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Chapter 12
Chap 12 section 1 page 390 1. formal schooling 2. The open classroom 3. Charter schools 4. Magnet Schools 5. for-profit schools
Sec 1 overview Development and Structure of Education Although schools in America today have evolved from the factory-model system of education prevalent in the early 1900s, they are still based on specialization, rules and procedures, and impersonality. Proponents of the bureaucratic system claim that it is efficient and enables specialization among professional educators. Critics argue that this system is inappropriate and cannot adequately respond to the needs of all children. Various movements have sought to reform education. The humanistic movement in education, beginning in the 1960s, focused on creating a more democratic, student-focused learning environment. In the 1990s, the "back-to-basics" movement pushed for a return to a traditional curriculum and more bureaucratic methods. Other debates have arisen over voucher systems, charter schools, magnet schools, and for-profit schools.
Formal schooling 1. _formal_ schooling is education that is provided and regulated by society.
Open Classroom 2. The _open_ classroom is a non-bureacractic approach to education based on democracy, flexibility and no competitiveness.
Charter Schools 3. _Charter_ schools are public schools that are operated like private schools by public school teachers and administration.
Magnet Schools 4. _Magnet_ schools are public schools that focus on particular disciplines or areas, such as fine arts or sciences.
For-profit schools 5. _for-profit_ schools are schools run by private companies on government funds.
Chap 12 sec 1 class work Page 392 Read article Understanding freedom and education in America Answer questions 1 and 2 below
Chap 12 sec 2 page 396 1. Manifest function 2. Latent Function 3.Tracking 4. Meritocracy 5. Competition
Manifest Function 1. _Manifest Function_ is an action that produces an intended and recognized result.
Latent Function 2. _Latent Function_ is an action that produces an unintended and unrecognized results.
Tracking 3. _Tracking_ is the placement of students in programs according to academic ability levels.
Meritocracy 4. _Meritocracy_ is a society in which social status is based on ability and achievement.
Competition 5. _Competition_ is a system in which rewards are based on relative performance.
Chap12 sec 2 class work pg399 Please read the article educating yourself for the future. Answer the following question what do you plan to do when you grow up and what educational path do you need to take to get there
Educational Equality 1. _educational equality_ is the condition in which schooling produces the same results for lower-class and minority children as it does for other children.
Cognitive Ability 2. _Cognitive_ ability is the capacity for thinking abstractly.
Cultural Bias 3. _Cultural Bias_ is the unfair measurement of the cognitive abilities of people in some social categories.
School desegregation 4. School _desegregation_ is the achievement of a racial balance in the classroom.
Multicultural education 5. _multicultural_ education is an educational curriculum that emphasizes differences among gender, ethnic and racial categories.