discriminated against. When they returned back to Texas they suffered from racism again. • Many women entered the workplace, however received less pay for the same work. A woman could not buy a car without her husband’s signature.

  11. Significant Individuals • Wasp – Women’s Air force Service Pilots, female tested warplanes and flew planes from the factories to the bases. • Chester Nimitz – Commander and Chief of the Pacific fleet. • Dwight D. Eisenhower – became the supreme commander of Allied forces in Europe. • Oveta Culp Hobby – first commander of the Women’s Army Corp (WACs) • Audie Murphy – received Medal of Honor and became a successful actor and songwriter.

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