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Kingdom Protista

Kingdom Protista. Why are protists considered the “junk drawer” kingdom?. Any eukaryote that cannot be classified as animal, plant, or fungus is considered a protist!. How is Kingdom Protista classified?. By the way they move By the way they reproduce By their cell walls

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Kingdom Protista

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  1. Kingdom Protista

  2. Why are protists considered the “junk drawer” kingdom? • Any eukaryote that cannot be classified as animal, plant, or fungus is considered a protist!

  3. How is Kingdom Protista classified? • By the way they move • By the way they reproduce • By their cell walls • By the way they obtain nutrition

  4. Remember! • Animal-Like Protists (Protozoa) • Plant-Like Protists (Algae) • What about Fungi-Like Protists? • Like Fungi, they are important decomposers in our environment!

  5. Fungus-Like Protists • Slime Molds • Water Molds

  6. Fungus-like Protists • Heterotrophic – use external digestion to break down dead & decaying organic matter

  7. Slime Molds • Characteristics: • Cellular or acellular (masses with several nuclei) • Unicellular but can gather & act multicellular • Reproduction: sexually • Role/Function: forest floor or composting – recycle organic matter

  8. Water Molds • Characteristics: • Also called oomycetes(O-O-my-sets) • Produce filaments called hyphae • Reproduction: sexually & asexually • Role/Function: • Dead decaying matter in aquatic environments • Some are plant parasites • Attack tomatoes & potatoes

  9. Water Molds Ever seen a dead fuzzy fish?

  10. Would you say that protists are an important part of our environment? YES THEY ARE! • Protists play many roles in our environment! • Foods • Medicines • Illness • Decomposers • Base of many food chains

  11. Roles of Protists • Illness in plants or animals Red Tide Plasmodium malariae – this protist is the main cause of malaria. It cannot move or produce food on its own. Therefore, it is a parasite that lives off of its host.

  12. Roles of Protists • Food – How many of you like Ben & Jerry’s? Carrageenan is a common ingredient in your ice cream! It comes from algae!

  13. Roles of Protists • Important in the environment (& in many food chains!) Kelp forests provide shelter & food for many underwater creatures! Fun Fact! Protists are responsible for producing about ½ of the Earth’s oxygen!

  14. How well do you know your protists? • First, sort the cards into the following categories: • Plant-Like (Algae) • Animal-Like (Protozoa) • Fungi-Like • Answer the questions using the protists on the cards!

  15. Before you leave, answer the following question on a sheet of paper (share!):How would you classify this protist? This protist uses its flagella for movement, but is able to produce its own food. It does this because it contains green-colored chloroplasts which are used to carry out photosynthesis.

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