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Call to order 7:11 Roll Call Present: Carla Brady, Bob Conley, Brad Cramer, Lisa Ellis (7:30), Craig Erezuma, Mark Fabyanski, Larry Jasen, Mike Kopas, Wayne Lajewski, Pat Rowe (7:20), Barb Short, Russell Stern, Marsha Ann Zimmerman
Call to order 7:11 Roll Call Present: Carla Brady, Bob Conley, Brad Cramer, Lisa Ellis (7:30), Craig Erezuma, Mark Fabyanski, Larry Jasen, Mike Kopas, Wayne Lajewski, Pat Rowe (7:20), Barb Short, Russell Stern, Marsha Ann Zimmerman Absent: James Burnet, Maureen Byrne, Ben Cahill, Peter Flemming, Garry Herzog, Carmen Vacchiano, Steve Whitehorn NB: Brad Cramer left before Old Business was presented, discussed and voted on. Pledge of Allegiance Approval of January 2013 minutes Motion: MARK FABYANSKI, Second: MIKE KOPAS. Passed. Treasurer’s Report: See Attached Mayor’s Report: Working with MACA on Art Banner Program. Putting together May Day parade featuring long time Madison residents. Also shared email that he sent to David Maines commended him and DPW for the “tremendous Job” they have done with the snow removal in Madison, especially in the shopping areas. “Thank you for endless hours.” Council Liaison Report: No report Planning Board Report: Mike Kopas reported The Walgreens sign application was approved as amended at the meeting. In summary: Existing near door sign will be moved to facade on Greenwood. New sign will be added to 45 degree facade facing intersection New sign will be added to main street facade. Sign on east driveway side will be removed (facade you see when driving into downtown) 2 blade signs will be removed Chairman Stern asked about LED signs. Kopas responded that with the LED's, it was our memory that the recommended changes were limited to gas station signs only. MINUTESThursday, February 20, 2014
MINUTES, Thursday, February 20, 2014 page 2 of 4 • 9. Foundation Report: No report 10. Discussion: a. Madison is 125! Mayor Conley will present a Proclamation at an upcoming council meeting encouraging all NFP organizations, borough entities, merchants, schools, and local groups to incorporate “125” into programs, activities, projects, events and promotions in celebration of Madison’s 125th Anniversary. The Following projects are in development: • “Flat Madison” school project based on the popular Flat Stanley character. Lisa Ellis spoke with school officials. They await more details from us. • Special Issue $125 Madison Gift Checks • 125th anniversary Flags downtown – asking Mel at Tivoli to provide 2-3 design options • Sell 125th flags as fund raiser (special order or sell the used ones) • 125 Campaign: solicit donations in denominations of 125 • Some sort of Madison Rose lawn ornament for residents and merchants • Life sized (5’4”) James Madison for pictures. • Photo of all Madisonians named Madison • Baby of the Year: Madison James (newborn daughter of Vivian James, METC Director) 11. Committee Reports: • Sign & Façade Regular meeting schedule Carla Brady asked about full window signs like the ones at Rose City Nail. Craig explained that the committee is looking into that ordinance and enforcement. • University Relations: Carla Brady reported that Drew hosted 90 agents from all over the world this week in preparation for a new/expanded International Student program. She also thanked Mayor Conley for attending. • Public Improvement Committee: PIC Chair Mark Fabyanski reported-- • Sidewalk Sounds Music Series: • Expected roll out date May 1 • Series on Thursdays 6:30-8:00pm, May-Sept. Possibly Saturdays instead/also. • 6’x8’ rug with 6’x6’ retractable backdrop. • Can be moved and located anywhere. • Hoping to create partnerships with MMA and MACA • Encouraging Chamber and other merchants to sponsor weekly performances which would then be located in front of their store • Cook/Elmer parking lot: Snowed out. Revisit next month.
MINUTES, Thursday, February 20, 2014 page 3 of 4 12. Ad Hoc Committee Reports a. Taste of Madison: Maureen Byrne emailed Mark Fabyanski a report. He shared-- Vintner Year! Need volunteers. Amrish of Main St. Wine Cellars considering Beer and spirits. Tickets on sale now. Live jazz quartet to perform. Barb Short added that the CECM will be holding its meeting prior to the taste and then attending. Gary’s wants to expand their sponsorship and presence from 10 weeks to 20 weeks. Park Avenue Club is providing demos and tastings. b. Farmers Market: Market Coordinator Barabara Hughes presented a 3 minute Power Point filled with pictures from 2013. c. May Day: Next meeting March 5. d. Bottle Hill Day: BHD Chair Lisa Ellis has sent “Save the Date” announcements. e. Art Banner Gallery: Artists are encouraged to incorporate “125” into their art. 13. Assistant Borough Administrator’s Report: No report 14. Old Business a. Wayfinding: Craig reported – Originally considering Morris County signs. Once they began going up we reconsidered. Craig researched and found some examples of more classic and historic wayfinding signs, combining aesthetic with functionality. Nest step HPC. Putting up a test sign on Ridgedale by MRC in time for the Platypus Tournament. b. Historic Town Tour Video: First video is of HDM. This is a high quality template on which the rest will be modeled. Once professional pictures are included, this showpiece will be used to generate attention and funding. Nick Platt, Chair of the HD Trustees, has seen this video and was extremely impressed. He has agreed to provide Craig with digital images of all the historic pictures he has. Still Needs to Be Done: • Keep narrator and copywriting consistent. They donated their time and services for this video, but we should compensate them moving forward. • Countryside Studios to provide 30 professional photographs as needed. $2500. • $35 for Baseball card. • Larry Jasen suggested that we recruit/engage students from MHS and Drew. • High School has agreed to assist with research. MOTION to allocate $3100 to complete the HDM Walking Tour. Motion: MIKE KOPAS. Second: MAYOR CONLEY. Passed unanimously.
MINUTES, Thursday, February 20, 2014 page 3 of 4 c. Volunteer recruitment Party 8:30-10:00 April 24 Rocco’s after DDC meeting. Chairman Stern encourages everyone to please bring a volunteer. 15. New Business a. Concert Series: Laura will speak to METC regarding the reduced summer concert series to find out if it has been reduced due to money or staffing or both. b. 125th Celebration Flags: $1,750.78 MOTION to allocate $2500 for 24 flags commemorating the 125th Year of Madison’s incorporation. Motion: MIKE KOPAS. Second: PAT ROWE. Passed unanimously. 16. Invitation for discussion from the public: None 17. Adjournment: 8:56pm.