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Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Protista. The Protists : (about 70,000 species) Eukaryotic = have a membrane bound nucleus Single-celled or Multicellular Lack a cell wall. Protist Divisions. Animal -like PROTOZOANS Plant -like

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Kingdom Protista

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  1. Kingdom Protista The Protists : (about 70,000 species) Eukaryotic = have a membrane bound nucleus Single-celled or Multicellular Lack a cell wall

  2. Protist Divisions Animal-like PROTOZOANS Plant-like ALGAE Fungus-like MOLDS

  3. Animallike Plantlike Funguslike Take in food from the environment Produce food by photosynthesis Obtain food by external digestion Decomposers Parasites Concept Map Section 20-1 Protists are classified by which include which which which

  4. Animal-Like Protists 4 Phylums: categorized by method of MOVEMENT!

  5. Phylum Sarcodina 1.) Phylum Sarcodina – “sarcodines” - Protozoans who move by using… PSEUDOPODS - temporary extension of the cytoplasm

  6. Sarcodines (cont’d)

  7. Sarcodines (cont’d) Ex; Amoeba - found in ponds/streams - feeds on bacteria/small algae/small protozoans - by Phagocytosis

  8. Contractile vacuole Pseudopods Nucleus Food vacuole Figure 20-4 An Amoeba Section 20-2

  9. Amoeba (cont’d) Reproduction: Asexual – (mitosis) Sexual – gametes Form through Meiosis, Unite and form a zygote.

  10. Sarcodines and Humans • Many are Parasitic infect human oral cavity and intestines - causes ulcers and - amoebic dysentary

  11. Phylum Ciliate • Single celled Protists with CILIA present in at least 1 stage of their life cycle CILIA = short, hairlike structures that extend from the cell. - function in movement AND foodgetting.

  12. Ciliates (cont’d) • 2 kinds of nuclei 1. Macronucleus - for cell growth 2. Micronucleus - reproduction • Free-living - in fresh and salt water ( some parasites)

  13. Ciliates (cont’d) Ex; Paramecium - slipper shaped/ live in freshwater ponds. - have a PELLICLE - flexible protein under membrane to give it shape and support.

  14. Paramecium (ciliates) (cont’d) Movement: - with Cilia (swim) – toward food, or away from harmful substances. Eating: - Cilia capture food - sweep it to Oral groove - to gullet…. forms a Food Vacuole – pinches off into cytoplasm… - undigested food exits out the Anal Pore.

  15. Paramecium (cont’d) Maintain water balance with use of CONTRACTILE VACUOLES

  16. Trichocysts Oral groove Lysosomes Gullet Anal pore Contractile vacuole Micronucleus Macronucleus Food vacuoles Cilia Figure 20-5 A Ciliate Section 20-2

  17. Paramecium (cont’d) Reproduction: Asexual – mitosis Sexual – Conjugation a. 2 paramecium join at oral groove b. macronucleus disintegrates c. exchange a pair of micronuclei d. paramecium separate e. macronuclei reform

  18. Phylum Zoomastigophora(flagellates) Flagellates – Protozoans who move with flagella - long, whiplike extensions - 1- several • fresh and salt waters • Most are Parasites

  19. Flagellates

  20. Flagellates (cont’d) Ex.; Trypanosoma - parasite -- causes Sleeping Sickness - transmitted from animal to animal by blood-sucking Tse-Tse Fly - in blood, then infects and inflames CNS.

  21. Tse-Tse Fly

  22. Phylum Sporozoa Sporozoans – ALL ARE PARASITES!! - No locomotion as adults - Produce Sporozoites Ex. ; Plasmodium Vivax - causes Malaria

  23. Plasmodium Vivax Life Cycle Mosquito bites infected person - takes in plasmodium Gametocytes -- gametocytes become gametes, and fertilize in mosquito’s digestive system --- Zygote forms, develops a cyst with spores inside --spores continue to multiply until cyst bursts, releasing spores to mosquito’s salivary glands.

  24. P. Vivax life cycle (cont’d) • Mosquito bites an uninfected human -- releases spores into human blood-stream ---spores invade liver, RBC’s ---- some become Gametocytes…… …………………………………………………………………..Start over again……..

  25. Plant-Like Protists = ALGAE Algae: - classified according to the type of photosynthetic pigment. Unicellular or Multicellular

  26. Unicellular Algae • Euglena - have plant-like and animal-like characteristics - have chloroplasts – disappear in dark, used in light - 2 flagella - no cell wall - Eyespot – mass of red pigment used to detect light.

  27. Unicellular Algae 2. Golden Algae - largest group - in oceans and fresh water ex; Diatoms - Cell walls made up of 2 overlapping halves - cell wall made up of pectin and silica Reproduction: Asexual – mitosis Sexual – gametes combine

  28. Unicellular Algae (cont’d) 3. Fire Algae - Abundant red/yellow pigments - Cell wall of cellulose - 2 flagella - Many can produce their own Light = Bioluminescence

  29. Multicellular Algae • Largest Protists • Red Algae - tropical waters - attach to rocks with HOLDFASTS - use pigment = Phycoerythrin -- captures energy of blue light --penetrates deep water

  30. Multicellular Algae 2. Brown Algae - Salt water - “Kelps” or “Sea-weed” - pigment = Fucoxanthin - has Air-bladders = - broad leaf-like blades – connect to stalk by STIPE - Holdfasts A compound in Brown algae is used to make….

  31. Green Algae 1-celled, colonial, multi-cellular ex.; Volvox colonial shaped like a hollow ball Ex.; Spirogyra live in ponds and streams multicellular

  32. Fungus-Like Protists • Acellular Slime Molds • Cellular Slime Molds - Mildew and Water Molds

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