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Call to order 7:08 Roll Call PRESENT: Carla Brady, Jim Burnet, Maureen Byrne, Ben Cahill, Bob Conley, Brad Cramer, Lisa Ellis, Craig Erezuma, Mark Fabyanski, Mike Kopas, Pat Rowe , Barb Short, Russell Stern, Steve Whitehorn (7:45), Marsha Ann Zimmerman
Call to order 7:08 Roll Call PRESENT: Carla Brady, Jim Burnet, Maureen Byrne, Ben Cahill, Bob Conley, Brad Cramer, Lisa Ellis, Craig Erezuma, Mark Fabyanski, Mike Kopas, Pat Rowe , Barb Short, Russell Stern, Steve Whitehorn (7:45), Marsha Ann Zimmerman ABSENT: Peter Flemming, Garry Herzog, Larry Jasen, Wayne Lajewski, Carmen Vacchiano Pledge of Allegiance Approval of February 2014 minutes MOTION: BEN CAHILL. SECOND: BRAD CRAMER. Motion passed unanimously. Treasurer’s Report (See Attached) Mayor’s Report: Proclamation for 125th at Monday’s Council meeting. Carmen Toto to do something at BHD or Xmas parade. Council Liaison Report: No Report Discussion: Wayfinding program ($11,000 out of PIC budget. $13,000 Grant from MMSF) Craig Erezuma presented design, scope and sequence of first phase and potential future phases for coordinated wayfinding sing program. “Rich history with contemporary flair” Using colors and design elements from historic district. Pilot project aka “Platypus” to go up by Mid May. (There are two large Lacrosse events that we want to capture test these signs out on . 1. Signs directing visitors from Ridgedale to MHS to MRC to Main st.. (See Attached) Three parts: 1. Mock Up. 2. Flat signs. 3. Eight 3-D actual signs. MOTION PAT ROWE. SECOND: MAYOR CONLEY to allocate $11000 from the PIC 2014 Budget for “Platypus” phase of wayfinding program. to proceed with Grant request from MMSF for $13000 to complete Phase One of wayfindingprogram. With no commitment to use. for permission to meet with council for approval for Platypus phase of wayfindingprogram. Discussion: Brad clarifies this is $24,000 for Phase One this year of possibly a Five phase project. We could be looking at 125,000 over 5 years. Mike added that the $24,000 will be spent with board feedback. Pat asked is there enough money to fully fund this over 5 years? Brad responded that this is the most significant project that the DDC has done and will deplete our funds for the next 5 years. Lisa asked how were the other community signage programs paid for? The municipality should be a partner with the DDC financially. Brad says that the DDC should execute phase one and then show everyone in hopes that the residents and governing board will fund the next phases. Mike thinks we can fund a portion through private donation (not sponsors). Movie Theater might be 10-20,000. Banner program still an investment. MINUTESThursday, March 20, 2014
March 20, 2014 MinutesPage 2 of 3 MOTION restated by: MAYOR CONLEY. SECOND: PAT ROWE. Roll call vote Carla Brady no Maureen Byrne yes Ben Cahill yes Bob Conley yes Brad Cramer abstain Lisa Ellis no Craig Erezuma yes Mark Fabyanski yes Mike Kopas yes Pat Rowe yes Barb Short yes Russell Stern yes Steve Whitehorn yes Marsha Ann Zimmerman yes ABSENT: Peter Flemming, Garry Herzog, Larry Jasen, Wayne Lajewski, Carmen Vacchiano MOTIONED PASSED • Planning Board Report • Giralda Master Plan Draft Amendment: Mike Kopas presented—Planning board studying land use at Giralda Farms to assess how to maintain and attract new tenants. By consensus, the DDC asked Mike Kopas to request that the planning board build in more flexibility regarding the parking policy. 10. Foundation Report: Budget based on last year’s spending so that each committee has freedom to spend on basic annual expenditures within their budget. Enables them to operate efficiently. MOTION to accept 2014 DDC Budget as presented by Jim Burnet. MOTION PAT ROWE. SECOND MAYOR CONLEY. DISCUSSION: Art Pole under advertising and Promotion. Drew Town Tour funded directly by foundation. Need $10,000 expense line item for Shop Madison bags. MOTION to amend budget as outlined by Jim and reprinted in March minutes. MOTION PAT ROWE. SECOND MAYOR CONLEY . Motion passed unanimously.
March 20, 2014 MinutesPage 2 of 3 11. Committee Reports: • Public Improvement Committee: 1. Sidewalk Sounds MOTION to allocate $3000 from PIC budget for set up and performer compensation for Sidewalk Sounds 2014. MOTION PAT ROWE. SECOND BRAD CRAMER. Motion carries unanimously 12. Ad Hoc Committee Reports a. Taste of Madison: Maureen says, Best sponsorship year ever! DDC commissioner can purchase discount VIP tickets c. May Day: T-shirt design picked to day. Flags going up soon. Party at HDM. Mulch for everyone! e. Art Banner Gallery: 5 more artists than last year. Plus 3 locations for advertising. 13. Assistant Borough Administrator’s Report: (See Foundation Report) 14. Old Business a. Madison 125: Logo to be added to collateral for events. Flat Madison. Lawn flowers. “125” themed specials at stores. Adding “125” to all DDC events. EX: MACA Art Banner Auction/125 GALA. Other ideas include clam bake, float at Xmas parade, party. Letter being sent to all stake holders re: DDC is taking lead. Get everyone on the same page. Borough might match the amount. MOTION to allocate $1500 for Madison 125 programs. MOTION: MIKE KOPAS. SECOND: PAT ROWE. Motion passed unanimously. b. Concert Series update: METC planning on 4 Friday night concerts this season c. Volunteer recruitment Party April 24 Rocco’s: RSVP required. 15. New Business: Quest Softball game Aug. 7. 16. Invitation for discussion from the public: Eric Range came to talk about University Relations. Wants to ask for DDC support to approach NJT with a proposal that will also be brought to the council. Want a “Madison Station Home of Drew University” sign at station. 17. Adjournment 9:18