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Spain builds an empire

Spain builds an empire. Entry Task. Take out your notes from Monday Read through your Big Idea and Notes Create your 2 sentence summary. . Spanish Conquistadors. Conquistador is a soldier who led a military expeditions to the Americas

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Spain builds an empire

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  1. Spain builds an empire

  2. Entry Task • Take out your notes from Monday • Read through your Big Idea and Notes • Create your 2 sentence summary.

  3. Spanish Conquistadors • Conquistador is a soldier who led a military expeditions to the Americas • Set their sites on the advanced civilizations of the Aztecs and the Incas • How did the voyages of Columbus affect the Incas and Aztecs?

  4. Hernan Cortez • Sailed to present day Mexico in 1519 to conquer the Aztecs • Wanted gold and silver • Wanted converts to Christianity • Brought 508 soldiers and 100 sailors against thousands of Aztec Warriors • Remember the Aztecs were the best warriors of all the native people.

  5. Moctezuma II vs. Cortez • The fall of the Aztecs

  6. The downfall of the Incas • Francisco Pizarro • Went to the Inca Empire with only 400 men • Incas were at a disadvantage when it came to weapons • Thousands killed in battle • ¾ of the Incas and Aztecs died from disease

  7. Exploring the Southeast • Juan Ponce De Leon • Conquered Puerto Rico in 1511 • Discovered present day Florida • Began his search for the rumored fountain of youth. • Never found the fabled fountain and did not colonize Florida

  8. Exploring the Southwest • Group of explorers made it to the Mississippi River and were shipwrecked and captured by Natives. • Francisco Vasquez de Coronado- Set out to find Eldorado and the legendary Seven Cities of Gold that were rumored to exist in the SW • Discovered the Grand Canyon

  9. Results of Exploration • Spanish fleets brought 200 tons of gold and 18,600 back to Spain! • By 1650- 3 to 4 million inhabitants in the Americas • Established the Ecomienda system

  10. Ecomiendasystem • Allowed the settlers (Spanish) to tax the Native Americans or to make them work. Settlers were supposed to protect the Native Americans • Basically slavery in terrible conditions

  11. It’s Debate time! • Rules for Debate • Keep it professional! • Only speak in turn with no random outbursts • Stick to the topic • No Personal Attacks!!!!

  12. Las Casas vs. The plantation owners • Using your notes, your book and your brain • Come up your sides viewpoint on the interaction • Think from their point of view • Some key points to remember • Las Casas felt that Natives should be treated with gentle kindness • The plantation owners had a business to run • Jot down your main points as a group and then elect one person to debate for your group

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